Anime producer talks about the future of the series in Saudi Arabia Anime Expo.



Lmfao I told people. OP's ending. By chapter 1000, Luffy will beat Kaido, Zoro will beat King, Sanji will beat Queen. Roger had a 5.5 billion bounty, and Luffy will get 5.6 (gomu). Mark it down. That will essentially end the Yonko Saga and endgame stuff will start.

I made it clear Boundman's strength was Top Tier from the get go. It physically overpowered Kaido (not to mention Kata/Doffy). All he was lacking was advanced CoA, and that will essentially put his offence on PK level right here on Wano. THEN, EOS vs. Blackbeard they will both surpass even PK level/Prime Roger/WB.
Luffy wont solo Kaido
Boundman AP was above High tiers but not really top tier... I forgot it couldn't break out of Katakuri stickiness when it arm was stuck.
it didnt physically overpower Kaido, kado didjt block and it needed lots of hits to put Kaido on ge floor.

Sire g4 with basic hakj will damage top tiers who arent Kaido/BM .

Right now luffy can beat any top tier but I cant see how he solo Kaido BM Akainu BB 1 vs 1 yet
Thanks to Sandman for another translation

It's funny, though expected, that Oda wasn't as moved by Stampede as Naito and the others were. 'Challenge Accepted' lmao

Wow, the Sandman translation makes it even clearer that Naito is almost begging fans who may have kept away ( I wonder why? :feelsokeman:) to come back and read the Wano arc as it happens. Rather than waiting for it to come out in Volumes.
Lmfao I told people. OP's ending. By chapter 1000, Luffy will beat Kaido
You still making that bet? Lol, cause it aint happening in 25 chapters.

In fact, like with every "Oda/Editor Confirmation", I am willing to bet 5 years is extremely blown out of proportion in an effort to attract fans of this manga to feel more invested as we reach the manga's final phases. It won't be 5 more years (which is now 4.2 more years), it will be longer. Maybe in 5 years we will reach the beginning phases of the Final War, that way people can see the end of the road but it will still take many chapters to actually finish. You realize that after 300+ chapters Oda has only dealt with Kaido and (maybe) Big Mom right? After this arc finishes, he still has:

- Address 2 more Yonko, 3 if Big Mom's storyline continues.
- Sabo, the Revolutionaries and their plot with Vivi/Alabasta, Kuma, and more
- Vegapunk, his Marine Science Division, and the SSG
- Caesar and Judge/Germa, assuming they are not returning in Wano (my assumption is a Vegapunk arc)
- Whereabouts of Smoker and Tashigi
- Tie up the remaining Supernova storylines, i.e. Bonney and Urouge. Tie up whatever Supernova plotlines that lead them to ally with Luffy for the end or face against him.
- Bring the Strawhat fleet back into the fold
- Bring back Crocodile, Enel and Moria, who have been teased to have further relevance in the story.
- Tie in all former shichibukai and their remaining plotlines (Hancock, Kuma, Mihawk, Buggy and Weevil)
- Aokiji's whole deal with Teach
- The Marines in general (Akainu being a driving force against Luffy aside from Blackbeard in the least). Fujitora, Ryokugyu and Kizaru's roles in the end.
- Sword and their significance opposed to the entire Marine force.
- Locations like Vegapunk's facility (if its part of the other locations in this list), Elbaf, God Valley, Lodestar, Laugh Tale, New Marineford and Mariejois being addressed. Where will the Final War take place? My guess is the final 2 locations I mentioned.
- The Entire World Government. Im's play. Gorosei, Kong, etc etc.
- The 3 Ancient Weapons
- Void Century/True History
- Laugh Tale
- And like 50 other minor/character plotlines I'm not mentioning.

Its not ending in less than 5 years. Its not ending in less than 200 chapters. Wano still has at least 60-70 chapters to go and that is being generous. Even if Wano's ending is 'surprising', it will certainly not address the majority of the above here.

And listen, even if he merges some of the plotlines and character arcs together, it still doesn't matter. He needs to dedicate whole chapters and plotlines to even finish or tie up these things. You can have a Vegapunk arc that deals with CP-0, Kuma, Sabo, Bonney, SSG, and more, or you can have Vegapunk reside on Elbaf and it not only deals with that, but Loki, Giants, Usopp's personal story, and whatever else the island revolves around. OR you can have it all thrown into the final war, it just makes the final war longer.

Point is, it needs to be addressed and will take time, unless you expect One Piece to end like Bleach.
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