[FNZ] Light game Death Note Mini Mafia

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for me to be a nuisance or distraction, my reads have to be abyssmal and lynching townies 24/7 meanwhile ur reads have to be godlike and lynching scum every day

but whats happening here is ur the one pointing fingers at townies or non scum the entire game and forcing reasons to continue point fingers at them

zolo was a major distraction because every towny couldnt play properly with him around refusing to cooperate and playing like an unannounced jester

u on the other hand, seemed to have a clear target in mind and just ignored zolo all together because u obviously know he is town so u want to set up the stage for more town lynches moving forward
Alright, listen dude. It's time for me to level with you here. I don't expect to be able to console our differences this game. But if we don't, we probably lose. If you're scum, you probably just take the game here, looking at the landscape. So I have to assume you're town here, at this point, looking at how things are shaping up. Prof and Lanji are both suspect, and Flower is being too lazy to even play. So you're all I got. God help me.

I'll admit I tunneled on Alibaba, but I maintain that it was probably the best lynch at that point in time, and better than you lynching Zolo D2. He had been caught in a lie. You'll notice I townread him earlier in the game, but I ISO'd him and then caught on to something. I recall you, at the moment, seeing that as a genuine reaction, and it was.

I don't think you get how infuriating you can be to play with sometimes, because you will often lean on very scummy ways of getting to people you suspect, scummy arguments and scummy ways of pouncing on people when they aren't around.

I am town. Period. You can say what you want about my play thus far, I don't really care, but that is the state of things. This phase you have probably been occupied with your back and forths. I want you to pause for a bit and take a look at how Lanji and Prof's treatment has been of me. It's opportunistic as *fuck*.

If you mislynch me here, the game is most likely lost, so treat this like lylo and splash some water on your face, try to reevaluate here because at this rate it's a scum win.
I told you to read my posts, which you clearly haven't, and you have the nerve to say "WhY CaN't U gIvE a ReAdS LisT"

I have made it exceedingly obvious who I scum read. Why can't you play. Extend the same amount of charity to me that you expect of me when you ask me to do something. Don't be an ass by gasping when I don't obey your request when you clearly haven't done any of mine.
I told you to read my posts, which you clearly haven't, and you have the nerve to say "WhY CaN't U gIvE a ReAdS LisT"

I have made it exceedingly obvious who I scum read. Why can't you play. Extend the same amount of charity to me that you expect of me when you ask me to do something. Don't be an ass by gasping when I don't obey your request when you clearly haven't done any of mine.
I asked for townreads

dest would be the only person you seem to have actively townread atm
Okay, that was just straight up bullshit. I'm lazy? Dude, I'm the second highest poster. Well, I AM sorry for being pretty useless so far. Sorry for trying to catch scum. But apparently people think it's cool to game throw or no show nowadays. Ali's way of handling a at least semi pro Town Indie claim was poor af, Zolo legit hinted Kira and blatantly threw. You think I care about your "requests"? I am trying my best to win a game which half of the players basically threw, either by game throwing or inactivity. I'm done with your offensive bullshit here. Get tf outta here.


What could have been...
Alright, listen dude. It's time for me to level with you here. I don't expect to be able to console our differences this game. But if we don't, we probably lose. If you're scum, you probably just take the game here, looking at the landscape. So I have to assume you're town here, at this point, looking at how things are shaping up. Prof and Lanji are both suspect, and Flower is being too lazy to even play. So you're all I got. God help me.
the only one i can see myself voting other than u today is prof
it wud be a game throw to randomly yeet flower at this stage, but if she is scum then it begs the question if town even have PRs
as for lanji, i had him tied to enryu. yesterday i noticed u trying to break the tie between them. seems like ur aware enryu is town so u were telling me if one is town it doesnt mean the other is. now enryu is dead and ur bring lanji back in the menu just as planned.

I'll admit I tunneled on Alibaba, but I maintain that it was probably the best lynch at that point in time, and better than you lynching Zolo D2. He had been caught in a lie. You'll notice I townread him earlier in the game, but I ISO'd him and then caught on to something. I recall you, at the moment, seeing that as a genuine reaction, and it was.
the problem is lynching ali does not help solve the game
its a waste of a day
regardless of being caught in whatever
its a claimed indie character with no counter claims, and he could prove himself by executing players on day 2 or killing zolo in the night or w.e
its a slot that easily self resolves. we shuda 100% lynched zolo day 1, then have ali execute u day 2 and vig one of the in actives. if we are not satisfied we will simply lynch ali day 2. but the priority was always zolo then ali, not vice versa

I don't think you get how infuriating you can be to play with sometimes, because you will often lean on very scummy ways of getting to people you suspect, scummy arguments and scummy ways of pouncing on people when they aren't around.
im aware but it is what it is
we need ppl talking, and this is a good way to do so

I am town. Period. You can say what you want about my play thus far, I don't really care, but that is the state of things. This phase you have probably been occupied with your back and forths. I want you to pause for a bit and take a look at how Lanji and Prof's treatment has been of me. It's opportunistic as *fuck*.
again i will be down for a prof push, its the only way i can let u go because the guy is individually scummy asfk compared to town prof
and we have dest who survived a kill too

If you mislynch me here, the game is most likely lost, so treat this like lylo and splash some water on your face, try to reevaluate here because at this rate it's a scum win.
i thought it would be lylo after 3 mislynches, but it cant be since scum has multi kills, and quiet frankly they missed most of them


What could have been...
you have to remmeber alibaba was also a role with killing abilities
so in the event we dont rid of him early, he would have kills as well impacting the game state (regardless of who he points the kills at)

meaning I doubt maf is a team of 3 cuz thats too much kill power
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