You are kid.You are 35,but you have the naivety of a kid.The left is not about distribution of wealth,that was the method of the old soviets and Marxists
Must be really sad to think that the redistribution of wealth is just an old soviets/marxist thing. This must means that you are still trapped in the old fear schematic while still not understanding why there are such inequalities.
Redistribution of wealth is not something that comes from soviets, its just what good and decent human tends to do when there is too much wealth on one side and not enough on the other. Even hunter gatherer understood that.
The left is about state control.Its about power.
You are completely stuck in those old fear mongering myth about the left and the authoritarian old "communist" regime. The left is not about power, its about redistributing the power. You are really ignorant about this subject dear.
Many billionaires finance the left and politicians because they want to have their monopoly over certain markets
Rectification*, many billionaire finance LIBERALS. Like Bob you are making the IGNORANT and UNEDUCATED confusion that the left and liberals are the same things. THey are not. If Billionaire were indeed financing the left, a LOT of the current world wide problem would have been dealt with by now, starting with the simple EXISTENCE of billionaire themself.
Learn a bit about how the left work, you don't understand it even a single bit right now.
But i will never respect someone like you and i think people like you will get mocked wherever they go.
Be respected by the far right would be quite the shame indeed. So I don't really expect or hope that you respect me dear. That would be quite a failure on my part.
Your opinions are not your own.You are just a victim of brain washing
Oh really ? Who owns twitter right now ? What are the regular opinions on this social network ? Do you see a lot of leftist propaganda or at the contrary, are you completely swamped into a pool of far right and complotist ideologies (Trumps / Right wingers / Conservatist / Russia propaganda / Israel propaganda / Elon's tweet / Antiwoke BS) ?
My guess is that its the second. So between us two.. the one who is the most likely to be "brainwashed" (even if this is not something that really exist) is you mate. You are the one repeating in circle antiwoke BS, you are the one repeating pro Trump propaganda and progun propaganda. You are the one taking the defense of the oppressors, you are the one liked by far right trolls on this forum. Out of us two, the one with the most unoriginal and conventional ideology is you.
Its time for you to understand that YOU are the actual white ship that follow the group toward the empty void. YOU are the one who that denies scientific studies, YOU are the one that repeat the common right wing and hegemonic propaganda. If just someone who disagree. :)
You like/comment ratio should say everything about what people think of you here
Actually, my like/comment ratio, is saying more about the forum that it is saying about me.
As I said a lot of time on this forum : In a system where toxicity is the norm, positivity is seen as a weakness. I'm bringing this positivity, in the form of a battle AGAINST toxicity/far right oppressive ideas/sexism/Complotism/Shortcuts/negativity against the manga/toxic reasonning etc... So my ratio is perfectly logical.
Negativity/confusionnism and antiwoke ideologies are the hegemony here. So its logical for me to face backlash.
In fact, I'm surprise to have so much like in such an hostile environment.
See.. case and point. >>
All I can say is Alex Jones is based