Announcement Another Loss In Our Community


King of Knights
I remember how much she stood out from other users because of her kindness, and everyone liked her. Seeing one of her posts feels like remembering a lost friend, even though I never got to talk to her personally. I guess that's the legacy people like Kirinigiri leave behind, even after they're gone. Even if it's just on an internet forum.
Rest in peace.
I was curious to read what I wrote at the time this was created.

Life is short, so choose to live it every day or it'll it pass you by without looking back. The most valuable currency in our world is time, so spend it wisely. I recommend spending it on the things you love and with the people that you love. They might not be here tomorrow. You might not be here tomorrow.

Rest in Peace, Emily.
I must admit I have lapsed in practicing what I preach. I suppose that's only human.

Thank you for the reminder, Emily.

Rest in Peace