Character Discussion Eustass 'Captain' Kid - Keep on rollin'

do you delete every provoking post you come across?
ok i get it panty deserves his special pinned thread without any commonplace antagonism
as i said, have fun :cheers:
No I hate deleting post in total, I just cut of the provoke parts, doing it since I begin here, only delete to total provoke/insult posts.
You first two parts been okay as argument, the last one was just provoke. Still you comment stays.
One: i dont think its fair for other users when an admin / mod gets to pin their OWN thread
People spend DAYS / HOURS on here writing threads, just for it to get lost in the depths of the forum :kriwhat:

imo if a thread made by a user reaches over a certain threshold of views or replies, its aloud to be pinned :goyea:

Two: im 50/50 whether Kidds journey is over :kayneshrug:


Holy Simp
I am in the same boat. He got hypetooled on Shanks, but the hypetool for Kid will arrive right when Shanks makes his leave.

Elbaf will be an arc, the Strawhats will be part of it...Kid will be part of it. The Man marked by flames will be part of it.
We just have to take the crap by Oda until we get back to goatness.
Eh, ok, on one hand condolences for this loss and I admire the spirit, never give up.

On the other hand... About the comeback story I would have to quote Minamoto's motto.

I found really strange for Saul to go save Kidd. Why should Saul go save somebody who was gonna go Ohara on Elbaf ass. If anything I think Saul would be one of the giants who hates Kidd the most since he already knows the tragedy of a buster call. And this is a fact, Dory and Broggy commented how "if you are going to point a gun at my homeland expect the same response from me". Maybe Loki or one of his agents can go save Kidd but no Saul, he is a good guy. Then the Loki part where he saves Kidd, trains him to go after Shanks ass that is wishful thinking, he is not the main character. At best, the very best, he will be saved and wait for Luffy to share a bit of his Elbaf arc with Kidd as some sort of cheerleader like with Law. And after that it is a mystery, and either way even in that case it is Luffy saving him a 2nd time. Pretty pathetic, using Heat words, for a character like Kidd so it probably is better if nothing like this happens.

The only way I see Kidd have a serious come back is if 1) Oda decides to actually dedicate him some time and 2) he has character development aka he understands he has been a dick until this point, and this lead to what happened in last chapter, and he actually has to change and be less of a moron and think a bit more. Then of course this is just another way to kill his character.

For me, like a good portion of the readers, he will probably be alive, have some role in Elbaf arc but not return in the race for the PK. There is also no time, Luffy get a convenient 2 years time to train while the world waited for him, Oda will not do that for Kidd.

Gorosei Informer

I was meant to respond sooner but been sidetracked and busy too.

This is a HEFTY read but man, its so good to see you in high spirits and bouncing back again man @Pantheos ! I was distraught by how much you guys were suffering, I was angry and upset too, I ended up losing a massive rant (that came much later after this chapter really sunk in, just like Kidd and his crew, his aspirations, his dream sunk, hohoho, sigh.) I typed up to the Kidd FC by carelessness so that made things worse too lmao.

Seriously though, this is a phenomenal read too, I'm in awe. I couldn't write up a better argument/thread for him and I need to read this properly and digest it before I give a true, better response to it too.I've skimmed it but it definitely needs a far more proper read and processing ofc.

I do believe Kidd is not done yet, I appreciate the words of encouragement and tagging me for these as you have done before too, tyvm! I've felt this is the start of Kidd's story arc hopefully, his own personal saga, like how Law got one from Punk Hazard onwards.

Oda does really respect and value his characters, even the most absurd/stupidly designed/looking ones at times, I mean he wrote up a sad backstory for Fukurokuju of all people and made Raizo look like a scumbag, after that whole Raizo worship in the story too. He showed some surprising nuance there, as utterly daft as it all was too.

Kidd needed some humbling too, you can't truly grow and learn if you don't realise when you're at fault, when you've screwed up and made mistakes and what happened to his crew, the loss of the Victoria Punk and why that is so personally devastating for him and for Killer too especially, if this doesn't wake him up and change him, nothing well. He's a lost cause then.

Ironically Shanks' quote hits perfectly here. Kidd SNAPPED HARD after losing Victoria in his past, so how will he react to what happened to Killer and his crew here? Losing his only memento of Victoria as far as know too?

This is the ultimate make or break for him, what will define him as a man, a character, a pirate or whatever he chooses to be in future and so on.

If Oda actually kills him off or turns him into another Moria or other failed pirates, who just bully rookies and hide in weaker seas, I'll be extremely disappointed. I have faith Oda has much more planned for him than he's letting on and he's trying to tease us but also bait us at the same time, mislead but also lure us. I feel the same thing is going on with Zoro and his past, his lineage especially and such too. Also a lot of stuff with Wano in general and so on.

Anyway, I've bookmarked this and gonna read it properly in a bit if I can or soon definitely. I'll give a proper response to it as soon as I can too though.

Kidd is a proper conqueror in the sense hes extremely ambitious, what he accomplished in his past and also without the help of an army of powerful allies, overwhelming charisma, a literal God fruit and being the reincarnation/resurrection/whatever of Joyboy, no supreme grade wepaons, no Mythical Zoans even at least, not even an utterly broken fruit in general but ironically had to be dumbed down extremely hard just to not be one of the MOST BROKEN powers that can ever exist too!

There's so much more to his character and devil fruit than people realise and also that Oda utilitises. Kidd doesn't give up ever, no matter how unfair the odds are, how outmatched he is, how much luck/fate brutally wail on him and such and I won't give up on him either.

I refuse to believe this is the end of his story, but just the beginning and its not a coincidence Oda has done this before a break too imo.

We should have 3 more chapters in April anyway, I was expecting only 2 with an Oda break and a WSJ break coming up, but we're on an Oda break now and its 3 chapters until the next one as usual, but by the time the 3rd chapter comes out, the WSJ break (Golden Week) wlill be the week after or so, which is a huge curveball too.

I pray Oda doesnt leave Kidds fate truly unknown like has done to Sabo AGAIN for such a long time now too. Kidd could get an amazing arc of character growth, humbling, self reflection/awareness, grieving, opening up, getting stronger/wiser/less reckless etc and even befriending Elbaf and possibly even Shanks and co for all we know.

Shanks and the Giants may get through to him, especially if he meets this "burned mark man" who surely is Saul but could be Scopper for example too, I wished Kidd would meet Scopper and have his "own Raylegh" BUT Shanks could play that role for Kidd for all we know, Shanks mentoring Kidd and trying to guide him on a better path in life and setting him up to replace him in future if needed too ironically. I mean Oda surely didnt just give Kidd red hair, a missing arm (from a Shanks crewmate of all people too ironically/coincidentally) and even a scar across his left eye, just like Shanks? Kidd missing his left arm like Shanks too?

Oda loves to surprise us, to do things we don't even think of/expect and I pray he's gonna do that here, that he's not abandoning Kidd and that hes not getting that harsh, unfair treatment most of CP0 has gotten now (fatally in their case too), Asura, Izo and such too. I am trying to prepare myself for the worst, especially after this chapter BUT I want to believe, to have hope in Oda with Kidd and that its truly not over for Kidd, not at all.

As you said and others did too, theres a clear, blatant parallel to Sabaody going on here, I along with others expected it at Wano with the raid which never failed, with Ongiashima that never fell and such or even at Egghead with Kizaru and Saturn on the way there, Saturn potentially getting control of the Seraphims and thus nobody being able to override them as far as we know, Bonney probably aging up the Seraphim to make things even worse or even Kizaru just anhiliating the place and or the 100 Marine ships en route will too.

Thanks again for the tag anyway man, I'll read this sooner and ironically despite how long this reply is, It's not one I'm satisfied with until I've read your post properly and given it a more accurate/respectful/direct response too.

Kidd bounced back hard after what Kaido did to him. People are stil ltrying to downplay that, doubling down on it extremely hard after this Shanks incident too but I genuinely believe and hope Kidd will bounce back hard too somehow. Big Mom was knocked unconscious into the ocean and didn't die, despite "drowning". So was Luffy twice in Wano. He drowned twice and lived to tell the tale too. Kaido beat Luffy seneless multiple times and even "killed" him too yet here we are now too. It's not over for Kidd, it can't be despite what at least probably 90% of the community loves to think, wants to happen and such.