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The End and the Beginning
Btw some person voted me cuz I have non edible seeds and said that is as bad as a vegetable.
I wanna say.
There are variations of this fruit that does have them in edible...

Vote Lynch Pearoroncini

"I don't recall who it was who said that, but they were correct in relation to their own opinion - there is a difference between a simile and a metaphor. By saying it is as bad as a vegetable, they are not saying it isn't a fruit, rather that the seeds are the best or one of the best parts of a piece of fruit, and to go without them defeats the purpose of consuming them. I do not share that opinion, but their internal logic holds up."​


Certified Memelord
technicallt u cant eat the seeds of most fruits

like apples grapes oranges watermelons peaches apricots mangos

well u can eat them but they taste bitter lol


The End and the Beginning
Ok so if you're saying it is

Then why u think ekko would make bold play like this as scum, u think he values his newbie teammate enough to defend them as u call it when they aren't even in pressure

Seems like clutching straws to me

There is no reason to do this as scum lol, town however look for ways to solve game and town lean early based on little, scum doesn't do this for obvious reasons

"You are inventing a lot of elements in my position here. I haven't even said that Ekko is defending a scum buddy. There are many reasons to defend them, I haven't settled on one particular one yet. This is the third time in your short interaction with me where you've tried to claim that I'm saying something I'm not. I'm merely highlighting that there was a hole in his thought process - the conclusions from that can be driven later. Does the detective show his hand the moment all the necessary clues are on the table? No, he does not. I will reuse this analogy for my next point here - finding reasons to townread players. Does the detective assemble evidence to find his fellow detectives? Nay, he assembles evidence to find the culprit. That's my interest right now, my fellow detectives will make themselves clear enough in due course."​


The End and the Beginning
technicallt u cant eat the seeds of most fruits

like apples grapes oranges watermelons peaches apricots mangos

well u can eat them but they taste bitter lol

"You can eat those, which satisfies the requirement for them to be edible. Bitter taste is a preference - and in several cases, the superior choice. Pure, unspoiled black coffee comes to mind. Not the sweet-filled sewage you consume."​


Certified Memelord

"You are inventing a lot of elements in my position here. I haven't even said that Ekko is defending a scum buddy. There are many reasons to defend them, I haven't settled on one particular one yet. This is the third time in your short interaction with me where you've tried to claim that I'm saying something I'm not. I'm merely highlighting that there was a hole in his thought process - the conclusions from that can be driven later. Does the detective show his hand the moment all the necessary clues are on the table? No, he does not. I will reuse this analogy for my next point here - finding reasons to townread players. Does the detective assemble evidence to find his fellow detectives? Nay, he assembles evidence to find the culprit. That's my interest right now, my fellow detectives will make themselves clear enough in due course."​
aww r u jealous ratchy


Certified Memelord

"You can eat those, which satisfies the requirement for them to be edible. Bitter taste is a preference - and in several cases, the superior choice. Pure, unspoiled black coffee comes to mind. Not the sweet-filled sewage you consume."​
do you eat apple seeds? most of these seeds usually made into oils or w.e. or they get fried and salted. it tastes good that way

i do not add a single piece of sugar to my coffee or tea. either honey and lemon or nothing. i have mastered the art of tasting the pure form of tea and coffee for a long time
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