Future Events EoW Zoro swaps Enma for Nidai...?

Does Zoro part ways with Enma at the end of Wano?

  • Yeah - Enma goes back to Momo

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • Nope - Enma is here to stay

    Votes: 38 77.6%

  • Total voters


Zoro Worshipper
I would love if Zoro turned Enma black and not only as soon as it's feasible. I would love to find out what it takes first of all. If it's an ACoA or ACoA + ACoC feature or even something different. Haki doesn't seem to be stored in blades and perhaps hardness is the characteristic that could be augmented. But overall the feat itself would be magistral as Shanks, Roger, Whitebeard seemingly didn't manage rather than actually rejecting the offchance to render their blades black, most likely.
I would love if Zoro turned Enma black and not only as soon as it's feasible. I would love to find out what it takes first of all. If it's an ACoA or ACoA + ACoC feature or even something different. Haki doesn't seem to be stored in blades and perhaps hardness is the characteristic that could be augmented. But overall the feat itself would be magistral as Shanks, Roger, Whitebeard seemingly didn't manage rather than actually rejecting the offchance to render their blades black, most likely.
One of One Piece's MAJOR theme is "Inherited Will". So What is "Will" Its Haki and ones goals and wishes.
So When you mention haki doesn't Store itself into blades like a power battery storage I agree; It doesn't store CoA into the blade from its previous owners but it does carry his Haki "Will"(Desire and Wishes).

Like Oden's "Haki" (Will, Desire, Wishes) through Enma to Slay Kaido or Kuina's through Wado Ichimonji to become the Greatest Swordman.

So when it comes to making a Black Blade why have most of the powerful people not been successful into making one. The reason i explained in my other post is because i think its most likely due to People like Oden, Mihawk, Ryuma and Kuina carry their Haki "desire and wishes" into their blades because their "Haki" wishes and desire are directly connected to their swords.

Ryuma became a Sword God,King = Black Blade = Will fulfilled
Mihawk became WSM= Black Blade = Will fulfilled
Oden Failed his Greatest Desire to Slay Kaido thus unable to make Enma Black. Enma still Carries the "Will or Haki" of Oden to Slay Kaido which would turn it black when fulfilled.

whereas people like Roger, WB and Shanks "Haki" greatest wishes and desires are not connected through their blades. Roger and Shanks case maybe its the Strawhat but they don't fight with it so.....
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Zoro Worshipper
One of One Piece's MAJOR theme is "Inherited Will". So What is "Will" Its Haki and ones goals and wishes.
So When you mention haki doesn't Store itself into blades like a power battery storage I agree. It doesn't store CoA into the blade from its previous owners but it does carry his Haki "Will"(Desire and Wishes).

Like Oden's "Haki" (Will, Desire, Wishes) through Enma or Kuina's through Wado Ichimonji.

So when it comes to making a Black Blade why have most of the powerful people not been successful into making one. The reason i explained in my other post is because i think its most likely due to People like Oden, Mihawk, Ryuma and Kuina carry their Haki "desire and wishes" into their blades because their "Haki" wishes and desire are directly connected to their swords.

Ryuma became a Sword God,King = Black Blade = Will fulfilled
Mihawk became WSM= Black Blade = will fulfilled
Oden Failed his Greatest Desire to Slay Kaido thus unable to make Enma Black.

whereas people like Roger, WB and Shanks "Haki" greatest wishes and desires are not connected through their blades. Roger and Shanks case maybe its the Strawhat.
It's an intriguing theory. When Kaido mentioned about Oden's spirit however he presumably was referring to the sword "remembering" some quirks of its previous possessor (Oden) since it does seem that Enma most likely cannot store CoA haki or any of the 3 types of haki most fans are more commonly aware of. I made a case on that once on the reasons why Enma most likely didn't possess Oden's haki to be bestowed upon Zoro, and it was Zoro's instead.

Regardless I think that spirit probably is constituted by Oden's quirks and yet Enma is not black despite Oden's will most likely tied with the sword in that sense, so I'm skeptical about these notions but they look tantalizing nonetheless. Perhaps spirit will be revealed as something else and your theory could pin in.

Or perhaps Oden's will was not strong enough.
Well most of these issues arise from Translations and Terminology issues. Haki in the Japanese Language is a word that describes Many Things. Probably over 10 or more Definitions for that 1 word. When translated it starts getting confusing and it also doesn't carry the same whole meaning that word is suppose to mean in the original language.

Haki can mean Will, Spirit, wishes, desires, and many other things but in the manga it is also applied as an attack with what we know as CoA, CoO, CoC etc... and it get more complicated when Wano and Skypiea and other lands start using different terminology for the similar if not the exact same thing but in different forms.

Oda makes it more confusing when it doesn't really need to be and translations and transliteration makes matters worse.

This is the major problem in my opinion when it comes to "haki" discussions.

Edit: Most people don't know what they are talking about when Haki is mentioned or what context or what type of "Haki" is being referred to by the characters in the manga when a characters or objects haki is mentioned in case of Enma.
Enma was Hiyori's sword and Ame No Habakiri was Momo's. Momo decided to keep it because he doesn't want to use it and Hiyori gave her sword to Zoro. If Zoro needs to give the sword back to someone, he should give the sword to Hiyori not Momo. And after the exchange of Shisui with Enma I don't see neither Zoro nor Hiyori wanting to exchange them again.
scrap the "all kitetsu" idea
wado is the sword of his promise to his late friend
that might actually become his most famous blade.

makes no sense abandoning a sword he made black , he keeps enma
nidai prob replaces sandai end of the arc
dont think it needs to break.
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Oden died at the age of 39, being in his prime for a decent time. Mihawk at the time of his debut was 41, and it doesn't look like he achieved a Black Blade just recently. Zoro will achieve his black blades at the age of 21, 22.

It's both power and skill. Your armament needs to be of the highest order. Maybe even advanced CoC is required on top of it ("conquering the blade"). But obviously, also top tier swordskill is needed (Mihawk saying that a sword without grace is no good sword, with Zoro asking Mihawk to teach him "the way of the sword").

Skill + Haki, I'm sure it's a combination. Oden's swordskill was top notch, but his Haki probably wasn't enough. While Roger has top notch Haki, but probably his skill was not good enough (with skill I mean, the ability a master swordsman aims for; "to cut everything"). While Roger so far preferred to throw Haki barriers with his sword, which is rather unusual for a masterswordsman, since cutting >> barriers.
def time investment is needed as well
black blades forged through ryuuma's long history of battles
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One of One Piece's MAJOR theme is "Inherited Will". So What is "Will" Its Haki and ones goals and wishes.
So When you mention haki doesn't Store itself into blades like a power battery storage I agree; It doesn't store CoA into the blade from its previous owners but it does carry his Haki "Will"(Desire and Wishes).

Like Oden's "Haki" (Will, Desire, Wishes) through Enma to Slay Kaido or Kuina's through Wado Ichimonji to become the Greatest Swordman.

So when it comes to making a Black Blade why have most of the powerful people not been successful into making one. The reason i explained in my other post is because i think its most likely due to People like Oden, Mihawk, Ryuma and Kuina carry their Haki "desire and wishes" into their blades because their "Haki" wishes and desire are directly connected to their swords.

Ryuma became a Sword God,King = Black Blade = Will fulfilled
Mihawk became WSM= Black Blade = Will fulfilled
Oden Failed his Greatest Desire to Slay Kaido thus unable to make Enma Black. Enma still Carries the "Will or Haki" of Oden to Slay Kaido which would turn it black when fulfilled.

whereas people like Roger, WB and Shanks "Haki" greatest wishes and desires are not connected through their blades. Roger and Shanks case maybe its the Strawhat but they don't fight with it so.....
or perhaps roger and shanks
didnt fulfill their greates wish
roger ran out of time and his will was inherited by luffy

shanks still ambiguous .
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or perhaps roger and shanks
didnt fulfill their greates wish
roger ran out of time and his will was inherited by luffy

shanks still ambiguous .
Yup and also Rogers "Haki or Will" Is most likely connected to the "Will of the D" or Void history and the Ancient Kingdom.

Same thing with Shanks. Roger and Shanks don't really have anything to do with black blades... at least that's how I see it for now.
Yup and also Rogers "Haki or Will" Is most likely connected to the "Will of the D" or Void history and the Ancient Kingdom.

Same thing with Shanks. Roger and Shanks don't really have anything to do with black blades... at least that's how I see it for now.
am saying its not about having anything to do with black blades
their wills are unfulfilled.
if roger's was
we wouldnt need luffy
if it was fulfilled , perhaps it too will be a black blade
in anycase i hope oda handles it well
the will idea is a theory ofc but its something I partially buy because
it explains why roger, shanks, oden ray couldnt do it and more importantly
why zoro may at the end of wano with enma if he can carry out oden's will with the blade . it could very well be off .
1. thats why he has three
2. oden didnt achieve the full potential of enma ,zoro will . (it may yet raise its rank depending on your skill)
3. nidai was prob owned by a notable person prior , no different than zoro getting enma
As long as Zoro carries Oden's Sword, people will find excuse to connect his achievements to Enma and *cough* Oden's Haki *cough*.
Atleast by removing it altogether, we won't have to see that happening.
As long as Zoro carries Oden's Sword, people will find excuse to connect his achievements to Enma and *cough* Oden's Haki *cough*.
Atleast by removing it altogether, we won't have to see that happening.
more of an issue for the fanbase than the story I reckon
didnt see the same complaints with shusui and ryuuma developed that to its max but people are fine with him keeping that to the end
but not enma which he will turn black himself. it confuses me a bit . No one says enma carried oden.
enma is integral to this arc (oden's blade) so it gets a lot of focus just as shusui did in the same arc he got it, he's stronger than he was before he trained with it .
however I still am of firm belief closer to when he's about to become the wss
that would be wado ichimonji.
1. thats why he has three
2. oden didnt achieve the full potential of enma ,zoro will . (it may yet raise its rank depending on your skill)
3. nidai was prob owned by a notable person prior , no different than zoro getting enma
The problem I have with Zoro having other peoples "Completed" Swords is that its not in Zoro's character to carry them.
Shusui at first was as we all and Zoro thought was earned by Zoro in defeating Zombie Ryuma. we find out that It's a Black Blade and its one of the only 2 known of it kind. Shusui got taken away from Zoro because it's a National Treasure but more importantly we and Zoro will come to realize that This blades job is done. It complete and there is no need to have it because its previous owners completed their missions or "Wills".
Enma will be treated the same way in my opinion.
Wado Ichimonji as well.
When Zoro Defeats Mihawk he will Give the Sword back to Kuina(grave) or her Father.

As I've said in my previous post Wado Ichimonji does not match Zoro's Character and is not his style. the Keitetsu series blades are more in tune with Zoro's Character.

Yes I agree that Zoro will make Wado Black by his own efforts and will. But it was shared with Kuina's Will.

Zoro will forge his own path with his Keitetsu blades which match his character. But this is probably Epilogue Stuff so we might not even get to see it....