So how long before this dumb ass fanbase acknowledges the fact Kan Ki hasn't carried his weight since Koku You?
"His" two biggest victories were all but outright delivered by the HSA and GHA.
Had Kei Sha not fallen to Shin's sword, he would've gone back to his hill top and continued fortifications. Without his death, Ki Sui may not have taken Kan Ki's bait, and even if he did, Kei Sha would've probably been efficient enough in his fortifications that he could spare Ki Sui, and if he not, he was certainly ruthless enough to keep the Rigan army in line by restraining Ki Sui.
At Eikyuu, Ou Hon set up the pincer that took out the Gaku Haku Kou Army and Shin, who arrived half a day early because the plot demanded it, saw it to its completion and killed Gaku Haku Kou in the process, leaving Ko Chou vulnerable and without enough time to recognise the strategy.
Kei Sha ran into the second coming of Duke Hyou at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and Ko Chou lost a race against time that he was destined to lose.
As much as I enjoy Kan Ki as a character and his contribution to the manga, I have never considered him in the upper echelon of 6GG talents. I don’t think the numbered seats correspond to strength or competence per se, but I do think it's fitting Kan Ki is the Fifth Great as I have always considered him the weakest of the five and disadvantages against all of them.