Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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In the absurd situations they're/have been put it, Ousen's commanders have been performing literal heroics. Can you imagine what it would have been like to face Qin right now with their forces deployed like they were at the start before Riboku's plan?💀

Now of course for Ousen himself, we really don't know what's going on in that brain and I look forward as always for his stuff. He's gonna inevitably flex his strategic prowess during the battle and whatever he has in store, it's usually hype as fuck. At Shukai he pulled out some retarded stuff like Shells and Joints (through Akou) or him seeing through Riboku's hybrid warfare but the differentiators against Riboku were ultimately the evolution of Mouten/Shin/Ouhon, in whom Ousen had (correctly) put his bets and who he had placed accordingly. This time around, in this context, we are certainly gonna see very different things.
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My issue with Ousen's vassals is that I'd expect more from a guy who's constantly trying to recruit strong people to build a Kingdom.

Shiryou is a top 2 Ousen army fighter, and she was recruited by Sou'Ou lol
I completely agree. If Rin Shou Jo could have 10 generals, and Ou Ki could have at least 6, and Ren Pa at least 4 (I'm curious of Gaku Jou's dynamic with the 4HKs) - why couldn't the head of the Ou family, a man with kingly ambitions, out do them all?

Especially when you consider Ri Boku, a man without vassals, is never lacking for 3-5 deeply loyal generals following him wherever he goes.
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Lazy is the way
I completely agree. If Rin Shou Jo could have 10 generals, and Ou Ki could have at least 6, and Ren Pa at least 4 (I'm curious of Gaku Jou's dynamic with the 4HKs) - why couldn't the head of the Ou family, a man with kingly ambitions out do them all?

Especially when you consider Ri Boku, a man without vassals, is never lacking for 3-5 deeply loyal generals following him wherever he goes.
Let’s not go too far :

Ousen still has nice subs : Akou, Makou, Denrimi, SouOu are good generals overall and with different areas of expertise

and as I said : Ousen leadership and charisma is not as high as Renpa, RSJ, RBK etc

His dark ambition and cold nature can be something that push people away
It's lucky that SBS sneak attacked Denrimi's killing squad otherwise Seika would have lost their 2 best generals to Ousen's third and forth general's underlings
Imagine Makou was alive or Akou didn't get trapped and injured :shame:
Let’s not go too far :

Ousen still has nice subs : Akou, Makou, Denrimi, SouOu are good generals overall and with different areas of expertise
I don't think I'm being unfair, considering their contemporaries. How many of Ou Sen's generals are more than "merely" elite and qualify as Great General level? While it's within my headcanon Ma Kou met that criteria for certain, the material has only highlighted A Kou for it.

Having only the right hand at GG level is not unusual. Of the Seika commanders, I believe Kan Saro is the only one. Ou Ki only had Tou at the time of his death. What does stand out however is that the Ou Sen Army is really lacking in firepower.

Part of why the reception to this battle has been so polarising - I believe - is because the feats of Shi Ryou especially, but also Shin Kaku Gaku and San Shuu, have come at the expense of Ji Aga in a big way, and Kan Saro to a lesser extent. It's been surprising but also disappointing and anticlimactic to see these Seika warriors made to look so mortal so soon.

Compared to other top tier GGs, I stand by Ou Sen not having a great core of vassals. They're all good leaders and intelligent, and disciplined when the plot allows it, but I do not think they compare well to the Four Heavenly Kings.

I think Ri Boku has a far stronger core of officers in Ba Nan Ji, Shun Sui Ju, Earl Rai, Fu Tei and Kaine.

For my money, Roki O Mi and Ryuu Koku are a better #1 and #2 than A Kou and Den Ri Mi.

Hell, the Q3 could be argued to have better #1s and #2s.

and as I said : Ousen leadership and charisma is not as high as Renpa, RSJ, RBK etc

His dark ambition and cold nature can be something that push people away
I think there's likely a lot of truth to this that is yet to be addressed in the material, however, Ou Sen is the lord of the main branch of the great Ou family. The Ou family has deep, historical ties to the crown and military. He also married into another greatly influential family. I think much more could be expected to be within the means of a man of Ou Sen's station and resources to build an army capable of conquering nations and defending his new kingdom.

At the very least, I think it's weird he doesn't have some strong ass brutes for officers, bodyguards and kill units. I think Hara's has really lacked for creativity with Ou Sen's army. Which is weird, because he hasn't always. Ou Sen's spy unit in Gyou was one of my favourite aspects of that campaign. I was hoping to see more of this, not less.
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Decent background on mindset of Seika army and SBS! They are peace lovers? Shiryuu is gonna die soon. Hope she takes out Jiaga before that. The hype was humongous for Seika’s core army as well. Now they are gonna batter Ousen’s elite.

Hope we see some tactical battle or formation from Ousen to counter SBS instead of pure power play from both.
Great chapter. We judged it way too soon. We can trust Hara he is a good Mangaka.

Whether it was character motivation or powerscaling he handles it right.

- We get to know more about Seika's mindset, they're about peace it seems. Talking before fighting despite being from enemy states.
- "FIRE of Seika" Yeah. SBS is the instinctual type.
- Also this depends on translation but has SBS confirmed he is holding back ?

Basically Seika was still holding back but Qin got worked nonetheless. Ji Aga doesn't wanna kill a woman. Shiryou looking like a beast ofc.
Bananji and Gyou'Un were out for blood against Akou in comparison.

Really like this chapter. I think Ji Aga might survive.
Great chapter. We judged it way too soon. We can trust Hara he is a good Mangaka.

Whether it was character motivation or powerscaling he handles it right.

- We get to know more about Seika's mindset, they're about peace it seems. Talking before fighting despite being from enemy states.
- "FIRE of Seika" Yeah. SBS is the instinctual type.
- Also this depends on translation but has SBS confirmed he is holding back ?

Basically Seika was still holding back but Qin got worked nonetheless. Ji Aga doesn't wanna kill a woman. Shiryou looking like a beast ofc.
Bananji and Gyou'Un were out for blood against Akou in comparison.

Really like this chapter. I think Ji Aga might survive.
Yeah seems like none of them were serious. SBS gives me Kanki vibes in a good way looool. Shiryuu is dead next chapter mostly.
I gotta say I'm pretty dissapointed with Ousen who is literally sitting there doing nothing. I would expect the best stategist in Qin to have more than a few words to say besides ''Slay Shibashou''.

Shells and Joints... Great Crane Formation... nothing? Alright then lol.
Yeah doesn't sound like him at all. Seems like he's been dumbed down for quite a while now.