Powers & Abilities CoC is basically going to be a requirement for characters to stay relevant from here on out

I feel like we’re past the point where CoC is a special or unique power that only a select few will have.

Egghead showcased the gorosei, 5 characters who are subordinates of Imu, all which seem to have CoC.

Oda also revealed the existence of the Rocks pirates during Reverie and Wano. The rocks pirates consisted of at least 3 confirmed CoC users(WB, BM, and Kaido), with others such as Xebec himself, Shiki, and Gloriosa having a high likelihood of being CoC users.

These two examples show that the strongest crews in OP can have 5+ CoC users amongst them.

All of this suggests to me that from here to the EoS, we’re going to be seeing a lot more characters show up with CoC and ACoC, a lot more characters will unlock these abilities, and by EoS, only characters on the weaker end of the spectrum will lack them.

If I were to guess how the powercreep will go, by elbaf, I think these characters will show CoC or ACoC:
  • Kid
  • Law
  • Killer
  • Smoker
  • Sanji
  • Bonney
  • Koby
  • Teach
  • Shiryu
  • Kuzan
  • Elbaf royalty
  • Usop
  • Beckman

By the final war, CoC and ACoC will be so normalized that even the most irrelevant characters absolutely fodder to Luffy or Zoro might have it. Guys who will show it:
  • Imu
  • Kong
  • Akainu
  • Garling
  • Other holy knights
  • Dragon
  • Mihawk
  • Sabo
  • Jinbe
  • Nami
  • Brook
  • Cavendish
  • Bartolommeo
  • Enel
  • Hancock(ACoC)
  • Bege
  • Urouge
  • Grus
  • Tashigi
  • Etc.

Ultimately rather than ACoC or basic CoC in of themselves being rare or powerful feats, I think you have special ACoC feats that will be more accurate benchmarks for what characters are “strong” or not.

Specifically, I think these benchmarks will be:
  • Sky splitting
  • Observation haki killing
  • Doing permanent damage on an immortal
Possibly more such as:
  • Telepathy
  • Summoning(what Saturn did)
But basic CoC has nearly lost its luxury. The strongest basic CoC user is Kid, and we see how he’s treated.

Non sky split ACoC is likely next on the chopping board. We saw how Luffy got destroyed by Kaido before becoming a sky splitter. Once Zoro becomes a sky splitter, non sky split CoC will be relegated to weaker less relevant fighters. Killer and Sanji type deal.

Ultimately you may not like it, but this is how shonens tend to work and it’s the direction one piece is moving in.
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well the strawhats all might have it. just being honest just look at their opponents the Gorosei three already confirmed to have it. and i am sure the other two have it too.
Sanji as third strongest must have it
Usopp many hints basically confirmed
Nami same hints.
Brook already have the name of soulking it will not be weird.
Jinbe as the strongest known fishman has to have it he does not stand only for the strawhat crew but as representative of the fishmen.
Chopper the same as Jinbe but for Animals.
and if so you can add the rest as well.
other crews should have a captain CoC haki user , one or two cammanders
the thing is just most of them will just have the basic haki the quality of the king.
Top CoC haki users like Shanks will still be very rare.
Shanks,Luffy, Topman , Dragon , Garp , Imu
Luffy will be most likely in his own class at the end.
You totally dont understand the meaning of CoC. Oda aint stupid enough to give every fodder like Usopp and Nami CoC as well. He will give them importance or relevance in different ways "cause not every Strawhat or charachter needs to get relevant trough Strength"


Every single one i mentioned here wont get CoC. Mark and screenshot this. They dont make sense to get it and for most of them is the ship already sailed.

i remember him going on a rant abt mihawk when people kept spamming bigmom and kidd as frauds :saden:
ever since wano ended
We have seen 8 people who have shown acoc

- rayleigh
- shanks
- garp
- 5 gorosei

and all of them are yonko tier
out of the characters u have mentioned

  • ima add mihawk too
only these characters got the chance of showing acoc
Yeah ofc Mihawk will have it too

He’s still a fraud tho

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You totally dont understand the meaning of CoC. Oda aint stupid enough to give every fodder like Usopp and Nami CoC as well. He will give them importance or relevance in different ways "cause not every Strawhat or charachter needs to get relevant trough Strength"


Every single one i mentioned here wont get CoC. Mark and screenshot this. They dont make sense to get it and for most of them is the ship already sailed.

CoC is based on your personality

Anyone can probably get it if they have the correct personality. Zoro didn’t unlock it until wano.

As the series progresses, characters will grow further and further. Many will develop the disposition of a king as a result.
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What. The fuck. I agree with one thing, there'll be a huge gap between ACoC users and non ACoC users (CoC alone won't matter).
But the list of potential characters is fucking retarded.
Oda isn’t going to make a bunch of characters just fade into irrelevance at the end.

To give you an idea of EoS powerscaling

current Luffy cannot put permanent damage on a single gorosei, he cannot even hurt Warcury enough to force him to do regen. This is the same Luffy who beat Kaido and has Zoro, an ACoC user, under him.

The final villain, Imu, is going to be a level above even the gorosei.

So yeah characters with entry level ACoC like Yamato are about as far away from Imu and EoS Luffy as Brook is to current Luffy.
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