Beyond Justice imo! Justice so true, the Marines highly approve of it too! G5 represent!
@SmokedOut Fujitora is blind but even he can see such a wonderful job you did too!

Another song for Kiri, this one is especially close to my heart and I hope somehow it can reach out to her in the Heavens and she knows how loved she was by so many of us here and elsewhere too, although I'm certainly she already knows ofc and she clearly loved us too given we were in her thoughts despite being in her final days and bedridden too. Her sister even said the same thing on her status on her profile ofc! :
For us to remember us in her final moments, to think of us as death's door approached her, its a honour I cannot describe and something I will never forget and take until my own grave when my time comes too. Its a real privilege bestowed upon us.
The message from her sister about her final weeks, her thoughts and feelings speak volumes about herself, her character and what she thought of us too. Such an incredible person.
Another songs for you too Kiri, our own personal Tashigi at that:
May your wings perservere eternally into the afterlife, to carry you into Heaven and into Gods and angels loving arms.