It's not a matter of opinion, it's a fact.
Kyoukai outplayed the entire state of Han with the disguised old men plan.
Which is still a complete load of bullshit as that moment was Tou and secondarily Shouheikun.
This is Yoko Yoko literally performing a superior intellectual feat to his own commander despite being a warrior. Rakuakan may have stuck around to die by Tou if Yoko hadn’t been the one to talk sense into him.
As much as I dislike that moment, Kyoukai realising the Locust Strategy that Ousen was going for, probably would have had a GG giving a bit of praise to her if one was there.
I’m not doubting Kyoukai, I’m just saying that outside of one or two spurts of GG level talent, she is absolutely not on the level of someone like Yoko intellectually.
People who defend Kyoukai’s intellect are like people who defend Shin’s martial prowess. People act like Shin was supposed to low diff every warrior in the manga because he unlocked weight he will never unlock again against the most jobbing top tier in the whole manga, and then get confused when Shin almost gets his head lopped off by Jyoukaryuu or has to cheat to beat Gakuhaku Kou lol.
Likewise, people are quick to point to Kyoukai’s only one (or two if you lie) feats of GG level IQ feats out of five years of complete intellectual irrelevance. Seriously her locust feat happened five years ago, then she was basically a complete bum for five years straight, and then she suggested not fighting the state of Han, and then she was an intellectual negligence once again for the next six months.
Meanwhile Yoko Yoko had enough clout to speak at the capital of the most intellectual state and then immediately earned the recognition of an intelligent Qin 6 in one day of battle. Yoko isn’t some ignorant warrior who occasionally has rare bursts of GG level intellect, he is simply a GG level intellect.
Yoko Yoko isn’t some guy replicating tactics he learned from untrained 5 man squads onto a larger scale (Kyoukai), he is a legit big boy intellect worthy of being glazed by a Qin 6.
The people who will doubt anything I’ve said were also the people who thought Yoko Yoko would actually be slain by the likes of Jobkuomi last chapter because he has a strength stat above Akou, or whatever intellectual diarrhea stat fans tell themselves to avoid firing neurons lol.