Zoro will fight Orohi.
Zoro will fight Yamato
Zoro will fight Whos who
Zoro will fight Queen
Zoro will fight Kingpls Goda, i beg you, dont make Zoro stronger than Sanji, i beg you, pls, oh god pls, dont let him fight Kaido.
Zoro is actualy fighting Kaido, pls, dont let him be relevant Oda, PLS.
Zoro will fight Orohi.
Zoro will fight Yamato
Zoro will fight Whos who
Zoro will fight Queen
Zoro will fight Kingpls Goda, i beg you, dont make Zoro stronger than Sanji, i beg you, pls, oh god pls, dont let him fight Kaido.
Zoro is actualy fighting Kaido, pls, dont let him be relevant Oda, PLS.
Nice try. I never said Zoro would fight any of those, and I said Orochi is fodder before we even saw him. I've always said his 1 v. 1 fight is King since 923.
Marco and King are birds in their ZOOAN form. But we know with Zooans their fights end up in their hybrid forms. And in his base/hybrid form King is clearly a swordsman.
Marco can only match this dude IN THE AIR. But in a 1 v. 1 fight, this will be settled on the ground, where a swordsman will happen to beat King.
Which swordsman there are in health there to beat King 1 v. 1 in a fight?
sometimes with Oda you should just expect the predictable route, Zoro always fight the second strongest villain, so he would, rest of the SHs will get their usual fights against the rest of beast pirates as well
also King relationship with Queen give it away, it resemble Sanji and Zoro relationship and like Kaku/jyabuura and Mr1/Mr2 they will be their opponents
King and Queen have been made to look like absolute jokes this chapter,but the way Oda hasn't developped King yet makes me think he'll get serious soon and give him the momentary win against Marco.
Queen got his name on chapter 935,i think King is going to have his too and since it will happen this late in the raid,it Can only be significant and involving one of the main charaters.
We are approaching Wano island,Rearrangements of matchups are bound to occur and Kaido and Big Mom will win this first round on the roof for sure.
Zoro fights King later and then fights again Kaido at the end of the arc.
Law needs a fight to prove himself dude didn't do shit and couldn't even push base doffy to a mid diff the same for Killer who got clapped by Zoro or Kid who didn't show shit and his Rival Apoo who is scared of Queen don't u think ?
mfs in this forum are afraid of Zoro power level and they want to make excuse to push him down after their headcanons got destroyed and especially this dude who pushed tha agenda of << zoro vs Kaido isn't happening >> to the point each time he makes a false interpretation of statements or when he tried to use Apoo tonfa agenda with others now where are tonfa fans ???
Marco vs King does not make sense. We all know that Marco can beat King, he has nothing to prove. The most logical would be Zoro vs King. So Zoro would show that he is at the level of a YC1. Besides, in Punk Hazard he was interested in cutting the fire as Kin'emon and King has fire powers.
I think Zoro will fight with Kaido for a while but in the end his 1vs1 will be King.
I think theres's a possibility that Yamato may clash with King. King has constantly been hunting down Momo, and Yamato is protecting him. King is also the one who gathered the F6 to hunt for Yamato. Also would be poetic if Yamato is to fight someone with "fire" ability.
*posted in the wrong thread but whatever*
Sure, I’m not going to complain if in addition to Zoro fighting Kaido Oda also throws in him beating his right hand man. I won’t be writing feverish threads of rage if that happens. But it’s still clear that Zoro’s biggest achievement this arc will be against Kaido, not King. If a fight with King doesn’t happen I don’t really care
People are blinded with headcanon but here is what Oda show so far about King:
King role: he was leading the topi ropo and comand to catch first Yamato and after Momosuke.
King speech when he talks to Marco (that is carrying Zoro): After we kill Momosuke the rebelion is over. (no mention whatever about the strahat or Zoro) but main focus still Momosuke.
Now the plot and story wanted to put together the 2 children (Yamato and Momosuke), Oda wanted to make this 2 bonded together and shearing info about Luffy&New Generation. Yamato said again and again that she ll protect Momosuke whatever it takes. She did that to Luffy&Franky& and the 9 scabban.
King is a very cold and strategic character and his role is to stop the rebellion. What the main piece that need to go?
Connect the dot and you ll have the matchup of Yamato&Momosuke vs King (which could be very good for Momosuke too)
Marco is really a ? I believe he ll stop fighting king cuz need to heal the 9 scabban (Izo is a whitebear commander)
Queen like I said has 2 major plot : 1 is to eliminate the spy (x-Drake) second look like he show interest for Sanji
Now I know that Fan are looking for a Katana vs Katana fight vs Zoro
I believe Zoro ll have a clash with someone willding a Sword (big Mom) but his main fight ll be vs Kaido (kaido dostn use a Kata but still have a maze) which can be clashed with a sword!!!!!
They're convinced that the moment the fight starts, Zoro is going to say "see you later" and he's gonna jump back downstairs to fight King or something. As if Marco throwing him up the roof was for fucking nothing. They're legit weirdos man, they're rattled over a fictional character fighting another fictional character.
Fr lmao they downplayed him so much that they're afraid now..their headcanons are getting destroyed and they cant accept the fact that Zoro might be way stronger than they they thought
Now they'ré all being hella salty and begging Oda for King to stop him lmao
Don't worry, Zoro and Killer will lose against Kaidou and Big MOm, and they can team up to beat Who's Who or something.
Marco will mid diff King (talons were shown to have cutting capabilities against akainu) and then he'll go up to kaidou and big mom, and he, drake, and hawkins will replace zoro and killer, and the team will actualy win this time.
Fr lmao they downplayed him so much that they're afraid now..their headcanons are getting destroyed and they cant accept the fact that Zoro might be way stronger than they they thought
Now they'ré all being hella salty and begging Oda for King to stop him lmao
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Yeah lol they're all being because Oda is destroying their headcanons
Don't worry, Zoro and Killer will lose against Kaidou and Big MOm, and they can team up to beat Who's Who or something.
Marco will mid diff King (talons were shown to have cutting capabilities against akainu) and then he'll go up to kaidou and big mom, and he, drake, and hawkins will replace zoro and killer, and the team will actualy win this time.
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There is like a 95% chance that the team up will fail and that marco, drake, and hawkins will have to show up to bolster their numbers.
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