Bougya Debunked, now stop tagging me


The only one who can beat me is me
Its just some of your fellow fanboys are sensitive and naive. Otherwise, this shouldnt have gone this far. If some noob posts a thread, "Oda said Kizaru is stronger than Kaido" without anything to back it up, there will be 20 pages worth of replies within a day.

Dont encourage these dumbass trolls. Firstly, if you need to put that much work to troll others, its not worth it. Secondly, you are trolling at the expense of someone's reputation, which is also not acceptable.
It's not that serious. The truth eventually comes out for any troll of this caliber, and the person who was telling the truth looks better than ever, while the people trolling lose face.

This has helped Sandman more than hurt him. A couple days of peoples feelings being hurt, who cares? Go outside, leave your basements lol. It's never a big deal in the long run.
It's not that serious. The truth eventually comes out for any troll of this caliber, and the person who was telling the truth looks better than ever, while the people trolling lose face.

This has helped Sandman more than hurt him. A couple days of peoples feelings being hurt, who cares? Go outside, leave your basements lol. It's never a big deal in the long run.
Smh, you dont know if its serious or not for the guy who is getting harassed on Twitter.

I can see why you are now supporting the trolls. Deep down, you wanted to believe this shit 😂
This has got to be the most deranged shit I've ever see, the fact that someone would try to spread propaganda over a Japanese cartoon for power levels
Childish .

I just cant imagine bunch of grown men taking cartoon so serious. I mean some of us are old enough to have kids . Its just people need to chill out this powertrip is so shit . Considering we literally had kidd beat big mom but got zero diffed by shanks. Oda sucks in power level .


The only one who can beat me is me
Smh, you dont know if its serious or not for the guy who is getting harassed on Twitter.

I can see why you are now supporting the trolls. Deep down, you wanted to believe this shit 😂
Bro some kid's trolling about a powerscaling take about a cartoon character. Please...there are bigger problems in this world to put energy into.

I could not give two shits about Sandman, when anyone with a functioning brain can tell by now that it's a troll. This has hurt Akainu fans rep more than anything. Let them do whatever the fuck they want, they just look worse by the minute. I'm not about to shed tears over this.
I did shut my mouth lol. As soon as we saw clearly fake scans I accepted it as fake and that was the end of it.

Meanwhile you’re up in here running damage control for a random on the internet obsessively for 24 hours now, lol
I have nothing to damage control. I called it fake and was proven right. You on the other hand created this thread, proven wrong and shamelessly trying to be funny here. I even tried to defend you by going against the fake alts, but you are too stupid to understand that.

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
I have nothing to damage control. I called it fake and was proven right. You on the other hand created this thread, proven wrong and shamelessly trying to be funny here. I even tried to defend you by going against the fake alts, but you are too stupid to understand that.
Where was I trying to be funny? We got fake scans, I accepted them as fake and really haven’t paid much attention to this thread since but you degenerates keep tagging and quoting me lol. I left the OP as is so everyone could get a good laugh, but everyone keeps tagging me as if some random dudes’ actions on Twitter have anything to do with me lol.

It was a fake scan, move on with your lives already.
He should have just said “I can’t post anything because of copyright” rather than saying “I can’t post anything because of copyright, but here lemme post page 27 which settles nothing” lol.

Shit is fake either way but Sandman is largely responsible for this crap.
We don't know why he can't post that page, it's not important anyway .

This has hurt Akainu fans rep more than anything.
Akainu fans are already known as the gun tards and authoritarians of the one piece fandom, it can't get any worse tbh:risitameh:
Childish .

I just cant imagine bunch of grown men taking cartoon so serious. I mean some of us are old enough to have kids . Its just people need to chill out this powertrip is so shit . Considering we literally had kidd beat big mom but got zero diffed by shanks. Oda sucks in power level .
I mean it could be anyone.
Any random adult person on the street, they seem like serious people, wear suits and whatnot but when they come home they turn on their computer and flame bait and argue about a comic book:ihaha::ihaha::ihaha::ihaha: