Btw conquist, there's one tiny slip up in your thread, Kidd and Law are also fanboys

No serious rival shivers & cries with snot dripping out of his nose after seeing Luffy climb up the ranks, the fact that he's a Marine aiming to be an Admiral makes it even worse.
That argument doesn’t make sense at all
Coby started as a super weakling and he admires Zoro Luffy and ?
That stop him from reaching their level ? No
Coby started as a super weakling and he admires Zoro Luffy and ?
That stop him from reaching their level ? No
They'll all be vastly superior to Coby when Coby becomes an Admiral.
So Lolby is going to be a fraud like Garp and make the world believe he rivalled Roger when in fact he didn't and needed Roger to save his ass against Rocks
To believe Lolby = Luffy you have to believe that Lolby's growth rate >>> the protagonist and jesus reincarnate, never happening

To believe Lolby = Luffy you have to believe that Lolby's growth rate >>> the protagonist and jesus reincarnate, never happening