dude you call everyone far right, like literally anyone and everyone is far right to you
FIrst of a few lie from you and complete missunderstanding volontary or not of what I say. You literally invent stuff.
Here: Where do you see that I say that everything that is at my right is far right ? Nowhere ? Exactly, you are inventing stuff because you can't reply properly to what I said. Coping mechanism it seems.
The majority of this forum must be at my right, still, do you see me calling the mod far right ? Do you see me calling Bear, Toby or other poster here far right ?
No. Simply because they are not. Being "far right" means assertain a set of values that are far right (ultra conservatism/xenophobia/racism/transphobia/antiwokeness/sexism etc.) So only a few people here are far right. HELL... I don't even think you are far right even if I think that you are just an sad incel.
Look closer and stop inventing stuff.
literally means jack shit, You see cnn as far right and alex jones as also far right
Again, a pure lie and an invention from you.
Where the HECK do you see me quoting CNN as a far right media ? Especially when I already told multiple time here that they were liberals ....
The F is wrong with you ?
you see opposing parties as the exact same position just cause they arent far left
Again, an invention. Despite what you are trying to say, I already told you that liberals are not the conservative right and the conservative right is not the far right.
If you are threaten by me calling you a far right, you might want to start reading correctly what I say and AGAIN, stop inventing stuff.
anyone that literally is not a communist to you equates to far right
Same thing, invention again. At this point I think you are just trolling. Noone can be that oblivious and read so badly others points.
so not being a communist = right wing
Stop making fallacious assertion. That's not what I said and you know it. your intellectual lazyness is incredible today. But I'm not surprised, you must have trained yourself during your ban.
If I say that I'm not a communist, it means that I'm an entry leftist. Which means that on my right there can be left wing liberals (the left wing of the right side if you will, Biden for ex.), Extrem centrist, conservative rightist, far rightist and cryptofascist. Not everyone on my right isfar right.
Again, stop inventing stuff you don't understand.
why do you hate liberals, they have same stance as you on literally fucking everything
-race issues
-climate change etc
That's where you THINK you understand politic but you actually don't understand it at all. No, liberals don't have the same stance as leftist on those issue. They do takle those subject because they don't have a choice but not in the same way leftist do.
To explain those things to you in short term, let's say that while leftist have a materialist vision of those issue, the liberals (and therefore the entry right) have an invididualistic vision of those issue.
In others short term, where the left see those issue as syonymous of problems related to systemic issues, the liberals thinks that those problems are the results of bad invididual behavior.
THis has for effect a complete missunderstanding of the liberal for the things that should be done to deal with those problem.
Let's take the example of climate change. For the left, climate change is a systemic problem that should be handled by meking pressure on big business. Liberal don't understand that reality. Because they think in an individualistic manner, they think we can stop climate change by all making our share of goods for the environment when in reality it doesn't have the same impact.
Another example is feminism. For the left, the patriarchy can only be dealt with by understanding that this is a system of domination of women by men and that ALL the men without exception are gaining things from it and are participating because of our education and environment to this problem most of the time volontaraly. THe liberals don't understand that. Because of their individualistic vision, they think they are not responsible and that patriarchy is something exterior to men and that it is something that is unconscious, something "etherial" and therefore something that can be "erased" by becoming someone "softer", or "more feminist". We call them the "profem", this is a capitalistic vision of feminism that negate the foundamental problem of patriarchy which is the system of domination imposed on women by men.
A good video on that, with a sociological vision (in french with subtitle:)
Again, liberals are not leftists. They are CAPITALISTS who are appropriating leftist value to make capitalism flow faster.
I brought up the names of specific people and corporations who agree with your politics
That's your problem. You don't see that those corporation do NOT agree with our politic. And that simply because you don't care to dig deeper beyond what you see on TV or on streaming plateforms. Do you think because Disney or NEtflix chooses to suddenly include more people of color or story with gay people that those corporation are suddenly leftist ? Damn... you are blind mate.
If you cared to listen to actual leftist militantism you would know that a lot of people on the left are denouncing the media because diverse reason (ultra liberalism/Pinkwashing/Queerbaiting/unethical AI use /Bad journalism/bad emplyement systems etc... the list goes on.
Those corporation, just like the majority of corporation nowaday are ULTRA LIBERALS, meaning that they don't really care about leftist value, they are here to make PROFIT.
Again, dig deeper before commenting ignorant stuff.
and man you can say leftist means definitionally this or that, i dont care like you call yourself rebel and are more siding with biden then your average joe on social and poltical issues
if the av erage joe is a trump supporter, i'm indeed closer to biden yes.
just cause you self id as a rebel does not make you one
We are not rebels, we are leftist. You see me as a rebel because your vision is hegemonic. Meaning that it proves exactly the opposite of your point, you are fighting FOR the status co, not against.
self id means nothing unless it's consistent with what's the reality and the reality being if you really wanted to rebel, you would be right wing not left
What Are you babbling ? I just proved you that the right is conservative. Stop calling the right "the rebels", they are fighting just like you, to keep the status co, the oppressions against women and minorities, the capitalism, alive.
and you can agree with the status quo and still wish for things to change like carrot those are not mutual exclusive positions
Actually no you can't. If you are agreeing with the status co, it means you don't want things to change. That's the f*ck*ng definition mate!
like there are things, your potitical side despite being the status quo would love to change eg no free speech laws so they lock up all those pesky right wingers who arent doing as the democrats and left wing media tell them
I think you are again mistaking "leftist media" with "liberal media".
and why are nazis national socialists if they are far right?
Someone who know a tiny bit of history knows that the "national socialism" party is a far right party that is opposed to socialism as it was at the time.
So why are they far right ? Because they have far right ideas Einstein. Its literally the Nazi party. Its OPPOSED to international socialism.
why are femminists called femminists if they are for equality
Because right now, women are under oppression. So we need to be feminist to create the equality... You CAN'T create equality if you believe that both GENDER have the same right and are under the same scale of oppression. Men are not under oppression, WOMEN ARE. You don't really think before posting, do you ?