Then you are saying wrong stuff on your own accords
My bunny you're wrong. You don't see the racial stereotyping in the examples I brought up?
You are missunderstanding a lot of progressist argument. Which is ok, we all have to learn, but try to listen what I'm saying here when I say that those things are not racist in anyway.
I'll return this one, you have to learn a thing or two about hidden racism especially outside of western context. Lolda seems to be indifferent to his own country's struggles with internal racism to the point he saw no necessity to represented the indigenous minority of his own country in an arc dedicated to historical Japan. And remember the sbs where he said Usopp would be from "Africa" if here were from the real world? The other strawhats got specific countries of origin instead. You can't make this shit up. No pun intended but you fail to grasp the subtext here, unironically.

You do. You tried to make a point to contradict me. It didn't work, move on.
Meanwhile you didn't even try to make a point to contradict me you just went and said "lol you're drunk".
And YOU are the one who can't move on and fall for every bait of those neo Nazis in this thread
Bitte die englische Sprache verwenden!
Kein AuslΓ€ndisch auf Teutschen SchulhΓΆfen bitte!
You don't see the racial stereotyping in the examples I brought up?
There are none.

You know what would be stereotypical and dehumanizing ? If Oda tried to promote the retrograde and colonialist ideas that those two populations are "savages" and uneducated. Those things would be an example of promotion of dehumanization and stereotyping of native populations.

But that's not what happens. In both cases, the population is educated, smart, courageous and allies. And in one of those cases, the population is fighting oppression.

So you tell me. What do you find stereotypical in those cases ? What do you feel is hurting the memories and current images of the native populations here ?

hidden racism especially outside of western context
There is no such thing as "hidden racism" unless you are talking about internalized racism which is a real thing. Racism is an ideology transformed into a system of domination. We are all racist because we all live in a systemic racist society.

he saw no necessity to represented the indigenous minority of his own country in an arc dedicated to historical Japan
What are you even talking about here ?

And remember the sbs where he said Usopp would be from "Africa" if here were from the real world?
Indeed .. That's a common colonialist things that people in colonial societies (and their allies) tends to do. Its not specific to Oda, that's how the majority of the people coming from colonialist countries think when they don't take time to think : Africa as a country.

Noone is immune to having colonialist and racist bias and saying dumb stuff.. Oda is not an exception. But we are not talking about what he said, we are talking about what he wrote and draw. And on that front, there are only problems of representations (meaning very few people of color), but racist and colonialist stereotypes.. surprisingly not so much.

And YOU are the one who can't move on and fall for every bait of those neo Nazis in this thread
Indeed. Because there needs to be someone contradicting them. If no one is stepping in to contradict them, new people coming here will think that what they say is something normal on this forum when its not the case.

Real Science is neutral
Pretty much this. Science is supposed to be disconnected from the researchers as to not be susceptible to bias.
Nop. That's a wrong statement.
Science is not neutral, its progressive by nature by the fact that it tries to uncover mysteries and understand reality but also because its done by humans. You can't be neutral, even when doing science. Those who make science are human and therefore they will bring human biases with them.

I demonstrated how it can happen in late december by giving you researched paper on the bias in science concerning the place and the value given to women in this discipline. If you change the scientist, you wil also change the vision of science and how the scientist will work. Therefore science as a discipline that can't be neutral. Its human.

And it shouldn't be neutral, it must stay human because being human is what keep scientific research to stay ethical. If science was neutral, there wouldn't be any problem for scientist to blow the world with atomic bombs to understand the effects, there wouldn't be any problems for scientist to test on human subjects. Science without ethical bias would be chaos.
There are none.

You know what would be stereotypical and dehumanizing ? If Oda tried to promote the retrograde and colonialist ideas that those two populations are "savages" and uneducated. Those things would be an example of promotion of dehumanization and stereotyping of native populations.

But that's not what happens. In both cases, the population is educated, smart, courageous and allies. And in one of those cases, the population is fighting oppression.

So you tell me. What do you find stereotypical in those cases ? What do you feel is hurting the memories and current images of the native populations here ?

There is no such thing as "hidden racism" unless you are talking about internalized racism which is a real thing. Racism is an ideology transformed into a system of domination. We are all racist because we all live in a systemic racist society.

What are you even talking about here ?

Indeed .. That's a common colonialist things that people in colonial societies (and their allies) tends to do. Its not specific to Oda, that's how the majority of the people coming from colonialist countries think when they don't take time to think : Africa as a country.

Noone is immune to having colonialist and racist bias and saying dumb stuff.. Oda is not an exception. But we are not talking about what he said, we are talking about what he wrote and draw. And on that front, there are only problems of representations (meaning very few people of color), but racist and colonialist stereotypes.. surprisingly not so much.

Indeed. Because there needs to be someone contradicting them. If no one is stepping in to contradict them, new people coming here will think that what they say is something normal on this forum when its not the case.

Nop. That's a wrong statement.
Science is not neutral, its progressive by nature by the fact that it tries to uncover mysteries and understand reality but also because its done by humans. You can't be neutral, even when doing science. Those who make science are human and therefore they will bring human biases with them.

I demonstrated how it can happen in late december by giving you researched paper on the bias in science concerning the place and the value given to women in this discipline. If you change the scientist, you wil also change the vision of science and how the scientist will work. Therefore science as a discipline that can't be neutral. Its human.

And it shouldn't be neutral, it must stay human because being human is what keep scientific research to stay ethical. If science was neutral, there wouldn't be any problem for scientist to blow the world with atomic bombs to understand the effects, there wouldn't be any problems for scientist to test on human subjects. Science without ethical bias would be chaos.
The results of science shouldnt depend on who does the research. That completely defeats the purpose of it

You really should stop talking about science if this is how you view it lmao
Tell me Einstein. If conservative rejects the system. Why do they want to elect Trump who wants to protect and reenforce the system ?

trump ran on hating the system

calling all the media fake news, he was the furthest you can get from status quo whilie still being a rich billionaire

And yet, when we bring proof, researches and data, you ignore or spit on them.

when your in the online space pretty much everyone has some justication for their beliefs

flat earthers will tell me that verse 88 or whatever is proof

it's up to the person if you accept such a source as biased or not

im going to say the bible is more of a story not really a objective piece of data hence the flat earther's evidence not being valid to me

it's the same with you, liberals agreeing with other liberals just aint solid evidence to me if that upsets people then ig it does

who cares

Because science leans left. Simple as that.

if you count gender studies shit yea but im not counting a liberal arts degree as a science

science is defined as a study of nature and besides it's not something really data driven like study of animals or stars

alot of claims in such fields are very easy to prove without resorting to im a liberal so cope

i dont need to be right wing or left wing to accept stars exist, it's not the same case with leftist college degrees
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where did you get your pfp
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where did you get your pfp
Texas is disregarding a Supreme Court ruling and overriding border patrol which is a federal agency. Basically, Texas wants to put as much razor wire inside rivers and bodies of water as they want, which sometimes causes illegal migrants to drown.
Then the Illegal Aliens should stop trying to Illegally Enter. Simple as that.
You may not like it but we cannot save the world.