Powers & Abilities At what point did Oda retcon Luffy's DF?

Bro just look at the lazy explanation of the devil fruit origins. I suspect Lolda even made that shit up before the chapter. He fooled you simpletons.
You might have been reading the story just for the fights at this point. DF origins will obviously be explained more in depth but the basic outline VP have us fits perfectly with the already established themes.
Probably a week before the G5 chapter
The week he was debating with his editors and they accepted his decision
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Lazt how? Because it wasn't the generic bullshit "It fell off some special tree" that everyone was expecting? Lmao, THAT would have been lazy.

We've literally seen people throughout the series without Devil Fruits manifesting special abilities. So the explanation that the powers come from the desires of people makes 100 percent sense, because different people can use different abilities even without devil fruits.

How else would you explain how people manifested special abilities without devil fruits?
No, oda came up with this on the fly too
That's why he leaves haki fully unexplained!

He adds stuff or retcons and gives you some bogus explanations and you guys think he always gave hints or that he really wanted to do so

Luffy being Nika Joyboy with g5 is something he made it up in Wano
His own recent interviews proves it
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The week he was debating with his editors and they accepted his decision
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No, oda came up with this on the fly too
That's why he leaves haki fully unexplained!

He adds stuff or retcons and gives you some bogus explanations and you guys think he always gave hints or that he really wanted to do so

Luffy being Nika Joyboy with g5 is something he made it up in Wano
His own recent interviews proves it
Or he does that shit purposely because for 25 years it's worked to keep people engaged and talking about the series.

I always find it hilarious how all these things that seemed to be connected throughout the series just gets brushed off as giant coincidences by you guys though. It's amazing how one artist just blindly writes a story full of coincidences and accidentally became the best selling manga artist by a landslide.

Can't wait till he reveals what the One Piece is, and you guys start saying he made that up the night before as well, because you know you're going to. I'm predicting it right now, lol
To me it's clear that Oda retconned Luffy's DF to a mythical Zooan, but I'm not sure when. It might be earlier than expected.

It's interesting noticing that in every one of Luffy's major battles Oda is starting to hint that Luffy's DF is more than just rubber.

In Dressrosa


In Wano

Kaido's comment was the most perceptive, outright declaring that simple rubber is not enough to do that. Although this is clearly Oda setting up the upcoming transformation.
:lusalty: no
I'm the one who provided examples with my original post. I get countered with "Lol Oda scrub, he makes shit up because I said so."

And you say I'm the one Straw manning.

Can we facepalm together?

We did that too, you just blindly repeated "roflt coincidences lol". And at the end you tried to strawman with the OP.

So yeah, we can faceplam together.