[FNZ] Light game Death Note Mini Mafia

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What could have been...
I honestly hope you’re scum purposely trying to push my buttons to throw me off right now bc you sense weakness and not Town just saying things that aren’t true.
i am not sensing weakness, i am sensing weirdness and unusual frustration from you. it might be related to irl but thats not something for me to judge. if you are town you are making yourself an easy af escape goat trust me

Because they haven’t shown up.
then why cant this logic apply to me?
why only you?
i am sus for not questioning the inactives, but its fine if you dont?


What could have been...
Hopefully after work and after I’ve had time to step away from everything and relax for a bit I can recharge and come back productive.

I’m going backward instead of forwards on contributing bc I’ve let myself get to tilted. And it’s hard not to respond to Ekko.
there is literally nothing, and i mean NOTHING to get tilted off except the activity and zolo's play
but i have suspected you alot more and you responded very differently b4
even in another light game, the one where zem and zolo were scum
there is a visible frustration here and im not sure if this is game related or not cuz i dont think anything that happened this game is worst than stuff that happened in another games and u tanked it well as town


What could have been...
It was my order earlier, I haven’t stepped back and meditated on things lately. You and Lanji and Ekko have all been a hair away from each other in how much I scum read you for most of this phase, with you taking the lead after seriously considering why you’d go Ekko at EOD over Lanji/me/ or Zolo

I’ll reevaluate again later to see if I’m wrong about my order.

I don’t have an exist strategy because I’m town lol. That’s why I said that if you flip town we lost because I can see that Ekko and Lanji are going to jump me if you’re town.
i am hard lynching lanji if ultra flips town actually probably

tbh not sure

at that point we need to pause and consider the possibility of inactives sending stuff even when they should be modblocked


What could have been...

How come you haven't attempted to make a town core this game? Do you just consider that impossible so far?
it was me flower enryu zem and... you.. day 1
you arent there after ali's lynch
none else entered it
flower is holding shaky position but eh w.e doubt shes scum rly. shes been one of the few players moving the game forward
if shes scum we deserve to lose anyway fook it


What could have been...
day 1 read list. 3 of my scum reads arent even resolved yet ffs
and now ultra is scum read

im off to sleep, mid day educated reads

town locked
- Ekkologix
- town core

slight town
- Enryu
- i like the entrance and early play where it seems he is uninformed and trying to explore a bit here n there. i dont think he has teammates, atleast not from the active players during early day 1. i see that highly unlikely
- Zemmi - confused by why she want to be lynched if shes town but her frustration overall seem towny rn and the activity is always welcomed
- Fujishiro Flower - dont sense an agenda from befriending zem/ali. does feel like a genuine thought to start a town core. if shes scum then we got ourselves a free 2 townies cleared basically. i dont recall her explicitly town reading ali either, and i dont see anything wrong with siding with zem in that zem vs ultra instead of taking the opportunity and hammering zem
- Ultra - tbh i dont know what he plans to accomplish if he is scum pushing zem his hard. i hope to see more expansion on his reads and pushes from him. scum shud need about 3-4 mislynches lynches to win this game so every strong push against a town read player will be a red flag toward him until enough is enough.

three of them basically have no posts and can really be anything. expecting some stuff from guys when i wake up @Hayumi @Don DaSlayer @Zolo
- Hayumi
- Don DaSlayer
- Zolo

slight scum
- Dr_Professor83
- hes been vounched on by zem so im trying to be more considerate here but hes not done anything other than cruise around this day. never gave any real takes on anyone and has no defined scum pushes. never took real sides on ultra vs zem, and his town reads r safe, shaky, and basically copied what flower said. does have towny elements and some paranoia, but nothing that cant be faked. i've noticed prof sturggles alot with day 1s, so im gna observe and see how he transitions to the other days after a flip or 2, but no mercy is to be expected if his play continues being lackluster
- Alibaba - havent seen anything from him other than fluff, flavor talk, and un explained defense of zem. atleast flower took the time to explore and elaborate why she thinks zem is town based on past games, but ali just rolled with it and sided with flower/zem in pushing ultra, who i think is probably town as well, and his reasons for pushing ultra are nothing but what they called "ultra instinct"

heavy scum
- Destroya
- ive made a psuedo case on this here . pls give it a read.
- LANJI CUCKSMOKE - hes done nothing but engage in fluff talk. the difference between him and the null-ish players is that he actually does have posts but all of them are meaningless.
and this is the case on dest. ultra/dest team now looks even tastier
1. you joke about being scum
2. you cruise by this ultra vs zem interaction without reacting to it
3. you ask me and prof about our reads, then negatively comment about our town reads, saying u dont view them as town or wondering why we have them as town
> wondered why i have enryu and zem as town reads
> questioned why prof has flower and zem as town reads
despite the thought process and reasons already being outlined in the thread (specially for prof's reads)

from my PoV it looks to me like you just want townies to keep fighting each others and let more chaos to arise in the game, without really making any attempts to solve any of this mess

and to that i say brother dest, you are scum
I don't think there's a case for me, as scum, lynching Ekko, except for the sake of doing it and saying I could. AKA powerwolfing. That's the only theory that works here, anything else is a reach. So I don't think focusing on this one aspect of my entire play this game indicates much of anything if you're going to honestly evaluate me, and in particular I think you look bad for weakly sheeping it, Prof.
That’s not the only concerning thing about you this game. There is also you being adamant on staying on Alibaba that’s concerning. It would also make sense for scum to want an indie out that claims a wincon that involves killing Light.

But I probably am focusing too much on the Lanji/me thing because you said probably scum between us. So I guess it’s really not as crazy that you’d try to get us to go with you on another scum read. I still think what I laid out makes sense as scum play, but I don’t think you have to be scum to do it.


What could have been...
well for starter
scum flower would hard capitalize on enryu surviving a kill and try to get us to lynch him. there were lots of wagons and suspicious enryu's way

instead what she does is straight up clear him by saying hes innocent instead of burying the thread in nonsense to lynch him.

like cmon... shes just town
then why cant this logic apply to me?
why only you?
i am sus for not questioning the inactives, but its fine if you dont?
Because you were making a scum team list/POE that didn’t include them ever. That’s not the same thing as not questioning them. That’s not even considering them and option.
you are making yourself an easy af escape goat trust me
Yeah no shit.


What could have been...
yknow what id like a dest push eventually
him being shot could be the fake shot strat, or sk shooting him
there is nothing in his posts thats towny whatsoever
there is literally nothing, and i mean NOTHING to get tilted off except the activity and zolo's play
It’s not just the game. My real life is bleeding into the game and has thrown me off. And I’m sorry to town about that.

What you said earlier shouldn’t have even been enough to get under my skin but I’m just off. I should have probably subbed, but I’m not and I’m here so it is what it is.


What could have been...
What do you even think is the implication of me not cfd'ing Prof/Lanji? All you've done is allude to a contradiction in my actions by going for Ekko instead (who by the way, I was also suspecting the other day, slightly less but he was pissing me off far more.)

But why the fuck *don't* I do that as scum? Seriously. Give me one compelling reason.
there was no way to cfd literally anyone in day 2 cuz of zolo
like you literally cant
even me, who was in a way scummy as sht last EoD, was still not cfd'ed cuz zolo was completely occupying the thread with his act

and day 1 u hard tunnel on a lynch that gives no info. so you opposed anything else
That’s not the only concerning thing about you this game. There is also you being adamant on staying on Alibaba that’s concerning. It would also make sense for scum to want an indie out that claims a wincon that involves killing Light.

But I probably am focusing too much on the Lanji/me thing because you said probably scum between us. So I guess it’s really not as crazy that you’d try to get us to go with you on another scum read. I still think what I laid out makes sense as scum play, but I don’t think you have to be scum to do it.
*You* stayed on Alibaba, wtf is this?
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