Does somebody belive flat earth?


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
for not being a flatearther you sure do have memorized the script really well
  • bubbles in outer space = never happened, thats called space debris (ironically something flattards whine about because its "never seen" in space footage, but if it is seen its somehow "bubbles")
  • green screens : how would they fake zero-g for 30+ minutes with green screens?
  • Guess you didnt watch enough ISS live stream, one of the astronauts once did pick up the camera, but you know what? its not their job to convince stupid shitheads on the internet who dont have a basic grasp on physics of something the ancient greeks were able to conclude through science with eratosthenes even calculating the circumference of the earth
  • there have been several real pictures of the earth, not every image is a composite

  • clearly no fish-eye lense in the second photograph here
  • even in high-altitude footage from flattards you can usually see a slight curve, the earth is fucking huge btw.
  • some zoom on ships starting to disappear can make them visible, refraction is a thing. There is a point though where zoom wont help at all, and also you must have seen one of the famous skyline shots from far away, usually small buildings and lower parts of huge buildings are cut off, because the earth is a fucking globe:
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also look at how some buildings look like they are hovering above the water, refraction...
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GLOBAL positioning system. I do enjoy when flattards use gps to try undermine globe earth without realizing GPS works with the globe model (i.e. reality)
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i still after years of discussions with flattards have not been presented a proper explanation on how moon phases or eclipses work on their "model"
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Well such beliefs stem from simple understanding of two vital aspects of human nature.

1) We have tendency to feel that whatever we are thinking or doing is right. But it's not. We are wired to get things wrong.

2)we think we are special. Earth is special. We are some special children of God. No in Universe we aren't. We all carbon based creatures which is highly abundant in Universe. Our existence is tiny. Humans are not special.

Science is not based on what you and I and everyone else thinks but on data and evidence which are free from these biasedness.

Yes science doesn't answer everything but then it's not the fault of science but our own limitations.

And, when all scientific evidences points to Earth being Spherical then you accept it. And, if you don't then you don't counter it with your opinion but evidences.... concrete data and evidences Which in my knowledge not even a single flat model believer ever provided. They assume that they understand science but they don't
They assume that they understand science but they don't
they do understand science, refer to jeranisms experiment in the netflix documentary. But since the result wasnt conforming to his denial, he dismissed it.
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Yes science doesn't answer everything but then it's not the fault of science but our own limitations.
doesnt answer everything *yet


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
they do understand science, refer to jeranisms experiment in the netflix documentary. But since the result wasnt conforming to his denial, he dismissed it.
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doesnt answer everything *yet
I don't think they understand science.

Science isn't just about calculations, experiments, observations and data.

Science is also about having Scientific Temper and a rational take on things and evidences and then forming the opinion
I’m not a flat earther, I don’t know the shape of the earth because I’ve never seen it myself but proponents of the globe model aren’t trustworthy, from green screens, to bubbles in outer space, to the fact they never do a 360 degree spin with the camera on ISS streams, to the fact that no real picture of the earth has ever been taken with all of them being cgi rendered, to every camera showing a curve having a fish eye lens and a camera without showing a flat horizon no matter how high up you go, to the fact if you allow boats to sail over the horizon you can bring it back into view by zooming in on it(which would be impossible if it disappeared because it went over a curve).

I personally believe in a geocentric model of the earth regardless of its shape, the earth does not move. I don’t know its shape but I am leaning towards a flat earth model about 60% whereas I think the earth might be a globe about 40%. I’ll be happy to find solid proof supporting one model over the other no matter what shape it is because I’m not personally attached to it.
so you think everyone who works at a space related organization is lying to you? do you understand how many people that it is? hundreds of thousands and all of them are just lying about the shape of the earth

You can make fun of me and laugh, dismiss me as a crazy person,

I don’t care. To those people I look at you as those idiots who were laughing at Blackbeard when he was talking to Luffy, it is what it is.
comparing yourself to a fictional character like that yikes
so you think everyone who works at a space related organization is lying to you? do you understand how many people that it is? hundreds of thousands and all of them are just lying about the shape of the earth
not just space organizations, even pilots and seismologists and seafarers are all in on it too
edit: these were just fields that i have at the back of my mind, probably way more people depending on the shape of the earth lol
based on what are they fake af? and what about the amateur footage i shared with you? is that fake af as well?
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i 100% agree, and maybe dont watch videos from flatearthers as part of your research, because spoiler alert, they are the actual dishonest ones.
(bob knodel for example proved the earths motion in the netflix documentary but never really admitted so in public, jeranism proved earth curvature in the netflix documentary and never really admitted so in public but just said he had different findings with similar experimants, that he never showed afaik).
From what I remember(I was really into this 2017-2018) the cloud formations on the first pic of the earth is computer generated. Also I don’t believe there was a moon landing so I have no reason to believe the second image, it looks cgi too, and they forgot to put the stars in the background of their picture.
From what I remember(I was really into this 2017-2018) the cloud formations on the first pic of the earth is computer generated. Also I don’t believe there was a moon landing so I have no reason to believe the second image, it looks cgi too, and they forgot to put the stars in the background of their picture.
"iT LoOkS CgI"

so basically you got nothing.

Cloud formation repeats is something you find in composites, i.e. images that are made by putting multiple smaller images together because they were made by lower-orbit satellites. Those satellites dont have enough distance to capture the entirety of the earth, but since they are closer, they will also have more details. The image i shared above is a full photograph, not a composite, no cloud formation repeats.

Well you can choose to not believe in the moon landing, but there is no basis for that belief anyway, and that image wasnt even done from the moons surface, it was done while the spacecraft was in moon orbit.

But its gonna be real fun to see the mental gymnastics in a few years when nasa have a station on the moon
From what I remember(I was really into this 2017-2018) the cloud formations on the first pic of the earth is computer generated. Also I don’t believe there was a moon landing so I have no reason to believe the second image, it looks cgi too, and they forgot to put the stars in the background of their picture.
have you seen cgi in the 1990-2000? and we are talking about the 1960s here
I’m pretty sure Hollywood was around before that. I know what wasn’t around, the internet so people who were suspicious at the time had no choice but to get fed garbage about what’s real.
we didnt just talk about hollywood, but "graphics". Im interested to hear your explanation of how they faked this shit in 1968, with the first photo even being from 1966
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also there is absolutely no explanation of footage from the iss, zero g planes dont get you several minutes of zero g, and some of the shit they do is just impossible with wires.

so unless you want to suggest they have secret technology that works in anti-gravity ways (but then denying the earth to be a globe seems rather mundane), space is real, the iss is real (also have you seen the amateur footage i shared here yet?), the earth is a globe.

get over it
we didnt just talk about hollywood, but "graphics". Im interested to hear your explanation of how they faked this shit in 1968, with the first photo even being from 1966
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also there is absolutely no explanation of footage from the iss, zero g planes dont get you several minutes of zero g, and some of the shit they do is just impossible with wires.

so unless you want to suggest they have secret technology that works in anti-gravity ways (but then denying the earth to be a globe seems rather mundane), space is real, the iss is real (also have you seen the amateur footage i shared here yet?), the earth is a globe.

get over it
Keep believing your religion, I personally don’t trust anything from space agencies because of the reasons I stated in my first post and that’s that.
Keep believing your religion, I personally don’t trust anything from space agencies because of the reasons I stated in my first post and that’s that.
good thing about reality is you dont need to believe it, it just is.

But face it, you regurgitated the same shit from the script about cgi and graphics and whatnot as you clearly were not aware that photo was shot in 1968.

Also what about spaceX, a private company? or what about the amateur footage of the iss and celestial bodies i shared with you?

and did the ancient greeks also use space agencies to conclude the shape of the earth and calculate its circumference?

edit: also if you are at it, please explain how moon phases or eclipses or sunsets/rises work on a flat earth, would love to hear that.
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I personally believe in a geocentric model of the earth regardless of its shape, the earth does not move. I don’t know its shape but I am leaning towards a flat earth model about 60% whereas I think the earth might be a globe about 40%. I’ll be happy to find solid proof supporting one model over the other no matter what shape it is because I’m not personally attached to it.
going back to that initial post though: you are not personally attached but go so far as to claim globe earth is a religion. yeah i think you exposed yourself as a flerf
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good thing about reality is you dont need to believe it, it just is.
This is exactly what I mean, you think you know everything there is to know, on one hand mainstream science tells you everything can be disproven yet have the same religious bias towards one explanation to the point people like you make arrogant statements like this.

Whatever, I’m done, like I said keep believing your religion.