General & Others Anyone who uses a sword is a swordsman. Yes, including Big Mom and Kizaru.

Why would he, and why do you assume he wouldn't versatilize his style as the fight kept going? And why are you focusing on Rayleigh's haki mastery instead of his weapon, which was my point? Would Kizaru 100% still use a lightsword against a Garp?
So Kizaru migth have other style possibly more effective but he held back ?

Manga wise he was angry at being unable to capture the SHs cuz Rayleigh.

There's no assumptions if Kizaru had something more effective to acomplish his mission he would have definitely use it.

I'm not sold on him being a Swordman tbh just pointing out this.


The only one who can beat me is me
Oda would laugh at you if you told him Kizaru is a swordsman. Dude doesn't even carry a sword. At best you can make an argument semantically, narratively speaking it's irrelevant, he isn't confined to, or measured by, any swordsman standards. Funnily enough Fujitora has shown less actual sword skill but his character makeup is that of a swordsman, not Kizaru who literally doesn't have even have a sword.

This fanbase is caught up in some of the most nonsensical debates and this never ending sword debate is at the forefront.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Oda would laugh at you if you told him Kizaru is a swordsman. Dude doesn't even carry a sword. At best you can make an argument semantically, narratively speaking it's irrelevant, he isn't confined to, or measured by, any swordsman standards. Funnily enough Fujitora has shown less actual sword skill but his character makeup is that of a swordsman, not Kizaru who literally doesn't have even have a sword.

This fanbase is caught up in some of the most nonsensical debates and this never ending sword debate is at the forefront.
All admirals are trained in swordsmanship to a point. And he fought a legendary swordsman blow for blow. Somehow i dont think oda would laugh.
So Kizaru migth have other style possibly more effective but he held back ?
I'm proposing contextuality yet, and correct me if I'm wrong, you are answering me with absolutes. It isn't a matter of whether the lightsword is "less effective" and therefore he held back, it is a matter of discussing the possibility that, against a haki master swordsman, it would be better to use his light as a weapon in order to not expose his body too much, and this doesn't mean that against a haki master brawler, a swordsman with worse haki, etc. said lightsword would be necessarily as convenient as kicks, light shots or whatever.

Yes he probably would.
Baseless, which is my point. Until we actually see Kizaru face another person of Rayleigh's level you have no examples to support anything and you will likely resort to ad ignorantiam fallacies.


World's Strongest Swordsman
I'm proposing contextuality yet, and correct me if I'm wrong, you are answering me with absolutes. It isn't a matter of whether the lightsword is "less effective" and therefore he held back, it is a matter of discussing the possibility that, against a haki master swordsman, it would be better to use his light as a weapon in order to not expose his body too much, and this doesn't mean that against a haki master brawler, a swordsman with worse haki, etc. said lightsword would be necessarily as convenient as kicks, light shots or whatever.

Baseless, which is my point. Until we actually see Kizaru face another person of Rayleigh's level you have no examples to support anything and you will likely resort to ad ignorantiam fallacies.
No you clown its you who needs to prove it. The evidence we have points to him being a swordsman. Youre propsing he held back the most weve seen him pushed when the narrative doesnt fit that considering he jailed people in rage cause he couldnt get passed rayleigh. What part of that speaks of him having a better fighting style?
No you clown its you who needs to prove it. The evidence we have points to him being a swordsman. Youre propsing he held back the most weve seen him pushed when the narrative doesnt fit that considering he jailed people in rage cause he couldnt get passed rayleigh. What part of that speaks of him having a better fighting style?
I'm not really proposing that he held back, understand what you're reading before feeling entitled to insult someone. I repeat, I'm discussing contextuality, therefore it makes no sense for you to come with some "better fighting style". What I'm discussing here is that, against Rayleigh, chosing the fighting style of swordsmanship was the best strategy but not necessarily his only one in other scenarios.

To put it simple, if we only have the example of Kizaru using his lightsword in a 1 versus 1 duel that happens to be against a haki master swordsman, then we have no way to assure how will he fight another top tier who isn't a swordsman and/or a haki master. Which is why you're bound to commit an ad ignorantiam fallacy, "clown"; because we have no B yet you're trying to make statements about it using A.
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If you read the op properly he makes the distinction with people to just pick up a sword ala luffy kuzan.
Kuzan created the sword, so he more than likely know how how to use it base on being a high ranking marine and recieving training from other marines. Still doesnt change that he a versatile fighter

It like people forget that you can know more than one skill... and not just one.


1 - BM physical strength is the main key why she does all this crazy feats.
2 - She started using her hat Napoleon when she already Peaked.
3 - Never stated as swordman nor does she rely on swordmanship as main/sole source of her powers
4 - She was using a huge Gun during Rocks , are you also gonna say she's a Gunner/Sniper?
5 - Her biggest hype is her physical stats + the 2 main Homies stats

She can spam island level attacks with Zeus & Prometheus, fuse with them, fly, they are invincible ( only brook powers or natural counter can hurt them a little) ,she can manipulate the weather with them.

This woman :
>Used only her hands with Zeus & Prometheus from 5 till 18/20s
>Used a Gun with the 2 main homies during Rocks till 38 years ago
>Used a Gun or just her hands with homies till 25-20 years ago , was solid top tier already.
> started using Napoleon with the 2 homies till now. And can still brawl

You cant define her fighting style just coz you see her using napoleon (the only homie she had at her side ) vs Kaido.
She brawls and can do whatever with whatever weapon/thing and still be solid top tier.
It's only when she loses her physical aspect that's when her AP/DC/dura/endurance goes down ::

  • Skinny Linlin with Homies => low top ( this is why Napoleon could be blocked briefly by Jinbei yet normal BM matches Kaido)
  • Base Linlin => mid top tier. (top tier brawler) >with Napoleon => matches or overpower top tier wielders (of any weapon)
  • Linlin with Zeus & Prom. (Fused) => upper-mid top tier (gains advatange or counters)
  • Linlin with the 3 at max => upper-high top tier
Napoleon adds nothing much to BM except channelling her brute force while Zeus & Prometheus add mobility, AoE, bigger DC and Hax + better dura (they can shield her body or arms) also they can distract her enemies attention.
Zoro used rengoku Oni giri with a scythe
He still had 2 swords ... zoro attacks are swordmanship skills. Create from swordmanship.

Elbaf attacks aren't solely sword techniques, they are techniques that anyone can use, whether you are a swordman or brawler or axe man or sniper. Warriors who can use any weapon or technique , they dont depend on one set.

Wano : swordmanship skills and hakj are the core,
Elbaf : all around warriors, brute strength is the key.

The reason why Kizaru used a sword vs Ray is because Ray CoO wont allow Kizaru to move freely as light or spam light attacks also Ray isnt physically strong as WB so Kizaru can clash evenly and Ray CoO > Sick WB at MF.

Kizaru and BM aren't swordmen, they are all around fighters.
Shanks and Fuji are the swordmen of their groups.


World's Strongest Swordsman
I'm not proposing that he held back, understand what you're reading before feeling entitled to insult someone. I repeat, I'm discussing contextuality, therefore it makes no sense for you to come with some "better fighting style". What I'm discussing here is that, against Rayleigh, chosing the fighting style of swordsmanship was the best strategy but not necessarily his only one in other scenarios.

To put it simple, if we only have the example of Kizaru using his lightsword in a 1 versus 1 duel that happens to be against a haki master swordsman, then we literally have no way to assure how will he fight another top tier who isn't a swordsman and/or a haki master. Which is why you're bound to commit an ad ignorantiam fallacy, "clown"; because we have no B yet you're trying to make statements about it using A.
The notion he used a lesser fighting style vs ray doesnt fit the manga though clown as ive stated. Considering he was raging after that doesnt suggest he had another superior way of fighting tucked away. The best fighting style is the best fighting style. Luffys not gonna pick a sword in a hard fought battle and zoros not suddenly gonna start brawling.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Kuzan created the sword, so he more than likely know how how to use it base on being a high ranking marine and recieving training from other marines. Still doesnt change that he a versatile fighter

It like people forget that you can know more than one skill... and not just one.
People can have more than one skill but when they are pushed the will use their best.