Future Events Do you think big mom will return in Elbaf?

Sure, her good side has been highlighted all the way from the flashback to the O-Lin situation and even mother mode.

If she just drops out now for good, it would be a total waste of setup.
Tbf I can see her become a "Guardian" or protector of Luffy's allied territories if she does become an ally. He's friends with so many different races that this would fulfill her dream, too. And eventually Luffy will need somebody strong to protect his friends while he's continuing his journey. Especially Wano since the WG could make it their target.
Why would she, so she can lose to Luffy and Zoro worse than she lost to Law and Kidd?
Her crew would be clowned badly if they even tried to go to Elbaf since pretty much 100K to Millions of Pissed Off Giants would go apeshit on her crew for it. Elbaf>Wano is canon and Kaido himself used a Divide and conquer method to avoid being overwhelmed by Wano's army

Her plots are done. She lose to Luffy Alliance now and when he arrive at Elbaf the Giants will already like the SH.

The talk in the start about who would be the next captain Katakuri or Peros, with Peros being defeated together with BM is a clear foreshadow of Katakuri taking over Totland and the remenants of the BMP. Also her crew was alredy defeated, her position as emperor already weakend and she is not a threat to the SH anymore, a after-Wano Luffy can beat her and would be a zero tension fight
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Elbaf will basically be Thriller Bark 2.0 with Big Mom taking her role as Moria of the NW completely

Elbaf will probably be already taken over by her before SHs arrive
She cant beat Kid and Law but will take over the strongest Army in the world? lol
I know many of you hate that idea, but this theory has pretty solid arguments one of which being napoleon

Oda forshadowed big mom's defeat in wano by naming big mom's main weapon after napoleon, who lost in the battle of waterlaw and in the battle of trafalgar

And fun fact about napoleon is that he was banned to a place called Elba

Thoughts on this?
interesting fax if i say so myself.. i don't think BM's plot is done in Op but she's defeated
Fucking hell, we have already witnessed this collosal clown get nothing but humiliated for two straight arcs in a row. Just let the bitch rest already.

Sure, in theory it would be a waste of set-ups if she does nothing else for the rest of the series but it would hardly matter since barely anyone actually cares for this character and the amount of screentime she eats up with stupid tomfoolery antics like O-Lin mode and the infamous Wedding Cake.

If she was going to be in another arc then why bring her into Wano? The only reason she was brought into Wano Arc was to defeated and removed from the story. That is it.
At this point, I’m sick of her and her crew. I would rather not have a lot of secondary and tertiary characters from previous arcs hogging up panels in Elbaf (assuming we even get Elbaf).
What scares me is Oda has kept several of her main crew members hidden from action beats. Namely Smoothie, Snack, Compote and Daifuku.

I would have thought Wano would have resolved their relevance in Wano (who knows maybe they still get fodderized by Zunisha or CP-0), but if BM gets shot down to the crater Law made and they see it, they might take her and run. It's also possible Oda decides she has some future role to play in elbaf because of it.

I hope not...but the fact that her crew is still running around bothers me. This is with OLin or not.
What scares me is Oda has kept several of her main crew members hidden from action beats. Namely Smoothie, Snack, Compote and Daifuku.

I would have thought Wano would have resolved their relevance in Wano (who knows maybe they still get fodderized by Zunisha or CP-0), but if BM gets shot down to the crater Law made and they see it, they might take her and run. It's also possible Oda decides she has some future role to play in elbaf because of it.

I hope not...but the fact that her crew is still running around bothers me. This is with OLin or not.
And left peros behind?