If you think I'm going along with your transphobic tirade, you're sadly mistaken.
What is my transphobic tirade, I am sorry?

I fear I am not explaining myself properly.
Affirming that gender theory is mumbo jumbo akin to astrology is not a transphobic tirade.
Gender disphoria is another issue that should be recognised and helped, just like any other mental "problem", because I would say it's not healthy to feel not represented by the body you have.
But this doesn't mean agreeing that genders are a social constructs and there is no intrinsic genetic differences between Males and Females, that make us behave differently.
Gender wars alone is such a minor thing in comparison to the bigger problems in America(like inflation, price gouging, lobbying etc). Transgenderism is part of the modern wokism movement in general which also consists of Girl Boss Feminism and Fat Acceptance. This wave started in 2009 and as of 2023, the results are as follows:

-increased depression and anxiety among young women
-surge in the suicide rates among young men
-increase in trans men regretting transitioning
-spike in divorces initiated by women
-decrease in marriages
-increase in loneliness among young men and middle aged women
-spike in young men leaning to the right
-surge of far right movements and sentiments
-spike in mass shootings perpetrated by young men
-Profit loss across the board

Question is why are the movements backfiring so hard and leading to such results?
They aren't backfiring. That is the exact result the social engineers want. Don't forget this people want to reduce the global population and monopolize power. Messed up Man X Woman relations = no marriage = no families = a fragmented society. Back in the Roman empire,slaves reproduced in big orgies.
They aren't backfiring. That is the exact result the social engineers want. Don't forget this people want to reduce the global population and monopolized power. Messed up Man X Woman relations = no marriage = no families = a fragmented society. Back in the Roman empire,Slaves reproduced in big orgies.
And some certain people are lapping it up, They good little slaves for their overlords, the great yes men. Boot Lickers.
If it is a social construct then can you explain why:
  • Animals have enstablished gender roles, where animals in different continents have the same societal structures across the same species
  • Humans across different ages and different cultures and different continents all have developed the same societal structures?
Well some animals are social animals, like us. And Gender roles in humans are not stagnant
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Gender is NOT gender roles.
Yeah you dont understand how words and definitions work.
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But this doesn't mean agreeing that genders are a social constructs and there is no intrinsic genetic differences between Males and Females, that make us behave differently.
Only a minority of peeps claim nonsense like that
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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
They aren't backfiring. That is the exact result the social engineers want. Don't forget this people want to reduce the global population and monopolize power. Messed up Man X Woman relations = no marriage = no families = a fragmented society. Back in the Roman empire,slaves reproduced in big orgies.
Bill Gates flat out admitted that he wants the population to drop by atleast 40%.

But yeah. It's mostly to keep the people divided into a simplistic left vs right issues, away from the real problems. Classic divide and conquer strategy. Corporations are only slowing down because it began negatively impacting their profit margins but the damage has been done.
Bill Gates flat out admitted that he wants the population to drop by atleast 40%.

But yeah. It's mostly to keep the people divided into a simplistic left vs right issues, away from the real problems. Classic divide and conquer strategy. Corporations are only slowing down because it began negatively impacting their profit margins but the damage has been done.
Yep,i don't know if these "geniuses" realize this,but if 50% of population is gone,the demand for goods and services and hands available for work will decline dramatically.
Affirming that gender theory is mumbo jumbo akin to astrology is not a transphobic tirade.
"gender theory" doesn't exist. "Gender STUDIES" exist.

Gender studies are a field of research of sociology. A SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE

But this doesn't mean agreeing that genders are a social constructs and there is no intrinsic genetic differences between Males and Females, that make us behave differently.
There ARE genetic difference between Male and Female sex, but this is SEX. Not GENDER.





Avec vous, j'ai l'impression de parler avec adorateur de la théorie de la terre plate. Ce même déni de la science...

Oui, toi qui vient d'essayer de traduire ce commentaire et surtout toi qui vient m'expliquer qu'il n'y a que les hommes et les femmes:
Au lieu de passer ton temps sur google à essayer de trouver des articles scientifiques sur des sites d'extrème droite ou conservateurs expliquant que celui qui te rabache que le genre est une construction, n'est en fait qu'un woke qui ne comprend rien à la biologie.. Toi, oui toi ! Va voir ton centre scientifique le plus proche (et pas simplement l'oncle qui a fait un jour une thèse sur les grenouilles du Sahara) là ou il y a plein de scientifique et de chercheurs, allez.. une grande université disons... Et va leur demander comment lire et chercher des articles scientifiques sur google. Ensuite, tu vas me faire le plaisir d'aller toi même sur google et d'aller rechercher des articles scientifiques section sociologie. Tu devrais trouver des milliers d'articles.. Ensuite, parce que tu es quelqu'un de très futé, tu vas aller noter les petits noms de tous les chercheurs en sociologies les plus cité. Une fois que ce sera fait.. et bien tu auras une liste, tu prends celui qui est le plus accessible, tu trouves son adresse mail et tu lui envoies un petit mail. Le titre va etre simple, "question à propos de votre discipline". Dans ce mail, tu vas leur demander gentillement si son travail est scientifique. Tu n'oublieras pas les politesse et tu cliqueras sur "envoyer". Voilà. Normalement si tu n'es pas idiot et que tu as vraiment envie d'apprendre, tu devrais avoir fait tout ça sans trop de problème. Alors maintenant soit sage et lorsque tu pourras, indique nous ici la reponse de ce scientifique.

Don't forget this people want to reduce the global population and monopolize power
That's a loads of complotist BS, but tell me.... EVEN IF that were true.. Can you tell me how reducing the global population would be a bad thing ?

They good little slaves for their overlords
They aren't backfiring. That is the exact result the social engineers want. Don't forget this people want to reduce the global population and monopolize power. Messed up Man X Woman relations = no marriage = no families = a fragmented society. Back in the Roman empire,slaves reproduced in big orgies.
The big overlord, the flag of a thousand colors. The worst ennemy of the Dalek:

"Compassionnate, Compassionate COMPASIONNATEEEEE"

In a few hundreds years, you guys will be seen in the same light as the Gallics who were afraid that the sky would fall on their heads... I would laugh at you with our hypothetical descendants if your rethoric wasn't so dangerous..

And the worst thing, is that its US, those who fight the status co on the question of heteronormativity, Patriarchy, ethnic inequalities and racism, capitalism, liberalism, poverty... that YOU are calling "boot Lickers".

You are literally sucking the power's idea DRY and spitting back ALL the lies of the rich and conservative to the face of the lower classes.. You are putting your faces right in front of the lips of far right fascist and conspirationnist. You are grabbing and strangeling little by little all the media to transform them into apolitical liberal and sometimes conservatives spaces. And you are calling the one group that is trying to stop all of you from abusing the entire society "boot lickers" ?

Oh boi.. do I have some surprises for you...

Yeah you dont understand how words and definitions work.
Sure :shocking:

But yeah. It's mostly to keep the people divided into a simplistic left vs right issues, away from the real problems. Classic divide and conquer strategy. Corporations are only slowing down because it began negatively impacting their profit margins but the damage has been done.
"Let's abolish the simplistic left or right issues and let's remplace it by an even much more smartest overnuanced society ! A society where political rethoric is not a question of power, a society where one can be a fascist but still be pro LGBTQ+, a society of extreme reformism, that have but one goal, to change nothing and everything at the SAME TIME !

Let's build the society of tomorrow by explaining that the minorities who fight for gender equalities are just the woke along the way. Who needs them anyway ? Let's be apolitical, no.. Better, let's all be liberal !!!

Let's believe in freedom for all!! Freedom of speech ("and the freedom to say my hate of black people if I want to"), freedom of market ! Freedom; freedom !!
Let's make everyone equal, beginning with the kids who start with the cultural and social capital of ten country leaders ! Everyone is equal in this society and there are NO COLORS ! How can one be stigmatized by the institutions if everyone knows that racism doesn't exist anymore ? And structures of dominations ?? There are gooooooone ! POOOF. Because we said so and because we are all individually making ourself better !! Yes ! Let's promote critical thinking so everyone can see just how smart we are now !
Let's all create our own path !

Begone depression, you don't exist anymore !
Begone poverty, by my will, I banish you !
Begone sexism, we cast you out from the system !"

Begone world.. I made an oopsie
"gender theory" doesn't exist. "Gender STUDIES" exist.

Gender studies are a field of research of sociology. A SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE

There ARE genetic difference between Male and Female sex, but this is SEX. Not GENDER.





Avec vous, j'ai l'impression de parler avec adorateur de la théorie de la terre plate. Ce même déni de la science...

Oui, toi qui vient d'essayer de traduire ce commentaire et surtout toi qui vient m'expliquer qu'il n'y a que les hommes et les femmes:
Au lieu de passer ton temps sur google à essayer de trouver des articles scientifiques sur des sites d'extrème droite ou conservateurs expliquant que celui qui te rabache que le genre est une construction, n'est en fait qu'un woke qui ne comprend rien à la biologie.. Toi, oui toi ! Va voir ton centre scientifique le plus proche (et pas simplement l'oncle qui a fait un jour une thèse sur les grenouilles du Sahara) là ou il y a plein de scientifique et de chercheurs, allez.. une grande université disons... Et va leur demander comment lire et chercher des articles scientifiques sur google. Ensuite, tu vas me faire le plaisir d'aller toi même sur google et d'aller rechercher des articles scientifiques section sociologie. Tu devrais trouver des milliers d'articles.. Ensuite, parce que tu es quelqu'un de très futé, tu vas aller noter les petits noms de tous les chercheurs en sociologies les plus cité. Une fois que ce sera fait.. et bien tu auras une liste, tu prends celui qui est le plus accessible, tu trouves son adresse mail et tu lui envoies un petit mail. Le titre va etre simple, "question à propos de votre discipline". Dans ce mail, tu vas leur demander gentillement si son travail est scientifique. Tu n'oublieras pas les politesse et tu cliqueras sur "envoyer". Voilà. Normalement si tu n'es pas idiot et que tu as vraiment envie d'apprendre, tu devrais avoir fait tout ça sans trop de problème. Alors maintenant soit sage et lorsque tu pourras, indique nous ici la reponse de ce scientifique.

That's a loads of complotist BS, but tell me.... EVEN IF that were true.. Can you tell me how reducing the global population would be a bad thing ?

The big overlord, the flag of a thousand colors. The worst ennemy of the Dalek:

"Compassionnate, Compassionate COMPASIONNATEEEEE"

In a few hundreds years, you guys will be seen in the same light as the Gallics who were afraid that the sky would fall on their heads... I would laugh at you with our hypothetical descendants if your rethoric wasn't so dangerous..

And the worst thing, is that its US, those who fight the status co on the question of heteronormativity, Patriarchy, ethnic inequalities and racism, capitalism, liberalism, poverty... that YOU are calling "boot Lickers".

You are literally sucking the power's idea DRY and spitting back ALL the lies of the rich and conservative to the face of the lower classes.. You are putting your faces right in front of the lips of far right fascist and conspirationnist. You are grabbing and strangeling little by little all the media to transform them into apolitical liberal and sometimes conservatives spaces. And you are calling the one group that is trying to stop all of you from abusing the entire society "boot lickers" ?

Oh boi.. do I have some surprises for you...

Sure :shocking:

"Let's abolish the simplistic left or right issues and let's remplace it by an even much more smartest overnuanced society ! A society where political rethoric is not a question of power, a society where one can be a fascist but still be pro LGBTQ+, a society of extreme reformism, that have but one goal, to change nothing and everything at the SAME TIME !

Let's build the society of tomorrow by explaining that the minorities who fight for gender equalities are just the woke along the way. Who needs them anyway ? Let's be apolitical, no.. Better, let's all be liberal !!!

Let's believe in freedom for all!! Freedom of speech ("and the freedom to say my hate of black people if I want to"), freedom of market ! Freedom; freedom !!
Let's make everyone equal, beginning with the kids who start with the cultural and social capital of ten country leaders ! Everyone is equal in this society and there are NO COLORS ! How can one be stigmatized by the institutions if everyone knows that racism doesn't exist anymore ? And structures of dominations ?? There are gooooooone ! POOOF. Because we said so and because we are all individually making ourself better !! Yes ! Let's promote critical thinking so everyone can see just how smart we are now !
Let's all create our own path !

Begone depression, you don't exist anymore !
Begone poverty, by my will, I banish you !
Begone sexism, we cast you out from the system !"

Begone world.. I made an oopsie
You know what,you might have a point. Some many losers out there,maybe we should get rid of these people. I don't think everyone deserves to live nowadays. Parasites and useless people don't deserve anything.
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"gender theory" doesn't exist. "Gender STUDIES" exist.

Gender studies are a field of research of sociology. A SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE

There ARE genetic difference between Male and Female sex, but this is SEX. Not GENDER.





Avec vous, j'ai l'impression de parler avec adorateur de la théorie de la terre plate. Ce même déni de la science...

Oui, toi qui vient d'essayer de traduire ce commentaire et surtout toi qui vient m'expliquer qu'il n'y a que les hommes et les femmes:
Au lieu de passer ton temps sur google à essayer de trouver des articles scientifiques sur des sites d'extrème droite ou conservateurs expliquant que celui qui te rabache que le genre est une construction, n'est en fait qu'un woke qui ne comprend rien à la biologie.. Toi, oui toi ! Va voir ton centre scientifique le plus proche (et pas simplement l'oncle qui a fait un jour une thèse sur les grenouilles du Sahara) là ou il y a plein de scientifique et de chercheurs, allez.. une grande université disons... Et va leur demander comment lire et chercher des articles scientifiques sur google. Ensuite, tu vas me faire le plaisir d'aller toi même sur google et d'aller rechercher des articles scientifiques section sociologie. Tu devrais trouver des milliers d'articles.. Ensuite, parce que tu es quelqu'un de très futé, tu vas aller noter les petits noms de tous les chercheurs en sociologies les plus cité. Une fois que ce sera fait.. et bien tu auras une liste, tu prends celui qui est le plus accessible, tu trouves son adresse mail et tu lui envoies un petit mail. Le titre va etre simple, "question à propos de votre discipline". Dans ce mail, tu vas leur demander gentillement si son travail est scientifique. Tu n'oublieras pas les politesse et tu cliqueras sur "envoyer". Voilà. Normalement si tu n'es pas idiot et que tu as vraiment envie d'apprendre, tu devrais avoir fait tout ça sans trop de problème. Alors maintenant soit sage et lorsque tu pourras, indique nous ici la reponse de ce scientifique.

That's a loads of complotist BS, but tell me.... EVEN IF that were true.. Can you tell me how reducing the global population would be a bad thing ?

The big overlord, the flag of a thousand colors. The worst ennemy of the Dalek:

"Compassionnate, Compassionate COMPASIONNATEEEEE"

In a few hundreds years, you guys will be seen in the same light as the Gallics who were afraid that the sky would fall on their heads... I would laugh at you with our hypothetical descendants if your rethoric wasn't so dangerous..

And the worst thing, is that its US, those who fight the status co on the question of heteronormativity, Patriarchy, ethnic inequalities and racism, capitalism, liberalism, poverty... that YOU are calling "boot Lickers".

You are literally sucking the power's idea DRY and spitting back ALL the lies of the rich and conservative to the face of the lower classes.. You are putting your faces right in front of the lips of far right fascist and conspirationnist. You are grabbing and strangeling little by little all the media to transform them into apolitical liberal and sometimes conservatives spaces. And you are calling the one group that is trying to stop all of you from abusing the entire society "boot lickers" ?

Oh boi.. do I have some surprises for you...

Sure :shocking:

"Let's abolish the simplistic left or right issues and let's remplace it by an even much more smartest overnuanced society ! A society where political rethoric is not a question of power, a society where one can be a fascist but still be pro LGBTQ+, a society of extreme reformism, that have but one goal, to change nothing and everything at the SAME TIME !

Let's build the society of tomorrow by explaining that the minorities who fight for gender equalities are just the woke along the way. Who needs them anyway ? Let's be apolitical, no.. Better, let's all be liberal !!!

Let's believe in freedom for all!! Freedom of speech ("and the freedom to say my hate of black people if I want to"), freedom of market ! Freedom; freedom !!
Let's make everyone equal, beginning with the kids who start with the cultural and social capital of ten country leaders ! Everyone is equal in this society and there are NO COLORS ! How can one be stigmatized by the institutions if everyone knows that racism doesn't exist anymore ? And structures of dominations ?? There are gooooooone ! POOOF. Because we said so and because we are all individually making ourself better !! Yes ! Let's promote critical thinking so everyone can see just how smart we are now !
Let's all create our own path !

Begone depression, you don't exist anymore !
Begone poverty, by my will, I banish you !
Begone sexism, we cast you out from the system !"

Begone world.. I made an oopsie
Are you on drugs?
Someone tried that in the 40', can't really remember his name though..
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Pretty cool!
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Are you on drugs?
He doesn't have much to say much so he makes up random shit. Besides,his head has a few screws loose.