General & Others Does the term "left hand man" been ever used in OP ever?

B-but muhhh Scopper Gaban1!1!1!

Non-canon, but a funny story: Bandai Namco games, the creator of One Piece Treasure Cruise, legitimately forgot that Gaban was a character. The game’s first Roger character would only activate his special ability if Oden, Rayleigh, Shanks or even fucking Dog and Cat were on the crew, but not Gaban. Fucking hilarious, that’s how irrelevant he is :milaugh::milaugh:
In Japanese symbology, left is the side of the male and solar energy, nobility and wisdom. Right hand is the female, and lunar qualities. Left hand standing for justice and right hand blessing and mercy. Left hand Yin, Right hand yang.

As for specifically in the manga, not that I can recall.
Its a term that denotes someone's tertiary worth in a hierarchy of value towards a leader in command

That is also why the title wings of the PK has descriptive imagery of WINGS that are on either ends of a bird or in this context a symbolic epithet for those that are entitled with title addressed .If Zoro is the right hand then he'd depict the right wing logically, that concept follows for sanji as well who is the left wing ie: the left hand