General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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That's like saying Sanji won't get higher bounty than Robin or whoever before DR

Sanji even had higher bounty than Zoro at one point
oh you mean when he was revealed to be a vinsmoke (lineage) and Zoro not being anywhere near WCI... imagine if Zoro was revelaed to be a descendant of Ryumas at the same time zoros bounty wouldve eclipsed sanjis there.

but in the end that bounty lasted less than an arc.

sanjis bounty aint surpassing jimbeis who was ane x captain of thesun pirates, a former alliance with WB and now becoming the the most looked to after Luffy from the crew for guidance...

if anything EH showcased the fact that Sanji still isnt at a level to be considered an actual threat to the WG or anyone above YC2/3

sanji still loses to joker at this stage..


That's like saying Sanji won't get higher bounty than Robin or whoever before DR

Sanji even had higher bounty than Zoro at one point
& dont forget Gorosei still considered and prioritized Robin as a threat that needed to be immediately neutralized.

ofc she is going to also have a higher bounty than Sanjs, just cause Sanji kicked Nusjuro once but then became fodder immediately following his attack doesnt mean hes gainign any sigificant bounty above the pecking order of threat and strength, cause strength wise hes still 4th now tied with Franky in that department, dont forget Franky one shot a VA still havent seen Sanji do that, while also being a lower threat under Luffy, Robin, Zoro and Jimbei in that order, imgine if the Gorosei knew that franky was Cutty Flam and he had the blueprints for Pluton still lmfao Sanji would fall even shorter on the bount ylist.


Post Egghead
Luffy: 4 billion
Zoro: 2.22 or 2.1111 billion
Jinbei: 1.438 billion
Robin: 1.379 billion
Sanji: 1.32 billion
Bonney: 1 billion at a minimum
Lilith: 1 billion at a minimum
Usopp: 800 million
Franky: 794 million
Brook: 683 million
Nami: 666 million
Chopper: 10,000
you think lillith would join SH?
At this point i think the SH's will get a Bounty increase, because all of this shit that happened on Egghead is blamed on Luffy and co. The newspaper said Luffy took VP hostage and we have already saw some civilians making the conclusion that Luffy is the one who killed VP, because the later mentioned that if they see this broadcast he is probably dead already. So it's just perfect for the WG to blame everything on Luffy and increase his Bounty to sell the story.

I think only Luffy will get a personal Bounty increase something around 3.5 to 4 bil and the rest, with maybe some exceptions, will get the ''participation'' increase.
Luffy - if he would to get a bounty raise this arc, 4 billion berries at minimum

Bonney - over billions under a fake narrative of killing Vegapunk instead of telling the public she has control over the Pacifista

Kuma - most likely be for the destruction at Marjorie and a fake news of an assault on ST. Saturn on the holy land (the Five Elders' presence will obviously be hidden from the public)
The crew along with Bonney and Kuma should all get bounty upgrades. The Egghead incident being blamed on them, with Vegapunk dead and the Straw Hats having come to his island, I don't see why they wouldn't bigger bounties.

Of course there's the argument that it's too soon, but a counter-argument could be that this is the final saga, and each arc will really prominent and involve Luffy and his crew proving themselves and growing more notorious. A flat 100 million increase wouldn't sound crazy to me, only issue is Usopp is already rocking a bounty that's so high I'd like to see him earn it in time (increasing it simply exarcebates the problem and builds expectations/disappointment).

Maybe 4 billion for Luffy, or less depending on how Oda wants Luffy to compare to Shanks before getting ready to meet. If both are in the 4 billion range, then it really will be like a meeting of equals as far as notoriety goes.

Zoro should get a decent boost for beating Lucci and other fights/clashes like S-Hawk, Kaku, V. Nusjuro. Beating King's notoreity seems fitting, so that would go along with the Straw Hats solidifying themselves further as a standard or even better than standard Emperor crew.

I don't agree with the notion Sanji won't leave the island third highest bounty. Maybe I'm wrong, but Sanji was actually clashing against top tiers this arc and had Kizaru himself recognise him as a problem, not to mention the laser kicking. Wouldn't be shocked if he gets a decent upgrade from that, not to mention the S-Shark fight and the Mars win with Luffy, Bonney and Franky.

Jimbei, Robin and most of the crew will probably get standard increases. Fending off Saturn was nice on Brook and the weakling Trio's parts though I'm not sure if they'll get special credit for that, probably just go along with their regular increase, we'll see. Franky might get an especially high bounty or at least his face back on his poster, after really showing off this arc.

Ultimately, we'll see. Bounties should come out soon enough seeing as the arc is closing.

Luffy 4 billion
Zoro 1.4-1.6 billion
Sanji 1.33 billion
Jimbei 1.2 billion
Kuma 2 billion From a race that's supposed to be extinct or enslaved, broke out during Reverie, allied with the Straw Hats, smacking Saturn though of course they wouldn't be clear on that. I just feel as though the last surviving member of an extinct race that's a Revolutionary-Pirate that's a two time escaped slave should probably be peak notoriety, especially with how high some of the other Warlords got post-Wano.
Bonney 1 billion
Robin 1.03 billion
Usopp 600 million
Franky 500 million
Brook 483 million
Nami 466 million
Chopper If he didn't get a real bounty at Wano, why now? If Oda did, I wouldn't mind. He deserves at least 300 million. So probably more like 3000.

I could see Oda only giving some boosts, but usually the whole crew increases from important operations post-timeskip. I'm not worried about being wrong, I'm just excited for the bounties, they're a cool system for comparing pirates especially since they take into consideration more than just individual strength.
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Does anyone else expect a bounty increase after egghead? I assume the WG do blame everything on the Strawhats and they also saw first hand the strength of the strawhats.
I assume something like +1 billion for Luffy maybe but even + 2 billion because of awakened Nika fruit.
and +500m for Zoro, Sanji and Jinbe and the rest maybe +300m
Does anyone else expect a bounty increase after egghead? I assume the WG do blame everything on the Strawhats and they also saw first hand the strength of the strawhats.
I assume something like +1 billion for Luffy maybe but even + 2 billion because of awakened Nika fruit.
and +500m for Zoro, Sanji and Jinbe and the rest maybe +300m
can you name a big moment that Luffy is involved where his bounty didn't increase?

EAST BLUE SAGA: his first bounty is the result of not just beating Arlong, but Buggy and Don Krieg. it's also unprecedent of having a bounty this high last i remember. - 30M
BAROQUE WORKS SAGA: defeating a warlord like Crocodile should be the next best step of making yourself more infamous to the WG. - 100M
SKYPIEA SAGA: something that is beyond the blue sea's hearing range, so no increase in bounty.
LONG RING LAND ARC: more or less a breather arc. no increase.
CP9 SAGA: first they infiltrated Enies Lobby, declaring war on the WG, beating up CP9 and rescuing Robin is the point where every SH gets a bounty. - 300M
SUMMIT WAR SAGA: beating up Moria, punching a world noble, breaking in and out of Impel Down with criminals, exposed as the son of Dragon, revealing his conqueror haki (don't know if it counts, but Sengoku looked like he shit himself), AND going back to Marineford to rub it in their faces! and all that just for his bounty to go up by 100M. in hindsight it could've been more, but i guess the inflation hasn't hit yet. - 400M
FISHMAN ISLAND ARC: kind of self contain so no big increase YET.
PUNK HAZARD ARC: Law and Luffy's alliance was made public but nothing happen instantly because of some policy. if Law had said [yes, Luffy is my underling,] then no major incident like...
DRESSROSA ARC: beating Doflamingo so bad his glasses broken up. once again the whole crew (and Law) got their bounties to go up. - 500M
ZOU ARC: another self contain with only a few of Kaido's minions knowing the SH was on the big ass elephant. but it does lead into...
WHOLE CAKE ISLAND ARC: coming in and out of the island after ruining the party, and beating up Katakuri. heck, Morgans also spiced it up by saying it was all Luffy's idea and Bege is a underling of his. revealing his unofficial fleet and Sabo being his brother is also a sure way to give him the huge increase of bounty (also Bege got his bounty to go up incase people don't know). - 1.5B
WANO ARC: the defeat of Kaido and Big Mom. that's it. that is all needed to be said. the SH, Kidd and Law got their bounties to go up majorly. - 3B

so if you're still asking whether Luffy (and his crew, Bonney and Kuma) will get an increase in their bounty or not. i say it be insane not to especially with this fake narrative from the news of holding Vegapunk hostage
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can you name a big moment that Luffy is involved where his bounty didn't increase?

EAST BLUE SAGA: his first bounty is the result of not just beating Arlong, but Buggy and Don Krieg. it's also unprecedent of having a bounty this high last i remember. - 30M
BAROQUE WORKS SAGA: defeating a warlord like Crocodile should be the next best step of making yourself more infamous to the WG. - 100M
SKYPIEA SAGA: something that is beyond the blue sea's hearing range, so no increase in bounty.
LONG RING LAND ARC: more or less a breather arc. no increase.
CP9 SAGA: first they infiltrated Enies Lobby, declaring war on the WG, beating up CP9 and rescuing Robin is the point where every SH gets a bounty. - 300M
SUMMIT WAR SAGA: beating up Moria, punching a world noble, breaking in and out of Impel Down with criminals, exposed as the son of Dragon, revealing his conqueror haki (don't know if it counts, but Sengoku looked like he shit himself), AND going back to Marineford to rub it in their faces! and all that just for his bounty to go up by 100M. in hindsight it could've been more, but i guess the inflation hasn't hit yet. - 400M
FISHMAN ISLAND ARC: kind of self contain so no big increase YET.
PUNK HAZARD ARC: Law and Luffy's alliance was made public but nothing happen instantly because of some policy. if Law had said [yes, Luffy is my underling,] then no major incident like...
DRESSROSA ARC: beating Doflamingo so bad his glasses broken up. once again the whole crew (and Law) got their bounties to go up. - 500M
ZOU ARC: another self contain with only a few of Kaido's minions knowing the SH was on the big ass elephant. but it does lead into...
WHOLE CAKE ISLAND ARC: coming in and out of the island after ruining the party, and beating up Katakuri. heck, Morgans also spiced it up by saying it was all Luffy's idea and Bege is a underling of his. revealing his unofficial fleet and Sabo being his brother is also a sure way to give him the huge increase of bounty (also Bege got his bounty to go up incase people don't know). - 1.5B
WANO ARC: the defeat of Kaido and Big Mom. that's it. that is all needed to be said. the SH, Kidd and Law got their bounties to go up majorly.

so if you're still asking whether Luffy (and his crew, Bonney and Kuma) will get an increase in their bounty or not. i say it be insane not to especially with this fake narrative from the news of holding Vegapunk hostage
I agree from a story point of view. They definitely should get an increase for this. From our real world perspective though they just got one so Oda might not give them a bounty increase. But I do believe they should get one.
can you name a big moment that Luffy is involved where his bounty didn't increase?

EAST BLUE SAGA: his first bounty is the result of not just beating Arlong, but Buggy and Don Krieg. it's also unprecedent of having a bounty this high last i remember. - 30M
BAROQUE WORKS SAGA: defeating a warlord like Crocodile should be the next best step of making yourself more infamous to the WG. - 100M
SKYPIEA SAGA: something that is beyond the blue sea's hearing range, so no increase in bounty.
LONG RING LAND ARC: more or less a breather arc. no increase.
CP9 SAGA: first they infiltrated Enies Lobby, declaring war on the WG, beating up CP9 and rescuing Robin is the point where every SH gets a bounty. - 300M
SUMMIT WAR SAGA: beating up Moria, punching a world noble, breaking in and out of Impel Down with criminals, exposed as the son of Dragon, revealing his conqueror haki (don't know if it counts, but Sengoku looked like he shit himself), AND going back to Marineford to rub it in their faces! and all that just for his bounty to go up by 100M. in hindsight it could've been more, but i guess the inflation hasn't hit yet. - 400M
FISHMAN ISLAND ARC: kind of self contain so no big increase YET.
PUNK HAZARD ARC: Law and Luffy's alliance was made public but nothing happen instantly because of some policy. if Law had said [yes, Luffy is my underling,] then no major incident like...
DRESSROSA ARC: beating Doflamingo so bad his glasses broken up. once again the whole crew (and Law) got their bounties to go up. - 500M
ZOU ARC: another self contain with only a few of Kaido's minions knowing the SH was on the big ass elephant. but it does lead into...
WHOLE CAKE ISLAND ARC: coming in and out of the island after ruining the party, and beating up Katakuri. heck, Morgans also spiced it up by saying it was all Luffy's idea and Bege is a underling of his. revealing his unofficial fleet and Sabo being his brother is also a sure way to give him the huge increase of bounty (also Bege got his bounty to go up incase people don't know). - 1.5B
WANO ARC: the defeat of Kaido and Big Mom. that's it. that is all needed to be said. the SH, Kidd and Law got their bounties to go up majorly. - 3B

so if you're still asking whether Luffy (and his crew, Bonney and Kuma) will get an increase in their bounty or not. i say it be insane not to especially with this fake narrative from the news of holding Vegapunk hostage
currently we’re still mid saga. Luffy hasn’t even beaten anyone this arc. It’s like Impel Down -> Marineford.

Luffy will get a boost post Elbaf.
currently we’re still mid saga. Luffy hasn’t even beaten anyone this arc. It’s like Impel Down -> Marineford.

Luffy will get a boost post Elbaf.
I don’t know about that. I expect egghead to be like Zou a short arc and it turned out longer than anticipated. I think Elbaf will be more like Zou and Jaya. A short stop and to the next destination. The question is what comes after Elbaf? Beehive vs Blackbeard. The last RPG? Load star island? Or straight to laughtale?
I don’t know about that. I expect egghead to be like Zou a short arc and it turned out longer than anticipated. I think Elbaf will be more like Zou and Jaya. A short stop and to the next destination. The question is what comes after Elbaf? Beehive vs Blackbeard. The last RPG? Load star island? Or straight to laughtale?
Nah Elbaf is one of, if not the second, most hyped islands and arcs. I doubt it’ll be short like Zou or Jaya. I’m expecting more Skypeia to WCI
Nah Elbaf is one of, if not the second, most hyped islands and arcs. I doubt it’ll be short like Zou or Jaya. I’m expecting more Skypeia to WCI
I used to think so too. But we keep moving faster and I don’t really see anyone being and enemy at Elbaf. There is the theory of Looki being evil. But that’s just a theory and it seems far more likely for all of them to actually help the Strawhats and join forces with them like inuarashi and Nekomamushi did. But guess we’ll see soon.
I used to think so too. But we keep moving faster and I don’t really see anyone being and enemy at Elbaf. There is the theory of Looki being evil. But that’s just a theory and it seems far more likely for all of them to actually help the Strawhats and join forces with them like inuarashi and Nekomamushi did. But guess we’ll see soon.
I think Oda set up the World Government as the villain of Elbaf imo. Having Luffy clash with an admiral, the Gorosei finding Luffy (new Joyboy), the establishment of the native hunting competition, and building up most of the World Government and establishing their powers.

I think we’ll see Gorosei get Sakazuki and the Holy Knights to come have a new Native Hunting Competition on Elbaf.
I used to think so too. But we keep moving faster and I don’t really see anyone being and enemy at Elbaf. There is the theory of Looki being evil. But that’s just a theory and it seems far more likely for all of them to actually help the Strawhats and join forces with them like inuarashi and Nekomamushi did. But guess we’ll see soon.
Loki.probably gets the weirdest design