General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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After wano

luffy 3b
Kid 2b
Law 2b
Zoro 1,3
Sanji 1,2
Yamato 800m
Jimbe 700m
Usopp 500m
Robin 500m
Franky 400m
Brook 300m
Chopper 250m hopefully no more gag bounty
Nami 150m

Luffy 6b
Zoro 4,5b
Sanji 4b
Jimbe 1b
Robin 1b
Usopp 1b
Franky 700m
Brook 500m
Chopper 400m
Nami 350m


Zoro Worshipper
Perhaps it could even be highter but that depends on whether or not Oda wants Luffy to become an even much bigger threat than Roger was.

For almost sure, we are aware how Dragon's bounty is going to be exponentially bigger than the one of a yonko, and definitely above 5 millions in all likelihood, possibly even above 6 and so on.
saved for when they start fighting their respective opponents I guess
or the vivrecards like oven daifuku

But if they show it similar to how they shown Pedro vs. Tamago, that would be weird... Imagine if it happens with, let's say Franky (94M) vs. Sasaki (possibly around 500M+), it would look as if Franky is leagues below him and won't stand a chance... Not saying it's awful or awesome, but just weird...
Since when Luffy is gonna defeat Kaido with no help to claim he is gonna have higher bounty than Kaido. At best and could be the case Luffy post Wano gonna have 4B.
I don't think you read what I said. There are no asterisks. Every single time Luffy beat someone, help or no help, he got a higher bounty.
Also, its possible for a character to get a bounty increase even if there prior bounty was already larger than that of the person they defeated.

Doflamingo is a surprisingly good example of that.

In saying this though, warlord bounties tend to be weird. Crocodile's bounty would have been at least over 162 million if he was an active pirate.
Also, its possible for a character to get a bounty increase even if there prior bounty was already larger than that of the person they defeated.

Doflamingo is a surprisingly good example of that.

In saying this though, warlord bounties tend to be weird. Crocodile's bounty would have been at least over 162 million if he was an active pirate.
doffy would be closer to a billion if it wasnt frozen
one would argue at least as strong as cracker -868 mil
connection to the underworld
a captain
former celestial dragon.