Powers & Abilities Are non-weapon users underrated

Brawlers like Garp are huge threat btw they need to train almost alway if not more than swordsmen.

Swordsmenship is a skill that needs dojo master to train you proper way to handle them. Brawlers like luffy, garp will always need to train beyond limits because they can only learn to improve from actual fights.


Zoro Worshipper
In general yes but if the non weapon users have better skill than the weapon users then the non weapon users would be way better overall.
Swordsmanship is the most versatile of all styles on a linear scale. Some DF powers mess with it pretty badly however like I mentioned before.

All is relative, look at the Enel-Luffy controversy for example.
Imagine that you have few fighters in your subbordinates whi never fight in any real battle, and bad in battle overall. While you are commander, so what you will do? Give em swords or other weapons, or just leave em be, with barehands?))
Answer is obvious.
If your subordinates are weak, giving them weapons doesnt change the results, their chances of dying are the same as if they are barehanded if we are talking one piece lol

You prove nothing here.
Bruh this was your question:

How exactly barehand user could be on same line?
I proved how. Most barehanded users are already masters of a martial art once they do not carry a weapon. Giving random shmucks weapons in general dont give them advantage if they arent skilled with them, nor if they are weaker in general.

Only gives them an advantage over people that are just as shit lol, and i dont think this thread is talking about fodder in particular
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In general yes but if the non weapon users have better skill than the weapon users then the non weapon users would be way better overall.
This is something people are failing to grasp, acting like Lufffy wasnt fighting equally with Zoro back in whiskey peak despite him not having swords lol
I'd say they aren't underrated solely because of Garp.
He's humble, but he's also recognized by the world as the closest thing to Roger.
If it weren't for him, hand-to-hands would be getting cheated. But thx to him, they do just fine
When is luffy underrated. Most of the time its just that because he is MC , things get done from which people may not be satisfied. I wouldn't call that under estimating. Garp was underestimated by stupid people.
When Zoro fanboys put Luffy's subordinate above him because he uses swords.
This has been settled by Oda way back in Arlong park where he showed swords weaken Luffy's attack power.
In the east blue his punches were destroying boulders and his kicks were destroying multi story buildings.
Luffy busted through Kriegs steel armor well before Zoro learned to cut steel.