General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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We might very well get new bounties. At least for Luffy and Zoro that more accurately reflect their worth. 1B flat for both would be deserved.

4B Luffy - "kidnaps" Vegapunk, beats Lucci, skirmish with Kizaru
2.111B Zoro - Displays AdCoC, beats Kaku, destroys marine fleet

4B Puts Luffy right next to BB and Shanks at 4B. Like Lucci said, he doesn't recognize Luffy as an emperor. The true barrier is 4. (BB will rise to nearly 5 anyways after doing Boa Hancock and Law in like nothing and perhaps even Garp)

2.111B Puts Zoro at the level beyond King, Marco, Katakuri and close to the semi yonko where BB was at first and where I expect Beckmann and Shiryu to be at. There should be a significant gap between Zoro and Jinbei/Sanji and no one has seen his AdCoC (extremely rare power).
i have been thinking this since we heard kizaru was coming all we need is luffy and zoro to flex on him in some way and then boomthey get the respect they deserve
BB pirates

BB - 5-5.2 bil
Shiryu - 2.2-2.6
Lafitte or Pizzaro (Sanji's opponent) - 2 to 2.2
Devon - 1.2. to 1.4 bil
Burgess - 1.5 to 1.7 bil
Sanjuan wolf - 800 mil
Docq - 600 mil
van auger - 900 mil
I feel like Oda will put BBS bounty at exactly 5.096 Billion. It mirrors whitebeards 5.046 billion, however, where as 46 means Shiro 96 means Kuro

So white to black basically


BB pirates

BB - 5-5.2 bil
Shiryu - 2.2-2.6
Lafitte or Pizzaro (Sanji's opponent) - 2 to 2.2
Devon - 1.2. to 1.4 bil
Burgess - 1.5 to 1.7 bil
Sanjuan wolf - 800 mil
Docq - 600 mil
van auger - 900 mil
Auger was part of the initial formation, he displayed crazy CoO feats back in jaya, putting dude below 1 bil is crazy disrespect lol.

Imo, the top 4 within BB´s crew are BB, auger, lafitte and shiryu despite shiryu not displaying shit so far.

Burgess is overrated af imo, everything he did on screen was get his ass handled.
You guys literally want Zoro to do everything while the rest just watch? Beat Lucci, Kaku and Kizaru… What else? Become the captain and get the one piece and be PK lol. Chill. Even beating these two won’t give him a billion bounty increase.
Zoro's the one fighting them, I suppose Luffy and Zoro can finish them and I didn't say anything about Kizaru, we don't even know if he gets to Egghead before the Strawhats leave.
Who's Who was worth 500M and Jinbei got a 700M increase for his defeat. Defeating a couple of CP0 masked agents should be worth something. :hope:
Zoro's the one fighting them, I suppose Luffy and Zoro can finish them and I didn't say anything about Kizaru, we don't even know if he gets to Egghead before the Strawhats leave.
Who's Who was worth 500M and Jinbei got a 700M increase for his defeat. Defeating a couple of CP0 masked agents should be worth something. :hope:
Zoro is fighting only one. And Jinbei having insane bounty increase goes under many things(joining SHs that became a yonko crew, previous warlord, taking part in defeating a yonko crew) so it definitely not just defeating WsW even CP0 members expected the outcome lol.
I think the reason for nami,brook, Franky and Ussop getting a 300 million increase is due to becoming a emperor crew. They usually only get a 50 million increase as a general rule just by affiliation regardless if they did anything or not.

Marco, king, Mihawk fans

When they see that none of them has 1.4 B even
Mihawk old bounty is probably in the 600m range. His new bounty will be in the 1B ball park. Basically commander level worth of notoriety.
Yeah, I don't see Mihawk's bounty being higher than Marco's or Blackbeard's.

I think it would be comparable with Marco's at most.
Lnule punching walls over the fact that several YC2 are bigger names than Katakuri just like most of the Warlords:kobeha:
Is Shanks gonna have a bounty increase?
He recently decided to go after the One piece and might do some moves and he gonna attack one of Luffy’s GF members which means a yonko going after another yonko underlings so is it gonna amount to something in the WG’s eyes? Not to mention soon BB and Luffy will surpass him in bounty which would make him look bad!

if he gets an increase how much could it be?
There could be a slight increase of bounties after Egghead. Kizaru sleeping with anchovies because Goofy crossed path with him could bring us more interesting bounties. There needs to be a rise due to the 3 pirates who have the exact same bounties. There is no alliance anymore, they can't just remain equals until the One Piece is discovered.

For me, the most interesting scenario would be that Teach gets the 3 poneglyph copies from Law but Law's bounty increases too because the Marines think he defeated Teach. Kidd gets the 4th poneglyph and gets to be the closest to the One Piece. Luffy triggers a war against the WG along the Revolutionary army.