
Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Solar panel prices are increasing day by day.
It was affordable at start but now it has become a luxury.
Because most of the raws are imported from china ...import tariff on it.

Then, you had covid and war going rn.

These factors are driving producers from taking new projects leading to more demand and less supply
Nuclear waste is one of the most monitor substances on this planet. They have beyond secures measures to guard it and monitor it
yes,but any nation can just decide to mix that stuff with termobaric bomb to produce a pseudonuke with it.i'm talking about a potential ww3 here,all those treaties will be useless.World War 3 will be chemical,biological and nuclear.
@TheAncientCenturion Do you think it would be possible to have a section for political threads ?

You just said that very escapism would cost someone their life
Lets recenter the discussion :

- I said that a simple poster is enough for doing harm to the trans community
- Instead of agreeing and saying that we should finance less transphobe, you said that if people are triggered by that they shouldn't be on internet
- I implied that this was a very BAD choice for people who liked internet
- You doubled down by saying that people should go away from internet if they are suicidal at this point
- I replied that it would just bring more death as sometime, internet is the only escape from those people and the only thing preventing their suicide
- what is your answer ?

Ive had enough. Let’s nuke France, then everything will be ok.
Jokes on you I have a very good sun protecting cream
We’re still dealing with inflation. And we will for many years to come.
Yeah, instead of blaming oil companies we should invest in lowering the cost of solar panel manufacturing.

That’s a valid concern. however, it has to happen, we don’t have any other choice. And it will happen, the problem is that we aren’t transitioning fast enough.
No, people should not be forced to suffer.
It will be like choosing your poison; CC or poverty.
Transitions are gradual and take time.
Instead of making people suffer, governments should take steps to supply solar energy at consumer level.
Entire electric power supply system needs to be changed.
Why a common man would shift to solar when the government itself is not contributing to solve the problem?
Awareness and protests are not enough.
People are just not able to afford solar. Simple as that.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Have you ever read my initial post? Or you just replied blindly?
I read it.

I don't care about your summary or your opinion.

You shared a link of a paper... I opened that link and read the description.

I asked you to share the full paper... How they conducted the studies... from where they substantiated it...and who reviewed it.
@TheAncientCenturion Do you think it would be possible to have a section for political threads ?

Lets recenter the discussion :

- I said that a simple poster is enough for doing harm to the trans community
- Instead of agreeing and saying that we should finance less transphobe, you said that if people are triggered by that they shouldn't be on internet
- I implied that this was a very BAD choice for people who liked internet
- You doubled down by saying that people should go away from internet if they are suicidal at this point
- I replied that it would just bring more death as sometime, internet is the only escape from those people and the only thing preventing their suicide
- what is your answer ?

Jokes on you I have a very good sun protecting cream
people should be more educated and empathic,but they are not.The internet is toxic.people that are sensible should stay away from toxic places.
Because most of the raws are imported from china ...import tariff on it.

Then, you had covid and war going rn.

These factors are driving producers from taking new projects leading to more demand and less supply
China... they are installing coal power plants on daily basis.

And then there is a conspiracy theory that US started Ukraine war to disrupt world's supply chain.

Its a whole mess. 🤦‍♂️