
Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Legalizing prostitution will make it super easy to cover crimes up under the pretense of "legality". Statistics won't show you what is happening behind the scenes.
I don't like to butt in on such topics but will say just one thing

There is distinction between legalization and de-criminalisation.

The purpose of making anything legal is to regulate it - laying down what's allowed, when allowed and what's not with punishment if violated.

Legality is also essential to ensure rights of all stakeholders involved are preserved in this case - rights of sex workers violation of which gives them the right to approach the courts or government - a door which remains closed when something is not recognised by law.

Also, more rights are violated and crimes happen in unorganised market or unregulated market as there are no checks and balances. There are no Grievance redressal mechanism for victims involved. No rights protected by law.

With that being said, the topic is debatable as both sides have some merits so I won't comment on it further
Red District in Amsterdam

While yes, it has its problems - at least you are aware of them
I was indeed asking about what kind of problems it has. As I understand it, you worked in courts and whatnot if I'm correct ?

And what do you mean "at least you are aware of it" ?

It feels more like a money issue. Instead of going to the mafia it to goes to the state.

You cant stop it, but you can lessen it
I know. But aren't there really no other solutions ?

Even with drugs, I don't think that legalizing something that can increase the chances of mental illnesses is a good thing. I'm more into passing social and economical laws to lessen drug trafficking.

As for prostitution, you can't deny that most of the girls are "migrants". Of course there is violence. I don't really understand what is controlled except the money. But maybe you guys will be able to enlighten me.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
I was indeed asking about what kind of problems it has. As I understand it, you worked in courts and whatnot if I'm correct ?

And what do you mean "at least you are aware of it" ?
Well look at it like this

Imagine it is illegal, brothel is now placed in some back alley away from the eyes of public and law.

You dont know what goes there, you dont know who goes there, you dont know anything about it. A girl can be killed and you wouldnt know

Now if it was legal, and placed like Red District. Those things can still happen but at LEAST you know of it and can provide nessecary legal and medical help.

That is BIG DEAL.

On top of it, if it is illegal all money goes to criminala

If it is legal the state gets a portion.

Crime cannot be stopped, but it can be lessened

I know. But aren't there really no other solutions ?
There is. Education and better prospect of life than sex work

But in our world? Good luck

What is more likely ?

That scientific researchers, militants and millions of people under oppression who worked for decades to understand and fight the horrors of Capitalism, Heteronormativity, Patriarchy and Racialization while putting themself in danger... are wrong ?


That people who believe in the absence of social sciences, who believe in meritocracy in a world where 1% have 99% of the ressources, who believe in the superior value of rich people, the right to offense, the absences of oppressions.. are simply not understanding those who fight for their lives and identities ?


Think about it.
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About Socialism:

Socialists want 2 things.

1st they want that if they come in power, Constitution must give them FREEDOM to NATIONALIZE all PVT Property without compensation.

2nd thing that Socialists want is Fundamental Rights mentioned in Constitution must be ABSOLUTE & WITHOUT ANY LIMITATIONS so that if they fails to come into power, they would have unfettered freedom not merely to criticize, but also to OVERTHROW STATE
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I'll tell u story behind feminism movement:

1950's was happy time in America. Huge tax and spending cuts of late 1940's WW2 have finally ended

Long Depression led to economic growth for professionals n "blue collar" manufacturing workers.

It was era of the American "Baby Boom" as war veterans cud marry and have children. Fathers used to go to work n earn enough money so that mother can stay home n raise children

American families were happy, rich n stick to family values But this was not apt for Globalist (Deep state) who wanted to control world that starts with controlling USA so a planned agenda started to destroy family system to stop population growth

In 1963, a zionist communist lady Betty Friedan who used to call herself "a bad tempered bitch" wrote a mediocre book The Feminine Mystique.

Media worked overtime to hype the book.

later Friedan started National Organization for Women.

Feminist started to destroy Americal happy families. Divorce rate went up. Innocent children suffered.

Woman r carrier of civilization, if u want to destroy traditional values then u have to corrupt woman n feminism movement did same.

millions of gullible women swallow Friedan’s Marxist poison.

Young moms who used to stay home to raise kids were made to feel inferior and “oppressed”. Mothers were encouraged to go out and work. The "male chauvinist pig" becomes the hated target of the feminist rebellion. "Feminism" drives a wedge between the sexes

Broken families and broken people are easier for Globalists (Deep state) to control.

After successful implementation in US they implemented this in europe n asia also.

Currently India is their prime target n they r trying to do this via Judiciary, that seems brainwashed.
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