Break Week Fights I wanna see in Wano

Most of the match ups seem set, so this is tricky.

Sanji vs King or Queen
Drake vs King or Queen
Robin v Black Maria
Kid pirates/Heart pirates vs whoever
Smooths vs someone

I hope Kid/Zoro get to show their stuff in a 1v1 against whichever emperor. Not including Luffy in this since we know it’ll come down to that.
Any possible fight except Luffy vs Kaido, in fact if SH battles will be off-screened, or wouldn't happen at all I will drop this manga. I can't and don't want even imagine ass pull that will happen in the future events with those weak characters. So yes, I feel like this will be my last OP arc.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Imagine begging to get trained by your endgame opponent.
So ? He did it for luffy not for himself and the most important word there is TRAIN. He didnt instantly get stronger he worked his ass off for 2 years and now he ready and fighting yonko. Imagine of he wasted the 2 years chasing okama what would he be doing now ? Running from fodder i guess.
Imagine saying you wont use the raid suit to using the raid suit... oh wait...
I mean..... the Raid Suit and the clash against Page One turned out to be pretty cool. Sanji obviously had a change of heart at some point and ultimately just wanted to try it on, which is a very human thing to do, people change their minds on things all the time.


Talent is something you make bloom.
So ? He did it for luffy not for himself and the most important word there is TRAIN. He didnt instantly get stronger he worked his ass off for 2 years and now he ready and fighting yonko. Imagine of he wasted the 2 years chasing okama what would he be doing now ? Running from fodder i guess.
Oh, now "context" is important?
Thought we were just throwing random acts with no context whatsoever. :D