Too much gatekeeping and purity testing.
Fair pointas long as you are talking about sub leftist ideas. Leftist inside leftism can indeed be sometimes gatekeepers with others people.
I've seen some leftists rail against free speech
Have you examples ? I've never heard about leftist going after freespeech.
Yeah all those countries cut their funding based on no evidence
Indeed, just like a lot of those country are currently supporting a genocide.. Sometimes countries make mistakes.
Yes but in USA they call liberals the ones of the left
No, they call liberals the one in power. In reality, the left are called "woke" - Liberals =/= woke/leftist.
Sometimes uneducated people about politics will indeed call woke "liberals", but that's an error as leftism fight against liberalism.
they just want to everyone else to change and accept what they believe (the whole gender ideology)
Of course they do, simply because its concern the lives of actual people. Denying the existence and rights of actual people is not an opinion.
libertarian that would be the real warrior of freedom
Not really, because in reality, what liberatarian are people who just consider that their liberty can override the liberty, rights and existence of others.
No they don't. They just follow leaders and do as they said without having a real knowledge of the world. Not surprisingly they are often poor and uneducated.
No mate. Most leftist are highly educated people since most of them follow sciences and researches. Lower class activist are people who know a LOT about society.
What you don't understand is that its the right and your side that is uneducated and ignorant about the world and reality. A simple example is this one: Rightist follow the concept of meritocracy without even understanding that this concept was documented as simply inefficient by social sciences.
And when leftist points that out, those people reject this knowledge by saying that social sciences are full of leftist bias. In short, they can't learn because they think the knowledge is against them.
Therefore, they stay ignorant about the reality world and human behaviors.
If you are not capitalist or communist what you are?
A simple leftist. Most probably a radical socialist. But I'm not a communist and I'll never be a liberal or pro capitalist.
Yes. The ones USA calls liberals aka leftists. Not libertarians like me.
Liberal are entry rightist, libertarian are a bit more rightist than that. Not really conservative but not liberal either. Believing in a system when you should have the liberty to do what you want is believing in a system where you freedom can override the ones and the rights of others. Its completely opposed to leftism but its the logical sequel of liberalism.
Everything is better now. People in the past used to die because of flu, cold. Almost no one dies from it nowadays (just to not say no one since I can't be sure about it).
No. I just proved you that work hours where somewhat better in the past. In reality somethings were better in the past. For example, in hunter gatherer societies, there was probably no such thing as patriarchy and ressources where divided ethically and equally. There was also more liberty and less gender pressure on women as they were also hunter just like men.
This is just an example. Because we are in the future doesn't mean that we will essentially progress toward more progress.
Also check this
The Myth of a Carefree Prehistoric Lifestyle | The New Republic
"Except that’s just the start. As criticism emerged, Lee revisited his math. Recalculating, he offered a slightly higher average: “about 20 hours.” Lee further conceded that “it would be misleading” to use that figure on its own, as it counted only hours spent procuring food (the same is true of Sahlins’s figures). Of course, foragers must do other things to make their living as well: craft tools, butcher meat, grind nuts, draw water. Adding such tasks to the food quest,
Lee concluded that Ju/’hoansi foragers had a 42.3-hour workweek, which is longer than the current 35-hour U.S. weekly average for most paid work. "
Also your article is wrong about unions being responsible for the changing in the 14-16 daily work hours we had previously. It was the Ford system that changed that. CAPITALISM. Not fucking union.
For once you are right, I took very little care in checking the source and the informations provided in the article were biased and missleading. But what you don't understand is that those hours if - granted - missrepresented by the article were in fact a lot less invasive than what we have here. Because what you forget to add is all the hours of domestic chores that were added in that count but not added the the count of the average american working hours. In reality, we do a LOT more that just 42.3 hours workweek.
This doesn't really change my point and my previous one. Things were not worse in the past. We can still take lesson from the past (as long as we do a good job at it) and future is not necessaraly syonymous of progress.
YES! Because of fucking TECHNOLOGY nothing else
Not only because of technology. Also because of a better system and a better redistribution of ressources.
If people stop to regulate fucking AI and going against with making unrational fear of it through society we could get there much quicker.
AI are literally stealing people works right now. Sometimes even literally (for artists). S
o yes, we F*xking NEED to regulate AI and prohibit unethical usage. Not regulating AI is accepting unethical practices. The development of AI doesn't mean that we must let it lose without regulation Einstein.
The best system is freedom.
Wrong. The best system will be based on solidarity. Simply because that what the human species is, a social specie. If you want freedom, go in a sahara oasis an try to create your own society there, but careful, you won't go far on your own.
capitalists being a bunch of heartless that couldn't care less about human beings are totally wrong
Wrong. Its not about capitalist being hearthless or inhuman. Its about capitalist and liberal acting on their own interest. Billionnaire don't donate because they want to help people first. Billionnaire donate because its benefit them on taxes. If Billionnaire were really acting for others, they would donate and redistribute the quasi totality of their wealth.
A world where Billionaires and millionnaire exist while people can't eat or have a roof, is not a just, good or ethical world.
It's like when C4N makes his absurd claims, worth nothing.
Bad example.. I always provide sources, most of the time scientific. They can be debatable, granted like that last one, but not providing evidences is not a trial you can put me into.