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Argonauts, roll out!
trying to assess someones alignmnet by whether they like posts or not is pretty wack, especially a new player to forum games. i remember when knight of the sea joined he would like posts as scum too, altho he would also feel the subconscious need to post some awkward 1 liners to show us that he is present so its not sus lol
R u saying I did that???


Certified Memelord

"The hole in his thought process was that it carried an assumption that could not be safely made at this point in time. That was what reflected poorly - not necessarily him giving a town lean outright, which is what you've attempted to change my argument to. I'm still yet to see why it has to be shading though - it's a rather selective conclusion to make from my post."​
i dont see the issue with it. its what an early read is. reasoning doesnt have to be concrete. whats ur own early read of doctor

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Also if Spirit Votes don't count then that means that the Banana Bread Battalion and the Apple Pie Platoon are tied...

It all depends on what the host wants most
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