Questions & Mysteries Black Blades and Elbaf

It is imperative that we gain further insight into the process of forging black blades, as Oda has yet to provide a comprehensive explanation. It would have been prudent for him to disclose this information during the Wano arc, given the exceptional craftsmanship of the Wano citizens.
Dorry and Brogy coming to save Nika
Saul having the text books
Elbaf being the strongest nation in the world so I assume their swordsman are top tier
Perhaps, I doubt we'll see any new characters with black blades though, it would feel strange to have top of the verse swordsmen not have them and some random giant we've never heard of has a black axe or something. What I could picture is there being a black blade that was "forged" in the past and inherited by another giant, similar to Shusui with Zoro.