General & Others Educating Yonko Fans For Free - 2024 Edition


When were you under the impression this game is..
It’s true. I didn’t even start wanking him until after the WiFi Haki incident and Oda deciding that Post-Wano Luffy is still too weak to meet Shanks
Both statements arent true lmao.

Luffy isnt too weak to meet Shanks, and Wifi Haki isnt a combat feat.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Nah, even if BB beats Shanks it will be through underhanded bull shit.

Oda will never have a true and tall conqueror with rippling abs like Shanks lose to a gross fatty DF merchant like Blackbeard in a fair fight
Blackbeard will fight Luffy at the end, that Luffy will have surpassed Shanks.