[FNZ] Light game Death Note Mini Mafia

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It's possible scum could have fell for the classic blunder of writing "L" as the name instead of his actual name.

Or that Flower is being cheeky here and purposely lying - but that lying is not *necessarily* scum indicative.
Ultra then Lanji/you in that order for scum likeliness. I literally gave reads right start the day but you don’t give a shit about reading.

I started to think you maybe Town with the Zolo stuff but every time you open your mouth It’s like you’re more interested in stirring shit than solving the game.
Are you saying I'm more likely or less likely scum than them


What could have been...
It's possible scum could have fell for the classic blunder of writing "L" as the name instead of his actual name.

Or that Flower is being cheeky here and purposely lying - but that lying is not *necessarily* scum indicative.
kek imagine
i think they have the names of all characters in game
they just have to play matching
It's possible scum could have fell for the classic blunder of writing "L" as the name instead of his actual name.

Or that Flower is being cheeky here and purposely lying - but that lying is not *necessarily* scum indicative.
That's literally what I was just thinking of LMFAO.

But not sure if Ratchet would have it fail like that.
why wud u ever clear anyone for an unexplained failed kill? just cuz it worked with enryu doesnt imply it will for dest

the killer cuda been blocked, or the victim immune like in flowers case

there was no reason to clear enryu just cuz he got shot unless u have tmi prof

i had no explaination of how he survived and im not aware of how scum does their kills so why wud i ever clear him?
Because if we don’t have a good explanation for what would be happening with a second killer then we can put Dest on the back burner outside of the POE as less likely to be scum.

Cleared is the wrong word, but pushed out of the main POE is what I mean.
Have you even been reading my posts? You're too busy trying to hang me up to realize that I have been hedging on Ekko literally all game. No, I'm not sure he's scum. I'm sure he's being a detrimental presence, and would have liked him gone over Zolo. I have not made this obscure. All my cards are on the table. I had already tried to get you lynched earlier and it clearly failed. The fact that I would compromise and go for another lynch is not the damning evidence you are convinced it is. Again, if I am scum, I don't give a shit if I manage to lynch one player over another, so long as they're not scum. In other words, focusing on you and/or prof well past the point where it was obvious Zolo was going to be lynched would be...the obvious scum move, because then I can parade into the next day head held high.
"Have you even been reading my posts?"
look at the post above with some of what you posted just last dp .

"I'm sure he's being a detrimental presence, and would have liked him gone over Zolo."
if you thought towards the end of the day
zolo was less detrimental of a detrimental presence hinting he was kira all game
than ekko
I would have no words to say.

"You're too busy trying to hang me up to realize that I have been hedging on Ekko literally all game. No, I'm not sure he's scum."
you only threatened to do so whenever he thinks you are off
start of last dp tried convincing him to be on my wagon so major doubts on that
both at the end of d1 and d2
your actual cases were myself, prof (no reason provided yet ) and yotanwa d1 . you didnt actively pursue those close to the end of d2.

on ekko all you have said is this guy is playing as a terrible townie or is scum
its hardly anything substantial.


What could have been...
Because if we don’t have a good explanation for what would be happening with a second killer then we can put Dest on the back burner outside of the POE as less likely to be scum.

Cleared is the wrong word, but pushed out of the main POE is what I mean.
im not sure if i follow but we dont even know if there is an SK in game or its simply scum with double kills
im not sure if i follow but we dont even know if there is an SK in game or its simply scum with double kills
You said you feel like It’s a SK and listed double kills as secondary. That means you lean to there being a SK.

Me and Flower already talked about why a SK doesn’t make much sense but you don’t read dude.
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