ls it my time to assume that you’re a troll?..
Big Mom, Kaido, Law, Kid and Luffy are pirate captains..
Zoro and Sanji are on the same crew the same logic doesn’t apply.. The whole point is that Big Mom and Kaido’s bounties add up to an even number..

Big Mom, Kaido, Law, Kid and Luffy are pirate captains..
Zoro and Sanji are on the same crew the same logic doesn’t apply.. The whole point is that Big Mom and Kaido’s bounties add up to an even number..
K&Q are seen as a dynamic duo in the same way as Kaido and Big Mom, and the trio captains has a dynamic similar to that of Zoro and Sanji. Oda can establish the same bounty logic here
Luffy got his Enies Lobby 10X
300 Million - 3 Billion
120 Million - 1.2 Billion(40%)
77 Million - 770 Million(25%)
At best Sanji gets 990 Million
Most liKely 30% of Luffy’s bounty 900 Million which is good for Sanji since that would mean he closed the Enies Lobby gap..
This chapter pretty much confirmed that the Beast Pirates bounties are inflated and that Big Mom and Kaido are 2 sides of the same coin.. Thus Sanji can still be above Queen and Smoothie YC2 and not breaK the Billion at the same time for 388 Million correlation..
This maKes the most sense..
Zoro - 1.28 Billion (4X vs 3x WCl Luffy)
Sanji - 990 Million (3X vs 3X WCl Luffy)
With Luffy being this low it’s pretty clear Oda has his mind set on having Zoro only reach the Billion bounty this time around and he will have a boost for being Known as the second strongest fighter of the Strawhats..
300 Million - 3 Billion
120 Million - 1.2 Billion(40%)
77 Million - 770 Million(25%)
At best Sanji gets 990 Million
Most liKely 30% of Luffy’s bounty 900 Million which is good for Sanji since that would mean he closed the Enies Lobby gap..
This chapter pretty much confirmed that the Beast Pirates bounties are inflated and that Big Mom and Kaido are 2 sides of the same coin.. Thus Sanji can still be above Queen and Smoothie YC2 and not breaK the Billion at the same time for 388 Million correlation..
This maKes the most sense..
Zoro - 1.28 Billion (4X vs 3x WCl Luffy)
Sanji - 990 Million (3X vs 3X WCl Luffy)
With Luffy being this low it’s pretty clear Oda has his mind set on having Zoro only reach the Billion bounty this time around and he will have a boost for being Known as the second strongest fighter of the Strawhats..
Standard ennies lobby? Really? lmao
Standard 388M you invented and it doesn't make any sense to anyone?
And you yourself cannot be consistent with your own stupid standards. Either Sanji has 777 million, or his idiotic pattern doesn't make sense.
And Zoro gets a raise for his 2nd strongest fighter? lmao this is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. Does Luffy get a raise for being 1st stronger? Does Sanji get a raise for being 3rd strongest? Hey, Jinbe gets a raise for being 5th strongest?
Increase for being 1st/2nd/3rd/4th... stronger lmaoo