Powers & Abilities General CoA Discussion - Basic & Advanced

Don't know if anyone has said this but imo i believe that only those with COC can use the most advanced types of haki. The only people shown thus far using them Future sight, penetration haki ect have CoC. There has to be a reason why everyone at marine ford freaked dick and said it was a terrifying ability when luffy used it. I mean as if high ups at marineford would care if all it does is knockout folder.

On to the black blade.
I think like it says in the panel when zoro found out about permanent black blade it is done through countless battles of using the flowing Coa.

My theory is that everytime you haki up the blade and go through battle little bit of thar haki stays in until eventually it becomes a blackblade. So yeah it doesn't require penetration haki i think it just requires countless battle like it was stated in manga by Oda.

Even if you don't agree you know it makes sense. I could be wrong and the penetration destruction technique and permanent black blade could be the same but then ask yourself why the fuck can't old hyogoro who said coa is a specialty in wano and obviously has trained alot lot lot of years could never reach the penetration technique that luffy can do after like a week of training I'll tell ya COC MATEEEEE
Because Luffy is MC and has big Plot Armour, nothing needs to be said.
Because Luffy is MC and has big Plot Armour, nothing needs to be said.
Nah mate you didn't say shit about anything i mentioned. You want to know why? Because you desperately want Zoro to be at Luffys level. Pffft thats gay as aids buddy. And if you don't have a normal understandable come back to my points i believe instead of this main character shit, fuuuck outta here lol


World's Strongest Swordsman
Colour change is part of design bud.

Again, like I said, if your best argument is some pedantic difference in detail, then you have no valid argument.

Valid arguments are:
  • Rayleigh states Armament is invisible.
  • Hyo states Armament is invisible.
  • Haki was never shaded pre-skip because it was Invisible and the idea no one used Hardened Armament pre-skip makes no sense especially at Marineford.
  • Haki was never shaded pre-skip until Luffy learnt to use Haki meaning he could only sense it after he'd learnt it.
  • Panels that were not shaded pre-skip are now shaded post-skip after Luffy can use Haki.
  • No where in the series has anyone ever mentioned that a character turned a part of their body black.
Franky didn't know Luffy was a Haki user despite the fact his fists were entirely black at the start of the time-skip... Big black fists can't be missed.
Nami, Robin, Chopper... no one said wow Luffy's got a big black fist. They likely would have if they'd just seen Luffy's skin colour change from white to black suddenly. Doubt that's something people see and just don't mention.

If Haki were literally black, some none-Haki user would at least have mentioned or referenced that people were turning black momentarily. Never happened. 900+ chapters, never happened.
Nope. Just colour is not the whole design of the sword changing.
Nope. Just colour is not the whole design of the sword changing.
Still irrelevant.

Change in design means nothing.

You can however pretend and convince yourself otherwise, but there's no evidence.

Your argument is based on nothing concrete or informative.

Like I said, you have nothing substantial whereas I do.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Still irrelevant.

Change in design means nothing.

You can however pretend and convince yourself otherwise, but there's no evidence.

Your argument is based on nothing concrete or informative.

Like I said, you have nothing substantial whereas I do.
Waaaaah waaaaaah
I have no answer to say so im gonna pretend its not a point waaaaaaaah

Thats you.


World's Strongest Swordsman

Nope, I actually have evidence and statements.

You have nothing other than a design which means nothing.
Again hes talking about basic coa.
Basic coa is not hardening lmfao stop going round in circles with your head in the sand.

You still havent given an answer to why the actual design of swords change when they are koka covered ???


World's Strongest Swordsman

He doesn't say basic CoA.

He says Armament Haki is invisible.

Hyogoro says the same thing to assuming you've been reading Wano.

Like I said, you have no evidence.

No where in the Manga is Haki ever stated to be black, simply Invisible bud.
No ray specifically said hed teach him the basics.

Mihawk says any sword clad in haki can become a black blade


World's Strongest Swordsman
Rayleigh says it's invisible; Hyogoro says it's invisible.

Some random reader says otherwise.

Think I'd take the Manga as my source of information.
Mihawk says swords become black.
Vistas vc says he can make swords black like zoro

But but but waaaaahhhhh
Likes: yj
No ray specifically said hed teach him the basics.
Doesn't mean it's not invisible.

No where in the series has Haki ever been said to be invisible at basics.

You're simply making things up.

Mihawk says any sword clad in haki can become a black blade

And Black blade assuming you've read Thriller Bark means Hard blade.

Haki makes things hard, not literally black, bud.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Yep, Swords become harder when imbued with Haki.

We know this.

Let me correct you: Black blades, not color black. Huge difference.
This is the whole point when haki clad the design changes and looks more like shusui an actual black blade
Nah mate you didn't say shit about anything i mentioned. You want to know why? Because you desperately want Zoro to be at Luffys level. Pffft thats gay as aids buddy. And if you don't have a normal understandable come back to my points i believe instead of this main character shit, fuuuck outta here lol
Did i mention Zoro:memehm:
Latent Zoro-bringer here?
Luffy got VoAT and CoC and AdCoA and CoO is because he's MC and has gigantic plot armour. That's a fact. You can find another "in-verse" explanation, but the fact remains.