General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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I believe it can happen, but since I think Kaido's defeat will be by a joint force, the reward will be diluted among the participants.

I think it's not now that the crew establish themselves as the strongest, but after defeating Teach's crew. After that I think some will be worth over a billion. Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe and Usopp

Of course it all depends on how it is reported, but with Drake and CP0 I think it will be the opposite of WCI
I'm ashamed of my naivete thinking that Wano would be different, after recent events and mainly, thinking better, I have new hunches.

Luffy - 5 billion (Luffy always gets a bigger reward than his enemy, this time it won't be different.)
Zoro - 1.8 billion
Sanji - 1.5 billion
Usopp - 1 billion (Usopp always gets relevant in some way, this time with the lies from chapter 1024, but I also believe he can fight Perosperos, who has been using the bow in Wano.)
Jinbe - 700 million
Robin - 666 million (I saw the idea above and found it interesting, it is consistent with the facts and I believe that Oda can make this reference.)
Franky - 580 million
Brook 390 - million
Nami - 260 million
Chopper - 1000

Yamato - 800 million (Because she's Kaido's daughter)

Law - 1.9 billion (Will Defeat Big Mom)
Kid - 1.9 billion (Will Defeat Big Mom)
Killer - 590 million

Mihawk - 2.7 billion (I believe the Navy sent Fujitora after him and of course Fujitora will lose)
Hancock - 790 million (I honestly don't see her being worth that much, not even after defeating Koby, I just put it higher so I don't get so close to Robin)
Buggy - 560 million
Crocodile - 490 million
Mihawk - 2.7 billion (I believe the Navy sent Fujitora after him and of course Fujitora will lose)
Hancock - 790 million (I honestly don't see her being worth that much, not even after defeating Koby, I just put it higher so I don't get so close to Robin)
Buggy - 560 million
Crocodile - 490 million[/QUOTE]

That could increase Mihawks bounty to the 3,5 billions.
King being under Luffy's 1.5 billion bounty would seem to further reinforce that anyone getting really close to 2 billion or over is really exceptional, after it was speculated that King might be 1.8 billion. It seems that you really start to go over 1.5 billion once you're widely and seriously seen as Emperor/Pirate King material, and may reinforce how Lucky Roux, Yasopp, and Benn Beckmann might be under 1.5 billion instead of over, unless Beckmann's role as vice captain made him more exceptional.
Mihawk - 2.7 billion (I believe the Navy sent Fujitora after him and of course Fujitora will lose)
Hancock - 790 million (I honestly don't see her being worth that much, not even after defeating Koby, I just put it higher so I don't get so close to Robin)
Buggy - 560 million
Crocodile - 490 million
Mihawk bounty between 2-3B make sense, not more since he is not a Yonkou and having a crew but for a single person 2-3B is very high.
The rest is good too, but you forget Weevil.
Weevil 1.5-2B....
Mihawk - 2.7 billion (I believe the Navy sent Fujitora after him and of course Fujitora will lose)
Hancock - 790 million (I honestly don't see her being worth that much, not even after defeating Koby, I just put it higher so I don't get so close to Robin)
Buggy - 560 million
Crocodile - 490 million
That could increase Mihawks bounty to the 3,5 billions.[/QUOTE]
I don't think things work that way. Captains have a much greater reward than the crew, although they are not proportionately as strong precisely because they have influence over that crew.

Mihawk doesn't have that crew factor to increase his reward so much. Interestingly 2.7 billion is also my bet for Kuzan's reward
Mihawk - 2.7 billion (I believe the Navy sent Fujitora after him and of course Fujitora will lose)
Hancock - 790 million (I honestly don't see her being worth that much, not even after defeating Koby, I just put it higher so I don't get so close to Robin)
Buggy - 560 million
Crocodile - 490 million
That could increase Mihawks bounty to the 3,5 billions.[/QUOTE]
The thing with this is Blackbeard has an admiral under his command/allied with him and even his bounty isn’t that high.

If mihawks on his own in the grand line I think his bounty would only be around the low 1 billions. Whereas if he allies with an emperor it’ll be high 1 billions to low 2 billion. The connection of emperors is something that can’t be over looked imo.
I think its very impressive that Ulti's Bounty is 400 Million when she's only 22 years old.. If you compare with Zoro and Sanji who are the main protagonists and have Bounties of 320 and 330 Million.. For a secondary character to have such Bounty at such a young age is a feat on its own..

Let me know if there are other characters like Ulti with a big Bounty that i missed..
Of course I meant as per prediction : P
Shit, totally misread.

But yeah, Mihawk will definitely have a higher bounty than Hancock.

I think I'd be interested in seeing if Mihawk's bounty breaches the 2 billion mark, or whether it will be locked somewhere in the 1 billion range.

I think it would be funny if Mihawk's bounty was similar, either slightly smaller, or slightly larger than Luffy's current bounty.
Finally got to see the bounties iof King and Queen... yeah, there is no way that non-captain except perhaps Rayleigh, Gaban and Oden, have bounties largely over 1,5 millions (which also explains why Luffy getting that after WCI was such a huge event worldwide).

As for the SH, I think they'll be around the range of the F6; with perhaps Usopp getting a bigger update than he deserves, to prepare for Elbaf, where I suspect his "God" epithet and bounty will come to bite him in the ass.
I think its very impressive that Ulti's Bounty is 400 Million when she's only 22 years old.. If you compare with Zoro and Sanji who are the main protagonists and have Bounties of 320 and 330 Million.. For a secondary character to have such Bounty at such a young age is a feat on its own..

Let me know if there are other characters like Ulti with a big Bounty that i missed..
Page one two at 20 with 290m is also kinda impressive when 50yr old bums in big mom crew have similar bounties.
Kaido crew ok average seems to have a a youngish crew with insane bounties. Jack, Page one Ulti and Black Maria are all under 30.
Page one two at 20 with 290m is also kinda impressive when 50yr old bums in big mom crew have similar bounties.
Kaido crew ok average seems to have a a youngish crew with insane bounties. Jack, Page one Ulti and Black Maria are all under 30.
Yes and no, Page One's bounty is most likely solely based on his dinosaur devil fruit for 290 Million.. He doesn't seem like a fighter and has a frail body which is why he was always seen in Zoan form or Hybrid form fighting.. With his Bounty he doesn't have Haki too..

It was stated that when you pass the 300 Million its harder to go up, so Ulti having 400 Million is something else, she has haki at 22.. And yes Jack is 28 but they are 6 years apart that's a long time.. My guess is that Ulti has potential to be a Yonko commander like Jack when she will be 28 or perhaps younger than that.. The way i see Black Maria and Ulti's bounty is like Perospero and Snack, Perospero has been a pirate longer than Snack therefore he has more notoriety, but Snack is probably stronger..

Black Maria - 480 Million
Ulti - 400 Million

Perospero - 700 Million
Snack - 600 Million
After Marco and King not hitting 1.5
People still don't learn their lessons.

No pirate can have more than 2B unless you're Yonko or legendary like Oden/Ray or you're the way great pirate like luffy/kidd/law
No walord or YC can have more than Luffy's current pirate except maybe Benn & Mihawk
Zoro isn't having 1.5+ either after wank events.

1.5B+ means you're inbetweener/low top tier. Someone who can match or surpass Katakuri.
2B+ means you're a solid top tier pirate who is able to beat Admirals
4B+ means you're among the very best , able to match/beat Yonko 1v1 without help or so.

Mihawk has 1.388B if Oda is logical, 1.838 if Oda wants to Hype Mihawk above FS Luffy.
Benn 1.4 B coz he's an underling but 1.744 B if He's really a beast
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Yes and no, Page One's bounty is most likely solely based on his dinosaur devil fruit for 290 Million.. He doesn't seem like a fighter and has a frail body which is why he was always seen in Zoan form or Hybrid form fighting.. With his Bounty he doesn't have Haki too..

It was stated that when you pass the 300 Million its harder to go up, so Ulti having 400 Million is something else, she has haki at 22.. And yes Jack is 28 but they are 6 years apart that's a long time.. My guess is that Ulti has potential to be a Yonko commander like Jack when she will be 28 or perhaps younger than that.. The way i see Black Maria and Ulti's bounty is like Perospero and Snack, Perospero has been a pirate longer than Snack therefore he has more notoriety, but Snack is probably stronger..

Black Maria - 480 Million
Ulti - 400 Million

Perospero - 700 Million
Snack - 600 Million
Perospero is stronger than Snack
It's not just about age or longetivity
At this rate, Pero is simply better.
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