General & Others Am I the only one that gets the Sternritters vibe from Holy Knights and Gorosei lol?

Am I overthink this?

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Their outfits may have similarities but Holy Knights also have monarchy inspirations. And One Piece is way goofier than Bleach's uniforms.

Bleach was so bland as a whole, I'm glad one of my stupid addictions ended like a decade ago or so.
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Sternritters were actually a threat.

HK don't have any aura. Apart from Shamrock
Holy Knights just made a move in this chapter lmao.

For now, Shamrock is only good at throwing blades on Loki who was a non-moving target.
He had more panel time and has power-level hype due to sharing Shanks' blood.

Anyway, they ain't even the real deal. Gorosei and Imu are.
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@kekaro @Sentinel elders dont have dfs this gonna happen
I know before you even thought of this:
I think so, or rather he even gonna absorb his powers back (ywach style) to be complete before a final confrontation is my current bet

I said this on a other point but the gorosei are just not good or interesting characters to be a final set of villain. They have like negative personality which is very un-oda like for a group of villains for the SHs. Like even if someone hates oda i cant imagine they can make a argument that the current gorosei will be a main villain group compared to literal every other group the SHs faced. Even the Seraphim have more indivdiual personality and those are literal clone robots
Any fellas that are not familiar with who the Sternritters are, they're basically a group of Quincy (a race in Bleach) that serves as the final antagonist group in Thousand Year Blood War (the final arc in Bleach) under the leadership of Quincy Jesus, Yhwach.

Now that the Bleach lore is out of the way, let's get to the actual topic of the thread.

Doesn't Sommers and Kirinham gives y'all the Pepe and As Nodt vibe lol?

The Kirinham and As Nodt comparison is there, even Ledon posted As Nodt panel as a hint for the newest chapter. Both generate fear as their main abilities except that Kirinham can create monsters from children's nightmare in physical forms. While As Nodt inflict fear upon his opponent causing psychological hallucinations that can hurt you mentally. Obviously Kirinham is nowhere as dope and cool and As Nodt but y'all get the point.

Then you got Sommers and Pepe-sama, now I'm not sure if Sommers's ability got revealed yet or that both fear and nightmare manifestation is both Kirinham's abilities (which I think it is) then Sommers would get something else. Then he mentions at the end of the chapter something about "Love is all about hurting each other."

Then I was like, "Isn't this motherfucker just like Pepe from Bleach lol?"

Pepe is like a Cupid. Anyone who got hit by his Cupid's Arrow will automatically fall in love with him and obey whatever his commands are. If Sommers's abilities is remotely anywhere near Pepe's ability then the comparison is there (ultra lowbailing on this one Lmao).

Gunko is definitely fitting for the Bambies. Shamrock is either giving off Haschwalth or Quilge Opie energy (feel like I'm slandering Shamrock for the Opie comparison xD).

Yeah, y'all see the points now. Imu would be Yhwach in this case (the first could potentially be the final villain while the latter is the actual final villain of Bleach).

Gorosei would be equivalent of Imu's Royal Guards.

(obviously the Gorosei doesn't have the same aura as Askin, Gerald, and whatnot).

Yhwach's and Imu's abilities can both take their subordinates' powers away (Imu killing off Saturn).

Just to replace Saturn with Garling is absolute sigma move from Imu.

Garling is giving me Haschwalth vibe.

Or y'all can think Nusjuro is the "Haschwalth" of the Gorosei while Garling joining the Elders would be equivalent of Uryu joining Yhwach's Sternritters I guess.

So ye, I can't be the only one that gets this same vibe Lmao. It's too good for Oda to not pull a TYBW for One Piece's final arc lol.

Thoughts? @MonsterKaido @Jaguark101 @MarineHQ @Sir Yasheen etc etc.
With final villains that mid, I am glad I dropped Bleach after the Hueco Mundo arc. :Armstrong:

One Piece, on the other hand. :Hara_What:
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This > Post TS OP.
Any fellas that are not familiar with who the Sternritters are, they're basically a group of Quincy (a race in Bleach) that serves as the final antagonist group in Thousand Year Blood War (the final arc in Bleach) under the leadership of Quincy Jesus, Yhwach.

Now that the Bleach lore is out of the way, let's get to the actual topic of the thread.

Doesn't Sommers and Kirinham gives y'all the Pepe and As Nodt vibe lol?

The Kirinham and As Nodt comparison is there, even Ledon posted As Nodt panel as a hint for the newest chapter. Both generate fear as their main abilities except that Kirinham can create monsters from children's nightmare in physical forms. While As Nodt inflict fear upon his opponent causing psychological hallucinations that can hurt you mentally. Obviously Kirinham is nowhere as dope and cool and As Nodt but y'all get the point.

Then you got Sommers and Pepe-sama, now I'm not sure if Sommers's ability got revealed yet or that both fear and nightmare manifestation is both Kirinham's abilities (which I think it is) then Sommers would get something else. Then he mentions at the end of the chapter something about "Love is all about hurting each other."

Then I was like, "Isn't this motherfucker just like Pepe from Bleach lol?"

Pepe is like a Cupid. Anyone who got hit by his Cupid's Arrow will automatically fall in love with him and obey whatever his commands are. If Sommers's abilities is remotely anywhere near Pepe's ability then the comparison is there (ultra lowbailing on this one Lmao).

Gunko is definitely fitting for the Bambies. Shamrock is either giving off Haschwalth or Quilge Opie energy (feel like I'm slandering Shamrock for the Opie comparison xD).

Yeah, y'all see the points now. Imu would be Yhwach in this case (the first could potentially be the final villain while the latter is the actual final villain of Bleach).

Gorosei would be equivalent of Imu's Royal Guards.

(obviously the Gorosei doesn't have the same aura as Askin, Gerald, and whatnot).

Yhwach's and Imu's abilities can both take their subordinates' powers away (Imu killing off Saturn).

Just to replace Saturn with Garling is absolute sigma move from Imu.

Garling is giving me Haschwalth vibe.

Or y'all can think Nusjuro is the "Haschwalth" of the Gorosei while Garling joining the Elders would be equivalent of Uryu joining Yhwach's Sternritters I guess.

So ye, I can't be the only one that gets this same vibe Lmao. It's too good for Oda to not pull a TYBW for One Piece's final arc lol.

Thoughts? @MonsterKaido @Jaguark101 @MarineHQ @Sir Yasheen etc etc.
not specifically the sternritter but this is a very stock kind of shonen bad guy faction. the Nobodies in Kingdom Hearts, the Akatsuki in Naruto, the Homunculi in FMA. I think Oda is doing it on purpose, they feel like they're bad guys from another series who walked into One Piece.
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Yes, and I wouldn't be surprised if Imu pulls a Yhwach either later down the line, by stripping their powers away somehow.
the arrow thing with Gunko makes me think Imu will end up having all the powers of their subordinates, yeah.
That depends, how badass, competent and how much aura the Sternritters have ?
Only like a few of them has all that tbh lol.

Mask De Masculine looks like a clown (he's basically like Queen of the Beast Pirates) but man was putting in work, he mogs 2 captains + 3 lieutenants. One of the lieutenants also has a Bankai btw. Unfortunately Mask got hypetooled by the "Vegeta" of the series though.

Then you have a guy who literally has one, if not the most broken power in the series (reality warping), which is stronger than the main boss Yhwach's abilities himself but he got himself killed due to his own stupidity.

So there are a few exceptions to that. There are 26 Sternritters (goes by alphabet letters) and I'd say like around 10 of them are competent and badass. The rest are fodders or useless or both.
No because they aren't taking over, they are the ones being invaded. The Sternritters were closer to ants from HxH or Akatsuki.

What Oda seems to be doing here is the 'hell on earth trope', very very common in fantasy; evil took over and became the new norm to the extent that demons in plain sight become viewed as gods and the main character is the cleansing force of 'true good'. It's made more clear by the fact that so far, the celestial dragon abilities have all been demonic in design and Luffy in contrast has a god form.

So this is closer in nature to aliens in Gintama, CP9 or Skypia.