General & Others Cringiest Moments in One Piece

Who has made you cringe the most in One Piece?

  • Big Mom

    Votes: 30 27.5%
  • Kaido

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Luffy

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • Zoro

    Votes: 16 14.7%
  • Sanji

    Votes: 38 34.9%
  • Nami

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • Chopper

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • Yamato

    Votes: 45 41.3%
  • Oden

    Votes: 16 14.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 7.3%

  • Total voters
@Den_Den_Mushi Well all the big names such as Linlin, Oden, Yamato and Sanji have been covered so I am going to for someone different.

O Kiku. I have zero respect for this character.

Initially introduced as a female character. Her portrayel was looking alright. She was the first to get her arse into gear to save Tama even if it meant doing so by herself and she even had a cool moment with challenging Urashima. Then it all goes downhill.

After challenging Urashima to his face she then freaks out and screams for help. What the actual feck? You launched yourself headfirst into this situation, the least you could do is get yourself out of it.

Luffy saves her useless arse anyway.

Then she has a mild panic attack when she has some weird moral dilemma about whether it is alright to cut down (not even necessarily kill) random arseholes that are trying to kill her and enslave Tama.

Why are you having this dilemma you utter sassenach? Were you or were you not introduced as a samurai? Did you or did you not intend to save Tama, a child, from slavery? What are you even doing here you useless donkey?

Zoro tells her to get her shit together. She immediately complies, not even overcoming her own doubts by herself.

What a stunningly useless character.

Fast forward to Udon and then we find out that she was a big name samurai and that she is in fact a he that identifies as a she.

Immediately after revealing that O Kiku actually has a dick under that kimono, Oda has Kiku's usefulness shoot up by 169% and suddenly a character that was concerned about cutting fools down and screaming "Kya" at the sight of Fat Bastard's Japanese cousin, is now threatening to "silence" masses of guards and throw hands with a feckin Yonko.

What in the everliving feck? Where the hell was this Kiku when a child needed saving from slavery and a sumo wrestler was about to kill her? :crazwhat:

Then we find out that Kiku was a Scabbard.

Good grief, all those years as a retainer to the greatest samurai to have ever lived after Ryuma, all those fights against the deplorables of Wano and the Beast Pirates but you still scream at the sight of a morbidly obese sumo wrestler? Right. :watchout:

Also, what did Kiku do after Oden's death for 20 years? Denjiro successfully infiltrated the enemy and kept Hiyori safe, Shutenmaru waged a two decade guerilla war, Kawamatsu gathered weapons before his imprisonment and the Dukes went to rule a country of warriors that would later form the bulk of the forces of the Wano liberation army.

Kiku was.... Working part time at a tea house?

This character is truly awful. Lel.

Oh please God no. :whitepress:

I think O-Kiku was just trying to dont be recognized by someone of Wano of some of Kaido's warriors,thats why she didnt want to fight. If she was alone,she would have fought to save O-Tama,but then she saw that Luffy and Zoro were strong so she acted smart,saying "Do i really need to risk to reveal my identity,if they can fight at my place?" also,about what she did during the 20 years...she time travelled with Kinemon,Kanjuro,Raizou,and Momo!
1.) Big Meme. I don’t think anything else really needs to be said.

2.) Oden...just Oden. Enough has been said about him, but one of the biggest wtf moments with him for me was his death. Everyone cheering that he was born to boil...what the actual fuck. I legit felt like I was reading a bad fanfic.

3.) The Dressrosa countdown. As if it wasn’t enough botching the fight with Doflamingo, turning his crew into jokes, and wasting our time with the likes of Rebecca, Oda had to throw in that awful countdown to add insult to injury. Bonus points for wasting an entire chapter on fodders celebrating Doffy’s defeat and Rebecca drenching Luffy in snot and tears.

4.) The growing chosen one bullshit with Luffy, with Oda going so far as to have Imu keep a giant version of the straw hat in the basement.

5.) The entire Year of Sanji...too many moments in it to pick, but the two worst ones were Sanji believing that he imagined Pudding being evil, and Pudding falling for him because he complimented her eye.

HMs: Scabbards humiliating Kaido, Oda constantly making his female chars useless, Toko's village, etc.
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I think O-Kiku was just trying to dont be recognized by someone of Wano of some of Kaido's warriors,thats why she didnt want to fight. If she was alone,she would have fought to save O-Tama,but then she saw that Luffy and Zoro were strong so she acted smart,saying "Do i really need to risk to reveal my identity,if they can fight at my place?"
If she wanted to keep a low profile then openly challenging and humiliating the most famous sumo wrestler in all of Wano in front of a large crowd was a dumb way of going about it.
also,about what she did during the 20 years...she time travelled with Kinemon,Kanjuro,Raizou,and Momo!
Fair enough, I have the memory of a sieve. The other points still apply though.
Sabo's amnesia
Big Mom's hungry pangs, amnesia (Whole ass a character in general is cringey af)
Sanji baking a damn cake in WCI and those two or 3 forced ass end chapter panels of him saying the same thing just no
Shanks hype.. I get the love for him but his character lowkey doesn't make any sense lol (Seaking arm loss, BB scar, yet Draw with Mihawk and now the seemingly snitching)
Pell surviving (Literally the best written sacrifice in OP just ruined for no reason still salty)
Pound surviving (Although i'll say the man deserved happiness lol)
Yamato tryna be oden, was funny at first but its quickly gotten annoying

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
Crydo of 100 L's
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Isnt the whole perverted Momo thing.....kinda pedo ? Since hes a kid and shouldnt have thoughts like that.
Meh, pedo are adults after kids, also Oden were visiting brothels in this age so I assume it's just how Oda view an alpha male
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There are many. But as of right now I'll give 2

1. Katakuri who up to a certain point had his characterzation revolve around his iron will to protect his family.. Then he sees Luffy get hit by a cheap shot by his sister, and he suddenly decides "Fuck mah family, this needs to be fair" Then stabs himself..

2. Oden... Knowing he can't trust Kaido or Orochi.. Decides he'll trust them to keep their word and not harm some hostages.. And dances in the street for 5 years not doing a damn thing..
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Isnt the whole perverted Momo thing.....kinda pedo ? Since hes a kid and shouldnt have thoughts like that.
Eh... Its probably a joke by you but.. Momo being attracted to older women ain't pedo.. If older women were attracted to him.. That would be terrifying
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Fast forward to Udon and then we find out that she was a big name samurai and that she is in fact a he that identifies as a she.
I really must stop skimming through chapters.. I didn't register this piece of information..
Immediately after revealing that O Kiku actually has a dick under that kimono, Oda has Kiku's usefulness shoot up by 169% and suddenly a character that was concerned about cutting fools down and screaming "Kya" at the sight of Fat Bastard's Japanese cousin, is now threatening to "silence" masses of guards and throw hands with a feckin Yonko.
You've got to be shitting me? O_O