Speculations Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro killed Ryuma and became The God of the Blade, the tier beyond World's Strongest Swordsman

Zoro's dream is to become the strongest swordsman ever and surpass even Mihawk, not just merely defeat him, so if he goes and faces Ethanbaron who may be stronger than Mihawk, it further strengthens his dream.
Well the problem here is that Zoro factually cannot achieve this goal

for example Zoro cannot ever prove he is stronger than Roger… we have already confirmed that Nasujuro didn’t beat Ryuma since Ryuma is stated to be undefeated, but even if Oda were to just have the narrator say “Nasujuro is stronger than Ryuma” with no on panel proof, the question would then be, “what’s that got to do with Roger?”… Roger is a swordsman and I can just as easily say Roger was stronger than Ryuma… anha? So how would you prove that Ryuma was stronger than Roger?

See Zoro’s goal cannot be something that he literally cannot achieve… So Zoro’s goal cannot be something there isn’t definitive proof he can can achieve
Well the problem here is that Zoro factually cannot achieve this goal

for example Zoro cannot ever prove he is stronger than Roger… we have already confirmed that Nasujuro didn’t beat Ryuma since Ryuma is stated to be undefeated, but even if Oda were to just have the narrator say “Nasujuro is stronger than Ryuma” with no on panel proof, the question would then be, “what’s that got to do with Roger?”… Roger is a swordsman and I can just as easily say Roger was stronger than Ryuma… anha? So how would you prove that Ryuma was stronger than Roger?

See Zoro’s goal cannot be something that he literally cannot achieve… So Zoro’s goal cannot be something there isn’t definitive proof he can can achieve
That's where black blade comes in:rolaugh:
With ghandi at least there is the point of him not being known. Shanks is very well known, for his duels with mihawk.

Mihawk > shanks any day
Shanks does to Mihawk what Shanks did to Kid/Killer. Theres a reason Mihawk pisses and shits his pants at the though of fighting Shanks, running from him in MF, sweating bullets over Buggys declaration for the one piece etc etc. Mihawk is a yonko commander according to Oda so Shanks>>>>>>>>Mihawk by default
Shanks does to Mihawk what Shanks did to Kid/Killer. Theres a reason Mihawk pisses and shits his pants at the though of fighting Shanks, running from him in MF, sweating bullets over Buggys declaration for the one piece etc etc. Mihawk is a yonko commander according to Oda so Shanks>>>>>>>>Mihawk by default
If that translation is real and accurate, it's your worst nightmare.

There being canon more skilled swordsmen that Mihawk, yet he still being "the strongest swordsman", would simply be more proof that it's not a "sword skills only" title.


If that translation is real and accurate, it's your worst nightmare.

There being canon more skilled swordsmen that Mihawk, yet he still being "the strongest swordsman", would simply be more proof that it's not a "sword skills only" title.
He's a troll dude.
Put him on ignore.
Instead of Canon material bro uses fanarts and headcanon.
If that translation is real and accurate, it's your worst nightmare.

There being canon more skilled swordsmen that Mihawk, yet he still being "the strongest swordsman", would simply be more proof that it's not a "sword skills only" title.
Its only a sword skills title. Sword skill=swordsmanship. Cope. Its the worst nightmare of Mihawk fans only.
I agree Ethan fought Ryuuma in the past, but most likely Ethan lost and Ryuuma forced him out of Wano, though Ryuuma may have lost his life doing so. Ethan being the current Sword God is very likely though, the only other candidate being Garling.