I assume the details of the fights were not passed to the WG. That's why things like Ussop, Franky and Brook getting the same bounty increase happened.
Seems to be something like this, the 300m increase for Franky, Brook, Nami and Ussop are mostly by taking part in the battle and being under Luffy.
Is like how in DR everyone got a 50m for being associated with Luffy.
Robin got a 800m increase, most likely 300m for being under Luffy and 500m for her danger to the WG
For the other three, they got:
Zoro 300m+490m=790m
Sanji 300m+402=702m
Jinbei 300m+362m= 662m
Think what was reported was just that Zoro beat King, Sanji beat Queen and Jinhei beat WsW. And Jinbei more that 300m increaae come from WsW being a fomer WG agent, but mostly from he being a former Warlord as the WG seems to be putting very high bounties on them