General & Others Cringiest Moments in One Piece

Who has made you cringe the most in One Piece?

  • Big Mom

    Votes: 30 27.5%
  • Kaido

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Luffy

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • Zoro

    Votes: 16 14.7%
  • Sanji

    Votes: 38 34.9%
  • Nami

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • Chopper

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • Yamato

    Votes: 45 41.3%
  • Oden

    Votes: 16 14.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 7.3%

  • Total voters
Sanji's white knight attitude. I've always hated people like this, but Sanji is a fucking epitome of this shit. The main reason i don't like him.

Tashigi's "It'S bEcAuSE i'M wOmAn?". No, because YOU are a hopeless weakling. Both Law and Zoro says that to your face, but let's ignore them and drag the "woman are weak" agenda.

Momonosuke. A freaking 8 years old Roshi wannabe, he's just disgusting. Roshi was funny and not useless, at least.

Oden dancing. Everything was said before me.

Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
When Law said "Mugiwara you're the worst", and Luffy said "you're part of that generation too" with a smirk. The lamest shit I've ever seen. It's like someone from Reddit or Youtube comments wrote that passage.
I'm surprised more people aren't mentioning this one...this is one of the big ones for me. Doesn't even sound like something Luffy would say. I doubt he cares too much about the Worst Generation.


About time someone mentions Tashigi.

Her character is literally nothing but wasted potential since the timeskip. Other than finishing off Monet, even Smoker (who gotten a massive amount of L’s in Punk Hazard) did way more than her.

Even Zoro barely sees her as a worthy rival anymore.
I could not agree more. Wasted potential.
She could have become a competent swordfighter and grown out of her inferiority complex but Oda made her ridiculous and act childish beyond belief.
And she only "finished off" monet because Zoro let her do it.

Oda wasted her character because a competent female fighter in this show woul be too good to be true