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"You are inventing a lot of elements in my position here. I haven't even said that Ekko is defending a scum buddy. There are many reasons to defend them, I haven't settled on one particular one yet. This is the third time in your short interaction with me where you've tried to claim that I'm saying something I'm not. I'm merely highlighting that there was a hole in his thought process - the conclusions from that can be driven later. Does the detective show his hand the moment all the necessary clues are on the table? No, he does not. I will reuse this analogy for my next point here - finding reasons to townread players. Does the detective assemble evidence to find his fellow detectives? Nay, he assembles evidence to find the culprit. That's my interest right now, my fellow detectives will make themselves clear enough in due course."​
I'm not inventing anything but am certainly happy to reevaluate, inventing things would be saying things you haven't said, but u have said ekko was defending the guy and then said it reflects badly on ekko

I don't think it's reasonable to assume that ekko is whiteknighting a newbie as scum because those ar3 usually the best ones to keep in poe, would you agree?

As for ur point at the end, this might just be a fundamental difference in how we view the game or play the game.

I think it's easier to establish town reads and them use them to deduce the scum, sounds like you think the reverse is true?

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
think it's easier to establish town reads and them use them to deduce the scum
This is what I think as well IMO, it's better to try to find people to cooperate with rather than strangling each other trying to find out who's bad.

Of course, there's the danger of the people you town read eventually revealing to be scum. But I feel that can be pretty solvable at the end of the game.


Certified Memelord
This is what I think as well IMO, it's better to try to find people to cooperate with rather than strangling each other trying to find out who's bad.

Of course, there's the danger of the people you town read eventually revealing to be scum. But I feel that can be pretty solvable at the end of the game.
have u found any town so far?


The End and the Beginning

aww r u jealous ratchy
do you eat apple seeds?
"I do not even eat apples. I consume Orange/Mango juice, occassionally eat tangerines, and rarer yet bananas."
or they get fried and salted
"Defeating the point entirely."
i do not add a single piece of sugar to my coffee or tea.
"A teaspoon of sugar in tea is fine. Yet your crimes are worse - you add cream/milk into coffee (which is also acceptable in tea)."
either honey and lemon or nothing
"Both of these are designed to sweeten the beverage, so in neither case do you consume it in its purest form."
inventing things would be saying things you haven't said, but u have said ekko was defending the guy and then said it reflects badly on ekko
"I have said that, but I never said it means they have to be town/scum, or scum/scum, or scum/town. I merely pointed out that Ekko's argument had a flaw."
I don't think it's reasonable to assume that ekko is whiteknighting a newbie as scum because those ar3 usually the best ones to keep in poe, would you agree?
"While keeping a new player within the pool of viable lynches makes sense for Scum, I don't agree that Ekko offering his town read in this context actually removes them from the PoE at all."
sounds like you think the reverse is true?
"Rather than easier, I find it more enjoyable to catch Scum, than to find Town."​


"I do not even eat apples. I consume Orange/Mango juice, occassionally eat tangerines, and rarer yet bananas."

"Defeating the point entirely."

"A teaspoon of sugar in tea is fine. Yet your crimes are worse - you add cream/milk into coffee (which is also acceptable in tea)."

"Both of these are designed to sweeten the beverage, so in neither case do you consume it in its purest form."

"I have said that, but I never said it means they have to be town/scum, or scum/scum, or scum/town. I merely pointed out that Ekko's argument had a flaw."

"While keeping a new player within the pool of viable lynches makes sense for Scum, I don't agree that Ekko offering his town read in this context actually removes them from the PoE at all."

"Rather than easier, I find it more enjoyable to catch Scum, than to find Town."​
Not the poe, his poe. Big difference.

Well I don't disagree with that, the difference lies in how we get there.


The End and the Beginning
my cat was just hit by a car irl and i will not be able to continue playing. i have just requested to being subbed out. please take me out of ur game too @Ratchet . ill take a day or 2 off forums

thanks for understanding
Firstly - my condolances. Secondly, are you referring to DAL, or Higurashi Mafia? If the latter, it won't be starting over the next couple of days in all probability. If the former, do not worry yourself about it. Take care, Ekko.
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