i forgot what a headache lynch-or-lose situations were, i think i know what the regular kill was, but i'm not sure if i can talk about it here however, if it is what i think it is, it means very little to town at the moment
i also have reasons to believe a miller cop could be explained flavor-wise, but we can't debate about that too
but yeah, i think 2 millers would be too much. both the amnesiac and the hornet already had that passive to appear as innocent, so too many roles messing with investigative results would maybe make the game unbalanced (though i don't remember much about game balance)
all in all, it's definitely between SK or polar bear, my original reads have become outdated, and i feel like the only player who makes sense for me to listen to right now is alwaysmind, hope there will be a minigame to help town