And this is one of my primary concerns. The poor who are being muscled out of the workforce by cheap labour. We invite them in to use them as wage slaves and then they endanger local poor communities.

I have never agreed with the concept of eye for an eye. I have been adamant on that. Due to that difference in ideology, we likely we never agree on that point.

The past crimes of my people are well known and I do not deny them. But that has nothing to do with the modern Brit.

No. British culture is not that. British culture is open and affable, liberal minded and believers in free-speech and democracy.

You can mischaracterize my grievances, but it doesn't erase my point.
That's true. Fucking immigrants, why don't they just leave ma countreh innit


Cope Doctor
I'll tell you what I told okamakama the other day. No insults so that you actually pay attention to the substance of what I have to say. I just vent here and use it as a way to say whatever I want to say from a political standpoint without any sort of repercussions. You interact here often so it's only natural that I'll be completely honest with my political stances and my opinions of those who engage in conversation here. In reality, I couldn't give two shits about who you are or what you do. You have no real weight in my life, and I'm sure the same is true the other way around. You don't live rent free in my head cause I simply don't know you or want to get to know you. For me you're just letters on a screen, that's it.
you have said nothing here, go to naruto threads and discuss how funny fight there are or something, leave politics to adults
A bigoted racist always reveals their true nature in the end. Just takes a little push :ihaha:
You literally know nothing about me if you think I'm racist.

That's true. Fucking immigrants, why don't they just leave ma countreh innit
Low-tier bait. Let's be real for a moment. I'm not even 100% British by blood. I relate with the culture and I love it dearly. I come from immigrants, and you'll find that immigrants who did things the right way, who integrated because they loved the country they came to, are the most against these sorts of things.
If right wingers weren’t anti immigrant, immigrants would support them as well
I assume its the left behind the immigration agenda.Back in 2018(if i'm not mistaken),they tried to pass some similar measure here in Brazil.Some protests broke out in São Paulo,protestors were beaten with hammers by some Syrian guys involved with foreign terrorists organizations.Coincidence?I don't think so,there are news about similar situations happening in Europe.Thank god we didn't get any migrants here.We have enough poverty as it is.
Low-tier bait. Let's be real for a moment. I'm not even 100% British by blood. I relate with the culture and I love it dearly. I come from immigrants, and you'll find that immigrants who did things the right way, who integrated because they loved the country they came to, are the most against these sorts of things.
That’s even worse, you want to kick the ladder down from people who are just like your parents/ancestors
Vietnamese Americans are also right wing
Latinos are about 50/50

Anyways my point was just that the only reason the left gets more of the minority vote is that they actively court it.
Mexican Americans vote overwhelmingly democratic and they make up half of the latino community in the US. Same goes for Puerto Ricans and Dominicans. The actual conservatives (from an American standpoint) are Cubans, Colombians, and Venezuelans.
I like to see it as a big wheel.
But saying that a briton cannot complain if there is a lot of uncontrolled immigration in his country because an old British Aristocrat created the Pakistan/India conflict for me it's a bit silly.
History doesn't care about individuals, that's the sad truth
British culture is when you colonise, loot and then complain about foreigners.

"There's too many of them alaho akbar people here jennet."
This post is racist,plain and simple