So is Laws current offense lmao. It’s comical you think that you’ve made a sound argument here lmao.
You basically said Law can’t reach Roger because u think so lmao. In not too many words… Literally haven’t mentioned a single canon reason Law offensively cap below Roger’s yet.
not just me, the multiple users mentioning those fruit have brains. They aren’t using a near featless character to argue anything. That’s low IQ posting!!!
Same way there nothing implying Law can’t reach that lvl. When 2 argument have little concrete evidence, logical people would use context clues. Like say Law offensively been relative or superior to someone that will surpass Roger’s offense all manga. Or Having superior Capabilities to known ACoC using Top tier, as a rookie awakening user….
law is nowhere near roger in terms of portrayal
u are kidding urself ...
law can only dream of reaching roger's tier
why are u acting like there is nothing in the story which indicates supreme haki being above ope ope ??
this is literally what doffy said
straight up clear that conquerors haki > ope ope
u cannot twist this
So aside from just running ur mouth.
teaching u abc of powerscaling ?
Are you going to prove how KKG superior
hmmm lets look at feats
KKG overpowered doffy's strongest move while koing doffy at the same time
all gamma knife did is destroy doffy's organs on direct contact with a cheapshot
what do u think is stronger ? koing doffy and overpowering his strongest attack or just blasting his insides ?
HMM difficult indeed
but ur a bias Law hater so ur opinion not actually worth much.
i dont even hate law lil bro
saying law cant reach roger level is not hating on him LMFAOOO
Clean ur eyes with that wank Ltard
If both hit Wano Zoro what do you think would happen??
zoro gets sent flying from kkg and also receive more damage
Side question basic amputation slash vs KKG against Flame off/on King…. Like brain dead not even the word for what ur arguing lol.
amputate isnt even AP based dumbass
do u even know how to powerscale ?
This why arguing with Zoro fans so weird
bro hates zoro fans
It’s almost university recognized Law offense >Luffy pre G5.

W way to powerscale
i forgot u powerscale through popularity polls
Yet this idiots arguing KKG, just that one attack makes luffy overall offensive stronger lmao.

ohh are u sad that this reality bodies ur arguments
" NOOO, pls dont use KKGthats just 1 attack "
There featless mainly dumbass. Garps/Shank destroys my argument how?
Post 1 feat between the 2 of them Law cant replicate.
clashing with whitebeard and splitting the fuckin sky
They dnt have any fool, hence you bring up Roger’s. A character we can barely scale with current info.
shanks is literally the same as roger
we have only seen them perform 1 move
An ur still getting cooking in that argument
is this cooking in the room with us ?
ou’ve yet to state why Law can’t reach Roger’s with anything canon. While trying to blow off real arguments at that smh.

is doffy , someone know as the biggest ope ope glazer lying here ?
Law DF seen matching the gura, and has similar hype. So if Gura>ACoC on MF possible then what ur argument again?
Did u literally not see me saying that gura was never stated to be wb’s strongest ability ? It just had more hype
and wb is also not the ceiling of conquerors haki , it’s roger
how many times do I gotta mention roger here ?
u can say anything abt wb but that won’t debunk my argument cause
A: gura can be coated with advcoc
B : wb is not the ceiling of conquerors haki
When that ability gets half the hype the Gura got on MF(World destroyer)we can talk.
Yeah yeah gura is def planetary level right
There is something known as hyperbole
Loki is known as someone who can destroy the world when unleashed , but roger isn’t
does that mean Loki > roger 💀
and again , what did wb use to clash with his strongest rival ? Was it gura or advcoc
probably cause it’s not an ACoC feat anymore. It a Combination of 2 abilities being individually compared to see which is superior…. Hence Aruging G5 +ACoC > DF doesn’t prove ur point. Just makes you look like a complete idiot for counting that’s as “ACoC”.
Are u finally getting my point ?
the attacks these characters produce don’t rely solely on acoc just like how they don’t rely on their devil fruits
It’s a combination so u can’t remove 1 ability and say the other one is trash
That wasn’t what got you quoted tho. Ur quote talking about specifically ACoC.
Learn how to read the context then
another moment of
"X can hurt kaido while Z cant so X has more AP than Z "
law simply has the most efficient ability to get past bigmom's durability
it doesnt put his AP above characters with inferior techniques
This is getting sad. This is what a person does when they open their mouth with little evidence to substantiate. Reaching to no end lol. Funny enough the reason you posted nothing. Because between the 2 of them like I said at best. They might have 2-3 attacks a piece, a that’s it. But you keep pretending tho lmao.[/QUOTE]
U should try seeing ur preview
I can’t even quote the shit u wrote above
u are the only sad guy here trying to put law on Roger’s level
And saying they are comparable at any level
My doffy panel shits on ur entire argument
ope can’t have more potential than conquerors haki , that’s it .
while devil fruits like gura and nika can be coated with that ability
We dnt know the Haki rogers shown yet stronger then Kaido/Luffy ACoC you just made that up on the spot.

Roger ain’t got stronger haki than kaido or luffy ?
u are making urself look like a total clown here , the bias is insane
so headcaon with almost zero support? Considering some of the takes above. You can tell you’ve you realize it. just using excuses & headcanon to argue against it.
Bro, speak English
U are trynna act like a smartass with some broken English
It’s actually hilarious
Idk what headcanon there is when u compare ope with conquerors haki
The biggest ope glazer tells us the truth !!