They do. That's why men are mainly in power in society.

most rich people being men, is a different sentiment entirely to most men being rich

all men are rich when it;s convenivent but when not

it's only the 1% bourgeoisie who are rich.

dude you literallly only say whatever makes your side seem better

that's it

and even then your rheotoric is really dated.

there are more female ceos

and more women in college if anything women have more systematic power as opposed to men
most rich people being men, is a different sentiment entirely to most men being rich

all men are rich when it;s convenivent but when not

it's only the 1% bourgeoisie who are rich.

dude you literallly only say whatever makes your side seem better

that's it

and even then your rheotoric is really dated.

there are more female ceos

and more women in college if anything women have more systematic power as opposed to men
The 1% stuff seems to be like 1 million every year,so its really isnt that far away as people think. You don't need to be a billionaire to be elite.
He insists on calling Uncle a liar after HE HIMSELF WAS EXPOSED. Holy shit...
Not on the point he mentionned about fur. On all the other points.

That's something Van is used to do. Its not something new, it just takes time to debunk his lies everytimes..

most rich people being men, is a different sentiment entirely to most men being rich

all men are rich when it;s convenivent but when not

it's only the 1% bourgeoisie who are rich.

dude you literallly only say whatever makes your side seem better
Did I ever said that all men are rich ? Or did you just lied once again ?
Not on the point he mentionned about fur. On all the other points.

That's something Van is used to do. Its not something new, it just takes time to debunk his lies everytimes..

Did I ever said that all men are rich ? Or did you just lied once again ?
So you admit you lied about never mentioning fur?thnx,that clears it out. And sorry,i'm havent looked deep into the other stuff,because you write way too much.

AL sama

Red Haired
Oh yeah? Its Toby that literally admitted to coming here to throw shit at people and i'm the one the one that is the gaslighter. I know you don't see eye to eye to me,but be honest when he it comes to be. He calls names to literally anyone that doesn't have the same views as him.
Solis is a professional troll and baiter. The man literally said he would beat and didn't get banned. C4N is crazy and spin everything his way.
I'm not sure if you know your terms,but gaslighting is this:
Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality. The expression, which derives from the title of the 1944 film Gaslight, became popular in the mid-2010s. Merriam Webster cites deception of one's memory, perception of reality, or mental stability.
A fucking vague term that doesnt mean shit,since anyone can be accused twisting shit. What's your beef with me,AL? Its not the first time you call me gaslighter.
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oh yeah of course
giving me an english lesson I see lol

btw since the word is too hard for you to understand let me make it easier. you bait people to trigger them and I have warned you countless times for this
So you admit you lied about never mentioning fur?
Yup, that's literally what I said:

Well look at that ! Good catch ! I forgot the fact that I did mention the fur. I'm therefore wrong and lying when I say that I didn't.

Basically saying "I didn't mean it like that" and "you're far right!". Not even using terms by definition.
Nope. I did actually meant it the way I phrased it and still do. I just forgot I said that sentence.
giving me an english lesson I see lol

btw since the word is too hard for you to understand let me make it easier. you bait people to trigger them and I have warned you countless times for this
Dude,i have been harassed by the likes of Solis ever since i said the portuguese colonization was a good thing. How is defending myself from trolls baiting?
Basically saying "I didn't mean it like that" and "you're far right!". Not even using terms by definition.
He is lying about LYING now. C4N is like an onion. He has layers,you see.
Yup, that's literally what I said:

Nope. I did actually meant it the way I phrased it and still do. I just forgot I said that sentence.
ahhh so now you simply forgot? lmfao. You are a comedian.
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vanny look I got myself another engkish teacher after 3 years lol
Look i do admit to giving shit to these guys when they get on my nerves,but im not going out of my way to provoke people. Solis,Toby,C4N will probably spin it that way,because that is how they go about things. If i'm such a gaslighter,name the users that(aside from the troll trio) report me for that. I will wait.
@AL sama you literally called me a baiter and gaslighter. I printed that shit. You clearly have beef with me for some reason.
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Are you implying that I'm lying about forgetting a sentence I said one year and a half ago ? :josad:
You admitted that you lied in an elegant way. I will give you that. I wish i had the skills to make up excuses like this.
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What's wrong with the fact of being "woke" ? Being aware of societal issues and sociological concepts such as capitals and classes is really not something to be afraid of.

love how you same liberals would moan about christian church indoctrinating kids with their ideology and your fine doing the exact same thing with your equally as bullshit belief system

This are not systemic representations. They are just some cases when it happened. What I asked where data about the representation of this problem in society.

i gave examples

of the charging of the same being diferent

and who did the sentencing

the courts which are apart of the system

You know.. because someone calls themself a feminist does not mean that they are.

ofc you can just blindly assume their lying for no good reason despite both being on the left wing party and having generally the same poltics as you except your broke and their not being the only real differnce

ofc their just right wing nutjobs and you carrot

your the only one who understands everyone else got it wrong, that's it reasons well muh systems that in reality are entirely are not right wing and actually far left liberals exactly such as you

cause you aint robin hood

you are the status quo

right wing = counter culture

left wing = status quo

leading parties in the west are treadeau and biden self proclaimed femminsts and leftists exactly like you

cause it aint nazism/facism that's the status quo

that's just leftist belief

you want the status of a miniority but the power of king

you are the ruling class carrot

the leaders are leftists

the ruling class is far leftists

it being right wing is just your retarded belief

treadeau and biden are leaders status quo and femmints ie what you are

and nothing you say changes that cnn and facebook

the big status quo companies are not facists but hardcore idealogical leftists exactly no different to you

comapnies who are apparently so far right silence right wing channcels

get this cause your beliefs are the very system itsled

you carrot are the rich elite

ofc you can disagree but it's not like biden and treadeau are endorsing facism on air, you can think they are facists but their direct statements show they are just leftists

cause leftist is status quo
Calling people faggots aint baiting as well? The whole beef with you started with the homosexual stuff.
And being gay is such an insult you'd obsess over it for months on end and excuse your crazy talk behind a slightly ironic, offhand comment after your homophobic remarks? You're a weird guy that's for sure.

You interrupt convos and arguments between me and other people with insults all the time. You bitch and moan cause people call you out for your weird behavior and complain about how I'm insulting you when you do it way more often. You clearly have a weird obsession with me since you can't fucking help but to insert yourself in every single convo that I have in here.