Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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Why not?
Tou is at numerical disadvantage and is limited to have very few casualties to win this battle. In a equal situation without those restrictions and maybe removal of Yoko who has been more impressive than both these losers i don't see how Tou wouldn't win.
Don't make me defend those guys. I really don't want to.:josad:

The number disadvantage is barely a thing if you compare it to the prievious wars Qin was participating. HKK is still a talented fighter who gave Shin a decent fight, so I don't think he would have a problem slaying someone like Rokuomi with his elites. Tou would be simply outgunned against both of them.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars

Tou glazing Yoko Yoko

Truly the Han goat, Rakuakan and Hakuokoku should be demoted and Yoko Yoko should be the Han commander.

Even Han’s best warrior acknowledging that Yoko Yoko is damn smart for a warrior

@Cichy @Rumble yall still think Kyoukai has more IQ feats than this man? Has Kyoukai ever been glazed by an intelligent 6GG like this? Lol

EDIT: Also Hara foreshadowing that Yoko may not just be some random warrior who’s identity is of no significance.

Tou glazing Yoko Yoko

Truly the Han goat, Rakuakan and Hakuokoku should be demoted and Yoko Yoko should be the Han commander.

Even Han’s best warrior acknowledging that Yoko Yoko is damn smart for a warrior

@Cichy @Rumble yall still think Kyoukai has more IQ feats than this man? Has Kyoukai ever been glazed by an intelligent 6GG like this? Lol
As much as I dislike that moment, Kyoukai realising the Locust Strategy that Ousen was going for, probably would have had a GG giving a bit of praise to her if one was there.
He nearly got killed and retreated this chapter. I'm not saying he's bad perse, a decent GG, but defeating Renpa?

Maybe if you take him and Haku'ou Koku then together they make for one 6GG+ tier general.
I don't think it's remotely accurate to characterise this battle as being one Raku almost won.

It is a total victory for Tou.

I also don't think Raku is 6GG level. Talent wise, sure, but not in aptitude. 6GG calibre generals have several gears they can use, especially when their backs are against the wall. We've not see that from Raku.

Ko Chou was less talented but better.
bare in mind this war has just been decided by Shin beating Haku. The Tou vs Rakuakan battle itself was not decided. Yoku saved Raku, but he’s an actual Raku commander in the same way Kanou is a Tou commander - and he spent most of this battle on a different battlefield.

What happens in this battle if Haku/Shin is still ongoing? What would have happened if Yoko stayed and could block off Kanou or even an exhausted Tou?

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
It's not a matter of opinion, it's a fact.

Kyoukai outplayed the entire state of Han with the disguised old men plan.
Which is still a complete load of bullshit as that moment was Tou and secondarily Shouheikun.

This is Yoko Yoko literally performing a superior intellectual feat to his own commander despite being a warrior. Rakuakan may have stuck around to die by Tou if Yoko hadn’t been the one to talk sense into him.

As much as I dislike that moment, Kyoukai realising the Locust Strategy that Ousen was going for, probably would have had a GG giving a bit of praise to her if one was there.
I’m not doubting Kyoukai, I’m just saying that outside of one or two spurts of GG level talent, she is absolutely not on the level of someone like Yoko intellectually.

People who defend Kyoukai’s intellect are like people who defend Shin’s martial prowess. People act like Shin was supposed to low diff every warrior in the manga because he unlocked weight he will never unlock again against the most jobbing top tier in the whole manga, and then get confused when Shin almost gets his head lopped off by Jyoukaryuu or has to cheat to beat Gakuhaku Kou lol.

Likewise, people are quick to point to Kyoukai’s only one (or two if you lie) feats of GG level IQ feats out of five years of complete intellectual irrelevance. Seriously her locust feat happened five years ago, then she was basically a complete bum for five years straight, and then she suggested not fighting the state of Han, and then she was an intellectual negligence once again for the next six months.

Meanwhile Yoko Yoko had enough clout to speak at the capital of the most intellectual state and then immediately earned the recognition of an intelligent Qin 6 in one day of battle. Yoko isn’t some ignorant warrior who occasionally has rare bursts of GG level intellect, he is simply a GG level intellect.

Yoko Yoko isn’t some guy replicating tactics he learned from untrained 5 man squads onto a larger scale (Kyoukai), he is a legit big boy intellect worthy of being glazed by a Qin 6.

The people who will doubt anything I’ve said were also the people who thought Yoko Yoko would actually be slain by the likes of Jobkuomi last chapter because he has a strength stat above Akou, or whatever intellectual diarrhea stat fans tell themselves to avoid firing neurons lol.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@Elder Lee Hung why would rokuomi having a higher stat then Akou make people believe he would be stronger than Yoko? There is very little chance yoko has a stat equal or lower then 92.
No one thought he would be stronger than Yoko, they thought he would be able to kill Yoko. People used stats to scale Yoko relative to Sento’Un (wrong) and then used Rokuomi’s 92 being above Akou’s 91 (wrong) to say that someone like Rokuomi could potentially slay a guy like Gaimou since Akou 2v1’d to Gaimou ish level fighters in Bananji and Gyou’Un, and Yoko was also compared to Gaimou.

“If a 91 can almost slay Bananji, then a 92 can slay Yoko with Kanou/Tou’s help”. That’s how the argument went.

Now of course all stats are complete bullshit, Rokuomi was never stronger than Akou, Sento’Un was never above Akou, and Yoko was always obviously stronger than Sento’Un but stats clowns used stats to argue that Rokuomi and Kanou 2v1ing Yoko could take him down. They only became more confident when Yoko didn’t slay Denyuu or Denei, grossly underestimating the power of Tan and also doing a bit of underestimating of Shin’s commanders as even Gaimou failed to slay Sosui, Gyou’Un failed to slay Kanjou, and Bananji failed to slay Akakin, all under way less pressure than Yoko was under.

In reality of course Yoko simply swatted Rokuomi around and even struck Tou because Rokuomi simply couldn’t give him any real challenge. Rokuomi can take punches from almost anyone but can’t exactly punch back, that is the reality. I said a few pages back that Rokuomi slaying Yoko would be 1,000 times worse than Shiryou slaying Jiaga and Hara seems to agree with me there.


Lazy is the way

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Sento kills Akou for breakfast
Why? Because Sento’Un trolled Jobkuomi? Ranbihaku alone was too much for Sento’Un to overwhelm. Akou’s and Shiryou’s 2v1 feats are both far superior Sento’Un’s feat of 2v1ing Ranbihaku and trash and then failing to get a leg up on Ranbihaku 1v1.

And nah Yoko should be above Gyou’Un who was relative to Bananji, Gyou’Un was a shadow of his former self and lamented how weak he had become, Yoko is a warrior in his prime.

Just so yall know everytime Yoko Yoko overpowers Rokuomi, it just makes Sento’Un look even shittier since he couldn’t get a real leg up on Jobkuomi while Yoko is doing it while wounded.


Lazy is the way
Akou’s and Shiryou’s 2v1 feats are both far superior
Not at all
And nah Yoko should be above Gyou’Un who was relative to Bananji, Gyou’Un was a shadow of his former self and lamented how weak he had become, Yoko is a warrior in his prime.
I think in the end Yoko/Banana/Gyou Un would be similar

Gyou un kept his former master promise and that made him strong

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Yes easily. Sento’Un easily fought the weakest duo and failed to accomplish anything. Shiryou and Akou both fought a stronger duo, and Akou nearly killed Bananji while Shiryou did kill Jiaga.

Notice how Rokuomi never had any moment like this with Yoko:

Yoko is pingponging Rokuomi no diff while also getting in a blow against Tou:

And you can even see that Rokuomi didn’t get held up by Yoko’s men, Yoko simply swatted him away and is also protecting Tou at the same time.

This is what it looks like when a real top tier fights Jobkuomi and not some overrated jobber like Sento’Un:

Show me one panel of Rokuomi doing this to Yoko^ I can show you two panels of Yoko overpowering him in just one blow.

I think in the end Yoko/Banana/Gyou Un would be similar
Yoko is above Sento’Un who is relative to Akou/Bananji/Gyou’Un. Yoko is above all of these guys.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars

You compare a trolling Sento Un to an all out serious Yoko

“Trolling Sento’Un” is the lie this guy’s fans tell themselves to make themselves feel better about their idolo being entertained by Rokuomi’s strength lmfao.

Real top tiers aren’t entertained by Rokuomi, they swat him aside with ease as Yoko did multiple times. Only someone clearly below Yoko could ever find Rokuomi an entertaining battle.
Sentou’un vs Yoko can be debated since we don’t really know how strong Yoko really is. He’s obviously physically a monster but how that extends to a prolonged duel, I don’t know.

But Akou doesn’t belong in the same conversation as Sentou’un. The latter had personal contests with Man’U and something of a friendly rivalry. Man’u splatters Akou into pieces. Sentouun also controlled Rokuomi and Ranbihaku at the same time. I think it’s foolish to dismiss Rokuomi in the first place but you can not dismiss Ranbihaku in good faith. He is the muscle of a former FD, and the current muscle of the greatest ever FD.

Don’t forget Akou was actually overwhelmed by Gyou’un when one on one. He’s a tough mofo with more dawg in him than 99% of the series but let’s be clear, if Bananji wasn’t playing narrator for 2 minutes then that asswhoopin that Akou received would have been an utter trouncing.

Stats are not 100%, but they are not complete bullshit either. Maybe it’s not Hara being wrong about his own universe, but is more of a hot take from the ones that call major BS?

Sentou’un would rag doll Akou, however Akou would take that punishment like the iron man he is, until he physically can not do it anymore.
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Which is still a complete load of bullshit as that moment was Tou and secondarily Shouheikun.
Shouheikun only did the organization. He wasn't actually involved in planing. Manga credited the plan to Kyoukai and Tou.

This is Yoko Yoko literally performing a superior intellectual feat to his own commander
C'mon. How many times Kyoukai performed intellectually better then her own commander?
bare in mind this war has just been decided by Shin beating Haku. The Tou vs Rakuakan battle itself was not decided. Yoku saved Raku, but he’s an actual Raku commander in the same way Kanou is a Tou commander - and he spent most of this battle on a different battlefield.

What happens in this battle if Haku/Shin is still ongoing? What would have happened if Yoko stayed and could block off Kanou or even an exhausted Tou?
Tou had Raku beat at this point.

The number disadvantage is barely a thing if you compare it to the prievious wars Qin was participating.
The conscripts are a bigger disadvantage. It's the inverse of Bayou, i.e. it's not an army of mostly conscripts defending against an army of elites, it's an army of elites defending against an army of mostly conscripts. Worse yet, the elites had high morale.

@Cichy @Rumble yall still think Kyoukai has more IQ feats than this man? Has Kyoukai ever been glazed by an intelligent 6GG like this? Lol
Yoko is obviously not a brute but Kyou Kai has more and better feats this arc alone.

Also Hara foreshadowing that Yoko may not just be some random warrior who’s identity is of no significance.
I think he is the former right hand of a general that crossed swords with a 3GH and/or 6GG.

I get the vibe he knows Tou.

Kyoukai outplayed the entire state of Han with the disguised old men plan.
I don't attribute that to Kyou Kai.

She and Tou were already on the same wavelength, but we don't have the context to suggest it was her idea to use old men. Without additional context, this should be attributed to Tou.