And being gay is such an insult you'd obsess over it for months on end and excuse your crazy talk behind a slightly ironic, offhand comment after your homophobic remarks? You're a weird guy that's for sure.
Dude,Homosexuality used to be considered a paraphilia(sexual disorder). It stopepd being so because of political pressure and not because of scientific reasons. My whole point was that if it is indeed a mental problem of sorts,there is a bunch of people that have their health neglected due to political bullshido. Lgbt people are being used for political gain.
Did i make my point clear now? What is so homophobic about calling this issue out? homophobia is pretending to care about these people while using them for convenience.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
@NAMELESS It's because you and Ravager went after @Toby D. Dog 's family. He was mellow as fuck when he first got here and adopted the fuck all attitude the instant you guys went after his family background. That's a whole different level of personal.

@AL sama called you a gaslighter because you know exactly what ticks Toby off and choose to push those buttons, calling him a bitch when he obviously claps back. Yeah he matches your energy with the insults too, but so far I've never seen dive lower than just you and Rav yourselves.
And being gay is such an insult you'd obsess over it for months on end and excuse your crazy talk behind a slightly ironic, offhand comment after your homophobic remarks? You're a weird guy that's for sure.

You interrupt convos and arguments between me and other people with insults all the time. You bitch and moan cause people call you out for your weird behavior and complain about how I'm insulting you when you do it way more often. You clearly have a weird obsession with me since you can't fucking help but to insert yourself in every single convo that I have in here.
Also,you said i wanted to get rammed up the ass lol lmfao. That shit was WILD.
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@NAMELESS It's because you and Ravager went after @Toby D. Dog 's family. He was mellow as fuck when he first got here and adopted the fuck all attitude the instant you guys went after his family background. That's a whole different level of personal.

@AL sama called you a gaslighter because you know exactly what ticks Toby off and choose to push those buttons, calling him a bitch when he obviously claps back. Yeah he matches your energy with the insults too, but so far I've never seen dive lower than just you and Rav yourselves.
Look up the early days of the homosexual stuff here. The beef with Toby started way back there. He called @Bob74h an incel even back then too. The family stuff was a comment i made last week(or few weeks dont remember). Its recent stuff. I don't know what is the beef with Ravager,but it seems to me Toby just goes on insult spree to anyone that doesn't agree with his takes and doesn't sugar coats their words.
Also,you said i wanted to get rammed up the ass lol lmfao. That shit was WILD.
Dude,Homosexuality used to be considered a paraphilia(sexual disorder). It stopepd being so because of political pressure and not because of scientific reasons. My whole point was that if it is indeed a mental problem of sorts,there is a bunch of people that have their health neglected due to political bullshido. Lgbt people are being used for political gain.
Did i make my point clear now? What is so homophobic about calling this issue out? homophobia is pretending to care about these people while using them for convenience.
You know exactly what you're doing here. No serious medical institution would call homosexuality a mental disorder. All I see is your boundless hypocrisy and fake civility humper act where you pretend you're here to get along with others and be respectful.

Something I absolutely have no respect for is not owning up to your own shit, and you're the type of guy that twists and turns in order to justify his own hypocrisy. Even users who don't engage in this thread like Pero see right through you. Stop pretending you're above Solis. He might be a troll, but he isn't mean spirited like you.
@NAMELESS It's because you and Ravager went after @Toby D. Dog 's family. He was mellow as fuck when he first got here and adopted the fuck all attitude the instant you guys went after his family background. That's a whole different level of personal.

@AL sama called you a gaslighter because you know exactly what ticks Toby off and choose to push those buttons, calling him a bitch when he obviously claps back. Yeah he matches your energy with the insults too, but so far I've never seen dive lower than just you and Rav yourselves.
I don't remember saying anything about his family specifically. But you gonna be fine when he says something about mine? Double standards.
He's always been going at me for my own beliefs. Can't ignore that.
@NAMELESS It's because you and Ravager went after @Toby D. Dog 's family. He was mellow as fuck when he first got here and adopted the fuck all attitude the instant you guys went after his family background. That's a whole different level of personal.

@AL sama called you a gaslighter because you know exactly what ticks Toby off and choose to push those buttons, calling him a bitch when he obviously claps back. Yeah he matches your energy with the insults too, but so far I've never seen dive lower than just you and Rav yourselves.
I'll be fair and say ravager hasn't gone after my peeps. He did like the bigoted comment made toward them tho.
You are not sharing viable sources. You are sharing articles that are either opinion or non existent.
But if you think teaching science to kids is brain washing.. you are perfectly entitled to your opinion mate..

I think status quo leftist propaganda to kids is brainwashing

and that's exactly what this social science is

nothing more then bs pushed by leftist elites of society that you carrot agree with

cause are not a enemy of the king's

you are servant of his, blindly believing his every word

cause you are a leftist

and leftism is the very system itself

the comapnies = leftist

the goverments = leftist

the world leans so far left cause right wing is counter culture

Something being difficult to understand doesn't mean that it is not real. You are once again acting antiscientifically.

yes im anti science for social sciences

cause it promotes leftist

and leftist is the system

and i oppose the system ie treadeau ie biden ie femmists

You are not sharing viable sources. You are sharing articles that are either opinion or non existent.
everything link you post generally just reflects the leftist stances on the writer of the study or article

literally no different to what was done by me, posting whatever supports your already existing stance

your just pretentious, acting like the sources you cite are better when they are as opinionated as anything else

tons of sources say there's a bias

stop acting like your gender studies bs is the same as actual science

you dont need to be ideologue to accept the earth is round or that evolution happens

those are facts

leftsim is a idealogy, some liberal art majors agreeing with it dont make it anything more then that
You know exactly what you're doing here. No serious medical institution would call homosexuality a mental disorder. All I see is your boundless hypocrisy and fake civility humper act where you pretend you're here to get along with others and be respectful.

Something I can absolutely not respect is not owning up to your shit, and you're the type of guy that twists and turns in order to justify his own hypocrisy. Even users who don't engage in this thread like Pero see right through you. Stop pretending you're above Solis. He might be a troll, but he isn't mean spirited like you.
I'm respectful to people that are respectful to me. I see you don't the history of the lgbt movement. It was part of the DSM.
Homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) beginning with the first edition, published in 1952 by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). This classification was challenged by gay rights activists in the years following the 1969 Stonewall riots, and in December 1973, the APA board of trustees voted to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1974, the DSM was updated and homosexuality was replaced with a new diagnostic code for individuals distressed by their homosexuality. Distress over one's sexual orientation remained in the manual, under different names, until the DSM-5 in 2013.
Literal wikipedia stuff. A google search away. stuff,man. About Pero,he doesn't like me for other reasons. He thinks i should keep quiet because to him it looks like i want to show off as Europpean or American because i don't take shit from you guys. Sounds to me he suffers from "síndrome de vira lata". Solis is mean spiritied as fuck. This asshole constantly harasses me and i have called out moderatos about this a long time ago and nothing was done. Some people can get away with being assholes if they are friends of the moderatos it seems. Moderation here sucks btw.
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calling people by using slurs is insulting

on a side note I think language barrier is the issue here
Listen,i can hear and write reasonably in English and i'm working on improving my speech. Barrier language is not the issue. Yeah,slurs are insulting. According to forums rules: baiting,cyber bully,calling names and so on should get you banned. Thing is that you guys didn't enforce this and some bad manners got normalized here. I think this forum actually lacks civility. its not just this thread,i see people calling each other retards over powerscaling and it seems nobody cares until things escalate into:" i will shoot you with my glock".
I'm respectful to people that are respectful to me. I see you don't the history of the lgbt movement. It was part of the DSM.
Homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) beginning with the first edition, published in 1952 by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). This classification was challenged by gay rights activists in the years following the 1969 Stonewall riots, and in December 1973, the APA board of trustees voted to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1974, the DSM was updated and homosexuality was replaced with a new diagnostic code for individuals distressed by their homosexuality. Distress over one's sexual orientation remained in the manual, under different names, until the DSM-5 in 2013.
Literal wikipedia stuff. A google search away. stuff,man. About Pero,he doesn't like me for other reasons. He thinks i should keep quiet because to him it looks like i want to show off as Europpean or American because i don't take shit from you guys. Sounds to me he "síndrome de vira lata". Solis is mean spiritied as fuck. This asshole constantly harasses me and i have called out moderatos about this a long time ago and nothing is was done. Some people can get away with being asshole if they are friends of the moderatos it seems. Moderation here sucks btw.
Dude quoting shit from 1952 as if science hasn't advanced and guidelines haven't been updated ever since. Being distressed over your sexual orientation doesn't mean you're mentally ill due to it, it's in reaction to something that might differ from cultural and societal expectations.

If you want real modern studies from real institutions then stop being disingenuous and read what they have to say, but you probably don't since it goes against what you believe it's true.

You are a raging homophobe, at least own up to it.

AL sama

Red Haired
Toby is clearly fishing for things to fit his narrative.
Clearly he needs these things to affirm his worldviews.
I know most of you aren't going to agree with me. If I wanted to reassure my worldview I'd just go to r/leftists or some shit like that. Stop throwing words you don't know the meaning to.
You keep crying and whining that I don't know words. keep projecting untruthful things to make you feel better. You aren't doing much different than trying to cut my tongue from my mouth.
Just shut the fuck up bitch.
I'm aware of your insecurities at your lack of general knowledge even when it pertains to the basic functions of government and the political sphere. It's ok cletus, you can always fix that.
Continue believing such drivel. As if saying that means anything. Just you trying to punch down, or up. Like I said, stfu, Go to ResetEra with your bitching, you'll be at home with all the blue haired landwhales.
Tf does this mean? Lmao.
I'm saying leave, and go to where you belong. In layman's terms you dolt.
With your sister? You mentioned landwhales so ig that's what you mean?
:gokulaugh: I'm so burned. Not. :holdthisl:
You say that to anyone that doesn't agree with you. Imagine a non-american calling someone cletus.
Let's not pretend like I started it this time around. You're always on the prowl for any sort of drama here, especially if it involves me. Then you pretend like we're all friends here. I know I grind your gears, but you should seriously stop trying to talk to me, at this point it's kinda creepying me out.
I don't pretend like we are all friends. I simply let things behind me and keep the conversation rolling. People don't need to be shit slinging at each other all the fucking time. I have been calling you out lately because your tantrums are annoying.
edit: The ignore button is a thing. I will keep replying to you if i wish so. Deal with it.
Dude quoting shit from 1952 as if science hasn't advanced and guidelines haven't been updated ever since. Being distressed over your sexual orientation doesn't mean you're mentally ill due to it, it's in reaction to something that might differ from cultural and societal expectations.

If you want real modern studies from real institutions then stop being disingenuous and read what they have to say, but you probably don't since it goes against what you believe it's true.

You are a raging homophobe, at least own up to it.
The raging homophobe literally has the whatsapp number of a gay users here and im talking to him like i talk to everyone else. You don't know me,pal. Stop projecting shit into me. If you use gay/faggot as in insult,its because you yourself thinks it a negative term(so does everyone else i know).
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The raging homophobe literally has the whatsapp number of a gay users here and im talking to him like i talk to everyone else. You don't me,pal. Stop projecting shit into me. If you use gay/faggot as in insult,its because you yourself thinks it a negative term(so does everyone else i know).
I don't think it's a negative thing, I'd fuck a dude, I don't care.

THis is the equivalent of saying "i'm not racist I have one black friend"

Like dude, you think this person is sick, you think what they are is a sickness that has to be cured. Lmao, 3rd grade level reasoning.
I don't think it's a negative thing, I'd fuck a dude, I don't care.
Everyone and their mother calls each other faggot as an insult since the time of dinossaurs. I was talking about the insult itself and not the act of homosexuality. I wouldn't bang a dude. Bonny,hairy and stinky ass...fuck that,its gross.
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I get the feeling you guys created this thread just for this.
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I don't think it's a negative thing, I'd fuck a dude, I don't care.

THis is the equivalent of saying "i'm not racist I have one black friend"

Like dude, you think this person is sick, you think what they are is a sickness that has to be cured. Lmao, 3rd grade level reasoning.
Is being sick a fucking insult now? Are doctors bashing us all now? You can't make moral judgments about health issues.
"extreme Islamophobia" - lul

"He’s much too strong about the way he denies religion" said one scientist who got interviewed about dawkins in one of the sources. dawkins puts himself on a 6 at his 1-7 scale, so technically he is still an agnostic atheist. . .

"Ecklund said it is important to note that none of the scientists interviewed questioned Dawkins’ integrity as a scientist. Rather, they were critical of his representation of science to the public. "

and christopher hitchens isnt even a scientist himself, and his criticism of religion isnt based on science alot of the times.

and also lul at new atheism being right wing. not caring about political correctness and doing harsh criticism of religion doesnt make you right-wing.

so glossing over your sources, im not impressed. but well sure, i guess the "new atheists" do think science is the best way to acquire knowledge about our natural world. because, well, it is. and i dont think you disagree. or at least you shouldnt if you want to be consistent with the rest of your general claims.
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The logical fallacy here only exist in your head sorry.
nah, attacking the character instead of the argument IS a logical fallacy. no matter how much you want to rationalize it lmfao.
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Video in french (sorry)
ye dont bother sharing french shit with me, unless it has proper english subtitles